The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)

The Cedar Rapids Sept. 18, 1971 Daily Record The Weather High temperatures Friday low temperatures overnight and inches of precipitation: Atlanta. 75 67 2.10 Miami Bismarck Min apolis Chicano N. Orleans Denver New York. Duluth Phoenix Houston Seattle L.

Angeles Washington C. R. Weather High Friday: Low overnight 53 Noon Saturday 2 p.m. Saturday 54 Rainfall .05 Total for Sept. 2.45 Normal for Sept, 3.97 Normal through Sept.

.....27.1 Total for 1971 .26.73 Barometer, falling .30.36 Humidity at noon Wind direction and velocity at. Gazette weather station at p.m., NNE at 9 m.p.h. Sun rises Sunday, sun sets, -moon sets, 6:50. Year Ago Today High, 76; low, 50; rainfall, none. Fires 9:11 a.m.

Saturday. Overheated furnace at 101 Third avenue SW. lowa Deaths Iowa City Mildred Voss, 62. Services Monday at 1:30, George L. Gay's.

Visitation Sunday morning. Webster David H. Homan, 76. Services Sunday at 2, Webster Methodist church. Burial: Conner cemetery, Sigourney.

Holm's, Sigourney. Victor Mrs. Henry Brandt, 93. Services Monday at 2, United. Methodist church.

McAninch's. Stone City Marguerite Haigh, 54. Services Monday at 1:30 First United Methodist church. Burial: Manchester cemetery, Visitation at Goettsch's, Anamosa. Earlville Mrs.

Leo Sellner, 52. Clifton's. Quasqueton Edwin Hay, 65. Services Monday at 2, St. John's Lutheran church, Tripoli.

Harris-McCleery's. Stanwood Mrs. Elwood Becker, 54. Services Tuesday at 1:30, Sheets and Son's, Tipton. Visitation Sunday, after 7:30.

Burial: cemetery, Mechanicsville. Williamsburg Emil Breitenstein, 78. McSwiggen and Uhlmann's. Oelwein Mrs. Dale Newton, 48.

Services Tuesday at 2, United Presbyterian church. Visitation Sunday after 2, Brandt's. Blairstown Nicholas Leo Nolte, 11-month old son of Mr. Mrs. William Nolte.

Services Monday at 10, PeffersHalverson's. Visitation Sunday after noon. Clutier Thomas W. Dostal, 9, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Leonard Dostal. Services Monday at 10, St. Wenceslaus church: Burial: St. Vaclav cemetery. Sunday at Mason-Hand's, Tama.

Ossian B. J. Eimers, 87. Schmitz. McGregor-Mrs.

Fred Siegele, 81. Services Monday at 2, Thornburg's. Visitation Sunday after 2. Jack M. Bates Gets Papers for Bailiff Office Jack M.

Bates, 52, of 2006 First avenue NE, Friday ob tained papers for Cedar Rapids municipal court bailiff. Bates, the incumbent, is the first person to take out papers for the post. The primary election, will held Oct. 19, and the regular municipal election Nov. 2.

Tax Clinics Are Slated Over State A series of nine free tax clinics has been scheduled throughout Iowa during the next seven months, according to John Hanlon, district director of Iowa internal revenue service. First meeting will be Sept. 28 in the council chambers in Cedar Rapids. A meeting, will be held in Iowa City at the Chamber of Commerce building Dec. 16.

Other clinics are scheduled for Dubuque, Waterloo, Davenport, Clinton, Sioux City, Des Moines and Burlington. All of the clinics will begin at 9 a.m. and last until approximately 2 p.m. Sessions will include an interpretation of tax laws, discussion of the effects of tax laws on small business, and instruction in tax planning as an important factor in effective business management. All of the meetings.

are open to the public and free. Representatives from internal revenue service, small business administration, the Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants, and the Iowa department of revenue will conduct the clinics. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the local IRS or SBA office. DEATHS Mrs. Clifford McComas Leota M.

McComas, 70, of 1034 Mt. Vernon road SE, widow of Clifford McComas, died Thursday following a short illness. She was an employe of Clean Towel Service. Oct. 28, 1910, at Shenandoah, she was a member of the VFW auxiliary.

