The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

to to to to to to to Moines RegisterPage 1968 GRAINS RALLY AT THE CLOSE, Friday Prices Closing Board of Trade CHICAGO (AP) Friday: Open High Low Close crest. WHEAT Dec 1.27¼ 1.28½ 1.27⅛ 1.28½ 1.27⅝ Mar 1.31¾ 1.32⅞ 1.31⅝ 1.32¾ 1.32 May 1.34½ 1.35¾ 1.34⅜ 1.35⅝ Jul 1.33⅞ 1.35⅝ 1.33¾ 1.35⅝ Sep 1.38½ 1.36% 1.38½ 1.37¼ CORN Dec 1.14 1.12⅛ 1.13⅞ 1.12¾ Mar 1.16¾ 1.18⅜ 1.16⅜ 1.18¼ May 1.20 1.21½ 1.19⅝ 1.21¼ 1.20¼ Jul 1.22¼ 1.23¾ 13 1.23⅝ 1.22¾ Sep 1.22¼ 1.22 OATS Dec .70 Mar May Jul n.64⅜ b.64⅜ RYE Dec 1.15⅞ 1.16⅜ 1.15⅞ 1.16⅜ 1.16 Mar 1.16½ 1.17⅛ 1.16¼ 1.17⅛ 1.163 May 1.17½ 1.18¼ 1.17¼ 1.18¼ 1.173 July 1.68⅛ 1.68½ 1.68⅛ 1.68⅛ 1.68⅛ Sep 1.19 1.18½ SOYBEANS Jan 2.57⅛ 2.57¾ 2.56¾ 2.57⅝ 2.57 Mar 2.61¼ 2.62⅛ 2.60⅞ 2.62 2.61¼ May 2.63¾ 2.64¾ 2.64⅛ Jul 2.65 2.65¾ 2.64⅝ 2.65⅝ Auq 2.59½ 2.60¾ 2.59¼ 2.60¼ 2.59¾ Sep 2.45½ 2.46¼ 2.45½ 2.46¼ 2.45½ Nov 2.40⅛ 2.41⅛ 2.40 2.41⅛ 2.40 SOYBEAN OIL Dec 8.30 8.40 8.30 8.28 Jan 8.28 8.39 8.28 8.37 8.25 Mar 8.27 83.7 8.25 8.34 8.24 May 8.26 8.36 8.23 8.33 Jul 8.26 8.36 8.24 8.31 8.24 Aug 8.08 8.18 8.08 a8.20 a8.08 Sep 7.76 7.90 7.76 a7.79 1.76 Oct 7.65 7.65 7.53 a76.0 a7.55 SOYBEAN MEAL Dec 70.25 70.80 70.05 70.50 70.40 Jan 70.80 71.00 70.50 70.80 70.90 Mar 72.00 72.30 71.80 72.10 72.05 May 73.15 73.40 72.90 73.10 73.20 Jul 74.15 74.35 73.90 74.05 74.20 Aug 74.15 74.20 73.95 a74.05 74.15 Sep 71.40 71.55 71.40 71.50 a71.60 Oct 69.50 69.50 69.25 69.25 69.50 CHOICE STEERS Dec 28.80 29.00 28.80 28.95 28.30 Feb 27.90 28.00 27.90 27.95 27.80 Apr 27.30 27.40 27.30 27.40 27.25 Jun 27.00 27.07 27.00 27.07 a26.95 Aug a27.15 a27.00 Oct 27.10 27.10 27.10 27.10 a27.00 ICED BROILERS Jan 25.47 25.57 25.47 25.57 a25.50 Mar May 25.80 25.80 a25.85 25.80 26.00 26.07 26.00 26.07 a26.00 Jul 26.47 26.50 26.47 26.50 a26.47 Sep 26.10 26.12 26.10 26.12 26.12 b-bid, a-asked. n-nominal. CHICAGO, ILL. (AP) A late rally, paced by corn and soybean futures, lifted prices on the Board of Trade Friday.