She is survived by three brothers, William H. Smith, Farmington, N. Richard L. Smith, Burlington, and Edward L. Smith, Virginia, Ill.

Services: 1 10:30 a.m. at Turner chapel east by the Very Rev. Canon D. A. Loferski.

Graveside services will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. at Oakland cemetery, Keokuk. Friends may call at Turner east. Scott Infant Eric Daniel Scott, infant son of Mr. and Mrs.

Clair Scott, 800 E. Avenue NW, died at birth Friday in addition to his parents are two sisters, Tracy and Sheri; the paternal grandmother, Margaret Elias, Cedar Rapids, and the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Deutmeyer, Dyersville. Graveside services were held at 2:30 p.m.

Saturday at the Cedar Memorial cemetery by the Rev. Paul Maguire of St. Patrick's Catholic church. Cedar Memorial funeral home was in charge of arrangements. Rose Lesser Rose Seidler Lesser, 84, owner of the Cedar Rapids News agency for 25 years before moving to Chicago, died in Chicago Thursday after a long illness.

There are no survivors in the immediate family in the Cedar Rapids area. Services: Sunday at 3 p.m. in Piser's chapel in Chicago. Cremation committal and burial in Rockford. Memorial Services Glidden, Lena C.

Services were held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at the Chapel of Memories by the Rev. John M. Jensen of was First in Lutheran church. Burial Cedar Memorial tery.

Arrangements by the Cedar Memorial funeral home. Graham, Lonne W. Services were held at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Chapel of Memories by thracey Gordon P. Roberts of Episcopal church.

Burial was in Cedar Memorial cemetery. Arrangements by the Cedar Memorial funeral home. Hahn, Merwyn J. Services were in Turner chapel at 3 p.m. Saturday by the Rev.

A. T. Washington. Burial was in Linwood cemetery. Donahue, James Mark Services were at Turner chapel east at noon Saturday by the Rev.

Louis McDonough. Burial was. in Mt. Calvary cemetery. Two Charged In Disturbance At C.R.

Tavern John Martin, 25, of 1117 Seventh street SE, was charged with resisting execution process, and Willie Love, Iowa City was charged with resisting an officer after a turbance at a southeast Cedar Rapids tavern Friday night. The disturbance erupted after officers entered the tavern check for minors frequenting establishment. The officers said they asked one woman for her driver's cense and a man grabbed the license away from the officer. He took it back. A fight erupted in the tavern, then moved to the outside where others entered the fight by kicking, shoving and hitting the ficers who were attempting place the fighting man into custody.

A taxicab drove by and the officers yelled to the driver summon help. Another squad car soon arrived on the scene and the disturbance was quelled. Love and Martin were taken into custody. During the scuffle, officers reported they lost a flashlight, notebook, shoe and a wrist watch. Martin and Love were being held in the city jail pending arraignment.

Hepker Accused Of Assault and Vehicle Damage Gerald Hepker, 24, of 415 Twelfth street SE, was arrested Friday night on warrants charging him with assault and' battery and injury to a motor vehicle. He was charged in informations signed before Justice of the Peace Jessie. McCormack by Jacqueline Busa. The charges resulted after Hepker reportedly rammed his car into hers on several occasions Friday while she and a baby were inside the vehicle. Test in Eagles Club Rights Case DES MOINES (AP) The Mt.

Pleasant Eagles club has been ordered to surrender its privateclub liquor license for 30 days for discriminating against blacks. The order was issued Friday by the Iowa civil rights commission, which found in a hearing last month that the club diss criminated against three blacks last February. Mrs. Merle Full of Iowa City, who wrote the order and conducted the hearing, said that after the commission received reports of discrimination, it "tested by sending a white staff member to the club who was served without question. Then the blacks came in and they were asked about membership." Mrs.

Full said the separate incidents occurred only a few minutes apart. The legal issues in the case, she said, include the amount of authority which the civil rights commission has. She said the order to the EaI gles club could become a test case. At the hearing held Aug. 23, said Mrs.

Full, the club's attorney, James Morrison, indicated he would appeal any commission order which found discrimination by the club: The order alleges the club violated Iowa's anti-discrimination laws. Among other things, structs the club to notify all its members and employes in writing that discrimination is illegal and to advertise locally that it has a policy of non-discrimination. The white staff member involved in the test was Robert Kammerer. One of the three blacks, Willie Robinson, was identified as a commission investigator. The two other blacks were students from Iowa Wesleyan college in Mt.

Pleasant. Bergen: Need Unity To Halt Use of Drugs Speaking Saturday morning to the Sunrise Optimist club, Floyd Bergen, candidate for public safety commissioner, outlined the need for unity among city and county agencies to halt the spread of drug use by young people in our metropolitan area. "There are 12 agencies working with various parts of the drug problem," he said, "and for most effective use of public and private funds they should be consolidated into three groups which would eliminate duplication of work and allow efforts to be channelled for a common goal. "The three categories where emphasis should be placed are: (A) education for all age groups, (B) rehabilitation without fear of arrest, and (C) a metropolitan narcotics enforcement unit geared to put all pushers behind bars. "A central committee made up of various members of these three groups should then meet periodically to apprise each other of their accomplishments or problems they may be encountering.

"Only through a cooperative effort, such as this, can an effective campaign be waged to stem this growing problem." Pedestrian Killed MIDDLETOWN (AP) Carl John Swanson, 6, of Middletown was struck and killed in a pedestrian-car accident on Iowa 34 near here Friday afternoon, Driving the car was Marjorie Van Hermert of Danville. Boy, 9, Is Killed In Farm Accident CLUTIER Thomas William Dostal, 9, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dostal of rural Clutier, was suffocated in a farm accident Friday evening. Dostal and his son were unloading shelled corn from wagon into an elevator leading to an overhead bin on one of Dostal's farms.

Mr. Dostal was up in the bin. The boy was down below with the wagon. Mr. Dostal didn't see his son fall, but apparently the boy slipped into the corn in the wagon and was sucked to the bottom.

When the father came down, he saw the boy's hand sticking out of the corn. He tried to pull him out but couldn't. Mr. Dostal dumped the corn, but the boy was dead of suffocation. The child was born in Marshalltown Feb.

3, 1962. He was in the fourth grade at the Clutier elementary school. He is survived by his parents; two brothers, Loren and Jeffrey; two sisters, JoAnn and Barbara; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wacha of Toledo; and paternal grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Peter Dostal of Tama. Services: Monday at 10 a.m. at St. Wenceslaus church in rural Clutier; with burial in St.

Vaclav cemetery. Rosary will be recited Sunday at 8 p.m., Mason-Hand tuneral home in Tama. Three Charges Filed Against Marion Resident RCA To Give Up Production Of Computers Stephen C. Shaver, 25, of 2100 Valleyview drive, Marion, was arrested Friday night for injury to a motor vehicle, drunkeness and on a loud mufflers charge. He was being held in the city jail Saturday.

Shaver was charged after Gene Sauerbry, 4617 street SW, reported someone tore the wiring out of his engine compartment and drained the power steering fluid. The incident reportedly happened at a southeast Cedar Rapids tavern. NEW YORK (AP) The RCA Corp. says it will quit making computers because the huge capital outlays required to stay in the business would penalize its other operations. Robert Sarnoff, RCA chairman, said Friday that the computer manufacturing business was leveling off and this would extend the company's timetable for achieving a profit in the field.

He said RCA would write off its computer business through charges that could reach $250 million the loss claimed by the Ford Motor Co. when it dropped the Edsel in 1959. As a result, Sarnoff said, the company's total operations would lose money this year. Computer sales accounted about 6 percent of RCA's total sales of $3.2 billion last year, according to industry sources. Company spokesmen said no potential buyers for RCA computer properties had been found.

They had no estimate on how many of the 10,000 employes in RCA computer operations would lose their jobs. Sarnoff said the company would continue to honor its present computer sale and rental contracts and perform maintenance work. In addition, it will begin marketing specialized data communications and business systems, he said. Chain About-Faces, Puts Daley Book Back on Sale CHICAGO (AP.) The tional Tea Co. has reversed its position and ordered copies of a biography critical of Mayor Daley, returned to the shelves in more than 200 of the company's Chicago area supermarkets.

It had issued a directive Tuesday to book its removed managers because ordering of what one official said was customer complaints. The book by Mike Royko, Chicago Daily News columnist, centers on Daley and the inner workings of the city government. National Tea officials said customers had complained that it didn't present a complimentary image of Chicago. Royko said in his Friday column that Mrs. Daley was responsible for having the book a "banned in He.

said that while she was Six Injuries in Series Of C.R. Traffic Mishaps COOL COLD SNOW MILD WARM UPI Map Weather Fotocast Showers and thunderstorms will be noted tonight from the Gulf coastal area northeastward through the Ohio, and Tennessee valleys and into the Lakes area. Snow and rain activity is indicated in Colorado and portions of the southern Plains. Clear to partly cloudy skies elsewhere Thieu: Army Should Rule if I'm Toppled SAIGON (AP) Thieu says the military should take charge of South Vietnam if he is forced to resign but he doubts the army will push him aside to assume power by force. Thieu, in a talk Thursday night with foreign newsmen, said he had complete confidence in the army and discounted rumors of plans for a military takeover of his government.

He conceded the possibility of coup led by "a foolish man," however, saying the actions of such a man are unpredictable. Thieu said he had held conferences with his top generals in the last few weeks and told them he would step down if they felt he should. But he said the generals, along with judicial Winners Named In Stamp Show Two anonymous owners exhibited the first and second place winning exhibitions of United States i in the Cedar Rapids Stamp club show Saturday at the Montrose hotel. Winning top place in the classification was a collection of "U.S. Commemorative Mint Blocks of Four" for the period 1920-1940.

Second place went to "U.S. Airmail Mint Blocks of Four', 1934-1958: Bernice Safris, Des Moines, won third with a "Postal Stationery" collection. First in foreign classification went to Feild, Cedar Rapids, with "Canada Official His "Canada, Reign of George was judged second. Feild also won first in topical with an exhibit, "Developing a Topical Second was "Fish on owned by Bob Douglas, Cedar Rapids. A.

E. Cook, Waterloo, WOR first postal history and covers with "Iowa Postal History, 10A Cancellation Second went to Ruth. Grissmann, Moines, for "Iowa Highway Post Office Covers and Norman Erickson, Cedar Rapids, won third for "John Kennedy First Day Covers 1964, Linn County Post Cancellations, Michael Severa won in junior classification with in Michele Severa, Cedar Rapids, earned second place with Kennedy First Day covers. Floyd Risvold; Minneapolis, and Ed Schwartz, Dubuque, judged the entries. Sabin Seeing No Vaccine VENICE (AP) Dr.

Albert Sabin, polio vaccine pioneer, threw cold water Saturday on the outlook for cancer vaccines. Of the efforts to achieve a cancer vaccine, he said: "I just don't see any future in that at all." He did not elaborate, saying it was just "personal expression." addressing an international, gathering of leukemia specialists. Recapture Escapee From Linn Jail A Linn county jail inmate who walked away from the Linn county civil defense office Aug. 31, was back in jail Saturday. Daniel G.

Phillips, 23, serving a six-month sentence on a ceny charge had an additional charge of escape placed against him. He was arrested by Linn deputies. after they received a tip that he was at a tavern west of Cedar Rapids, just outside the city limits. Slight Rise LONDON (AP) The cost of living in Britain rose slightly last month, up only -1 percent from July, the government said Saturday. Over the year it has been rising at an annual rate of 19 percent.

John E. Lentner, 1622. teenth avenue SE, was in fair condition Saturday in the intensive care unit at St. Luke's hospital with lacerations. Lentner was injured, accordaling to police, when he lost con-' trol of his car in the 700 block of Thirtieth street drive SE shortly before 3 a.m.

Saturday and the vehicle struck a retaining wall, He was charged with failure to have his vehicle under control. Police said two grey cats crossing Edgewood road near Thirty -third avenue SW in front of a car operated by Robert G. Besse, San Mateo, were blamed indirectly for an accident Friday. Besse slowed for the cats, but a car following him, operated Red Ambush Takes Toll: 3 Yanks Die SAIGON (AP) Government troops fell into a double Viet Cong ambush and lost more than half their 75 man force, spokesmen disclosed Saturday. Three American advisers were killed and one was wounded.

Official reports said 15. Vietnamese troops were killed, 25 wounded and three missing. Eight Viet Cong were reported killed. Viet Cong hiding in the Michelin rubber plantation 35 miles north of Saigon first ambushed a Jeep, killing all three 0C- cupants, then attacked a twoplatoon relief column with mortars, propelled grenades and machine gun fire. The U.

S. command reported that a helicopter gunship was shot down on the central coast. One American crewman was killed and three were wounded. In Saigon, police and students battled into the night in a new 'spate of anti and anti-American demonstrations. Firebombs set cars ablaze and dense clouds of tear gas hung over the Chinese section of Saigon.

Students protesting the oneman presidential election and clashed with police in four training seccompulsory military tions of the city earlier Saturday. Fresh demonstrations and firebombings erupted at a student compound in Cholon, the Chinese quarter, after nightfall. Faces Unlawful Use Of Credit Card Count James E. Koshatka, 25, of 1627 Fifth street NW, was arrested Friday for unlawful use of a credit card. He was being held in the city jail Saturday.

Koshatka is accused of purchasing gasoline on an all purpose credit card reported stolen from Delos Gardner, 580 West Eighth avenue, Marion. Gardner made the theft report Sept. 9. Married Priests Urged in View of Resignation Tide NEW YORK (AP) A rising rate of resignations from the Roman Catholic priesthood has prompted the Canon Law Society of America to recommend that the Church ordain married men. A study symposium of the society said Friday that it had found that one out of every 10 priests in this country about 6,000 have quit in the last six years.

Before 1966, the report said, the annual rate of resignations was only about 0.2 percent, but that rate is now 4 percent. The departures were "due in great part" to the prohibition against marriage, although the basic causes, said the report, lay in the feeling of priests that they are deprived of their own responsibility for making personal decisions and choices. "The entire Church must. be prepared for the acceptance of married priests," said the report. The study group included 18 theologians, sociologists, historians, canon lawyers and Scripture scholars and was issued by the society's executive coordinator, the Rev.

Thomas J. Lynch of Hartford, Conn. I by Kandis K. Childs, 22, of Johnson avenue NW, struck the vehicle in the rear. Mrs.

Childs was X-rayed and treated at St. Luke's hospital for a lip laceration and released. Her 4 year -old son was checked for injuries and was released. No charges were filed. Randy Reynolds, 4, suffered possible head injuries Friday night when he fell from a car.

Authorities said he was in a car operated by his mother, Lynn T. Reynolds, 2432 Ninth avenue SW. She was backing out of a driveway at 101 Edgewood road NW when the door flew open and the boy fell out. and political leaders, had urged him to remain in the presidency and go ahead with elections scheduled for Oct. 3.

Vice-president Nguyen Cao Ky, in at least one private talk with newsmen, has stimulated the coup rumors by hinting he was thinking of leading a takeover. But Thieu never referred directly to Ky. Thieu hedged on his reported resolution to resign if he draws less than 50 percent of the votes Oct. 3. He said his decision would depend on how many people voted out of South Vietnam's seven million registered voters.

He said he expects the South Vietnamese army will need help of U.S. ground soldiers until next summer: and 1 will need U.S. air support for several more years. He indicated his government was counting on a residual force of as many as 50,000 U.S. advisers, technicians and combat units.

Gen. Creighton Abrams, U.S. commander in Vietnam, said earlier this week that U.S. policy does not envision such a residual I force. City Briefs Purse Stolen Mildred Furnish, 209 Eighteenth avenue SW, reported a purse containing $409 was stolen from a car in which she was riding Friday.

Office Closing Dr. Morgan J. Foster. Please pick up medical records at office by Sept. Dixieland All Thursday night Third avenue dance.

FBA club, SE. Serving homemade soup and sandwiches 11-2 daily. Public -Adv. No appointments necessary. Wilson Beauty Salon 377-0550.

Adv. Sweet Adeline Benefit Auction. Tremendous selections including antiques. Linn Co-op, 35th Marion, 1:30 Sept. 19th.

Carl Newell Auctioneer. Adv. Posts Bond George K. Haddy, 46, of 1220 Crestview drive SE, was arrested Friday night on a warrant charging him with assault and battery. He posted $110 bond and was released.

12 pieces of chicken $1.97 at Park Lane. 362-4669. Adv. Crown Emery girls drill team now taking members. Interested call Adv.

363-9873 or contact YWCA Rent Walton Belt Massager, roller massagers, exercise bicycles, Slym gyms. Best Rental Center. Adv. Save now at the big sale at Carma Lou's House of Music. 1971 models are now on sale.

Open Sunday Sept. 19th from 1- We have 1921 Silver Dollars for 50th anniversaries and birthdays. -Adv. (SQUARE DANCING)- Beginners, single, married. YWCA.

Tues, nights. Forester Card Party, St. Patrick's School, Sunday, 7:30 (Bring Public Correction We will be open this Sunday and Monday. HardiGardens, 3901 First Ave. S.E.Adv.

Lost: 2 dogs. See description Lost and Found Ads. 63 364-6543. Argentine Elections Argentine Elections BUENOS AIRES (AP) Argentina will hold its first elections in 10 years on March 25, 1973, President Lanusse announced Friday. Steve R.

Matlock, 26, of 1001 Center Point road NE, was charged with disobeying a traffic signal early Saturday after his motorcycle struck a car at Second avenue and Tenth street SE. Authorities said the car was operated by Frank E. Bednar, 1528 avenue NE. Matlock suffered lacerations. A passenger on the motorcycle, Judy L.

McMurray, 28, of 629 Fifteenth avenue SW. also suffered lacerations. Both were treated at St. Luke's hospital and released. A variety of charges was filled against a Cedar Rapids man early Saturday after he lost control of his car and it struck a traffic signal at First avenue and Thirty-second street NE.

Dennis E. Butterfield, 24, of 1232 Thirty-third street NE, was treated at St. Luke's hospital for a head laceration and was released. He was charged with drunkenness, failure to have his vehicle under control and failure to carry and display a valid Iowa driver's license. He was being held in the city jail Saturday morning.

Young C.R. Man Is Arrested on Marijuana Count Scott M. Thompson, 21, of 1432 Memorial drive SE, was arrested Friday night on a charge of violation of the state controlled substance act. Thompson posted $500 bond Saturday and was released. Officers who stopped his car said he was asked to produce registration for the car.

He reportedly opened the glove partment and a bag of a substance believed to be marijuana fell out. Brandt, Soviet Agree To Push Security Talks MOSCOW (AP) West Germany and the Soviet Union agreed Saturday to speed up preparations for an East-West conference on European security. They made the announcement in a communique issued after two days of talks at Oreanda on the Black sea by West German Chancellor Willy Brandt and the Soviet Communist party general secretary, communique Leonid said Breshnev. the two countries would hold consultations soon with each other, with their allies and with other European states. "in order to accelerate the holding" of an East-West conference.

The communique said both agreed that the U.S. and Canada should attend. Brandt returned to Bonn after a morning meeting at which, Tass news agency said, the two men "ended their constructive conversations that were held in an atmosphere of frankness and mutual understanding. The Russians have long pushed for a European security conference, while the West has demanded progress on specific issues first, such as a Berlin settlement. In this connection, the communique noted that the FourPower agreement on Berlin signed Sept.

3 "is a major step along the road of easing European and international tensions," thereby paving the way for the security conference. The communique said the two men also discussed mutual force reductions in Europe and the question of normalizing relations between East and West Germany. shopping at a National store she saw the best-selling book displayed and turned all the copies around so the title didn't show. She then sought the store manager, Royko said, and delivered an ultimatum that either the sale of the book or Daley family business at the store must end. Harry.

B. Smith, regional vicepresident for National Tea, said Friday, "Because of requests of customers, we took the book 'Boss' off sale in National supermarkets. Now, because of the larger requests for the book, we will once again have the book available." Adv. Beautiful Flowers Attractive Designs Delivery Peck's, GREEN FLOWER THUMB SHOP 5000 Center Point Rd. 393-5565 JOHN E.

LAPES, flowers for every occasion 308 3rd Ave. SE 365-0511 Convenient Downtown Location.

The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

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