Active short-covering on a mid-season turnaround by corn GRAIN TRADE CHICAGO, FRIDAY (AP) Grain futures purchases Friday: Prev. Session Year Ago Wheat .22,115,000 22,225,000 Corn 46,910,000 40,570,000 Oats 4,095,000 770,000 Rye 505,000 395,000 Soybeans 11.560,000 13,150,000 Total 85,185,000 77,110,000 Open interest in wheat futures the previous session totaled 209,660,000 bushels; corn oats rye soybeans total 677,780,000. pushed prices up as much as cents a bushel at the close. Soybeans were stimulated by a 15-point rise in bean oil. A government report indicated that consumption of edible oils in the U.S.

and Europe has risen in recent weeks. This influenced active buying, traders said. Corn closed to cents a bushel higher; soybeans to 1 cent higher; wheat to cents higher; oats cent lower to cent higher and rye to cent higher. Des Moines Grain Des Moines price, less than carlot Friday: Wheat--Farmers No. 1, Receipts- -Corn, 35 cars: soybeans 21.

Feed prices are subiect to wide variations in different sections of the state due to transportation handling and storage cost. Pure Tankage Soybean meal Central Iowa Market Country elevator bids on corn, oats, soybeans in an area near Des Moines shows the following Friday: Oats No. 1 white. 60-67c. Corn -No.

2 yellow, -No. 2 modified yellow, moisture, Kansas City KANSAS CITY, FRIDAY (AP) Wheat 29 cars, unchanged to down No. 2 dark hard No. 3 No. 2 red, 1.35½, Corn 151 cars, unch down No.

2 white No. 3 No. 2. yellow and mixed No. 3 Oats none, unch-up No.

2 white No. 3 Milo maize cwt. Rye Barley Soybeans Sacked bran a ton. Sacked shorts a ton. Wheat futures closed up WHEAT FUTURES Open High Low Close Dec 1.35⅜ 1.35⅝ 1.35¼ 1.35⅝ Mar 1.36½ 1.37½ 1.36⅜ 1.37⅜ May 1.37¾ 1.38⅜ 1.37½ 1.38¼ Jul 1.36¼ Sept 1.38¼ 1.39 1.38 1.39 Corn Dec 1.12½ Sorghums Dec 1.83 1.83 1.82½ 1.82½ Mar 1.86½ 1.86¾ 1.86½ 1.86¾ May 1.90 standard middlings unchanged red dog unchanged $56.00.

U.S. Treasury WASHINGTON, FRIDAY (AP)-The cash position of the Treasury Dec. 3, 1968 compared to Dec. 4, 1967 in dollars: Balance 4,884,039,208.42 Fiscal Year 6,451,801,351.72 (July 1) 75,023,429,326.85 60,769,769,790.66 Withdrawals Fiscal Year 87,301,675,045.00 79,068,903,033.61 Debt $359,505,399,134.33 $345,540,871,067.05 Gold Assets 10,366,962,702.11 12,905,232,543.07 638,841,452.85 debt in 1968 figure not subiect to statutory limit. Chicago Cash was nominally higher; basis lower; CHICAGO an (FRIDAY) (AP).

Wheat receipts 2 cars. Corn Higher; basis lower; receipts 89 cars including 1 car a for Commodity Credit Corp. Oats nominally higher; basis higher; receipts 1 car. Soybean receipts were 20 cars including no cars for CCC. Wheat No.

2 hard yellow No. soft red Corn No. 2 yellow No. 3 vellow Soybeans. 2 extra 1 heavy white No.

yellow No. 3 yellow Soybean oil 8.53cn. Grease- Choice white grease, was lb. Friday: bleachable tallow and white special tallow Metals NEW YORK, FRIDAY. (AP)-Spot nonferrous metal prices Friday: copper a Connecticut Valley; lead 13c New York; zinc a York; gold $40.60 per troy 2 New East St.

Louis; tin $1.68 New York; silver $2.025 per troy New York; quicksilver $530.00 nominal per flask, New York; Scrap steel No. heavy a ton. Coffee NEW YORK, N.Y. (FRIDAY) (AP)Coffee futures were inactive Friday; 'dealers reported only light roaster buying interest in the green coffee market; coffee spot Santos No. 4 ex-dock closed at 37.50c; cost and freight offerings clude Santos Bourbons 3S af 38.00c and 37.50c.

futures closed quiet, no Minneapolis MINNEAPOLIS, FRIDAY (AP) Wheat receipts today 277 cars, year ago 184; trading basis unchanged; prices higher. Cash spring wheat basis, No. dark northern 11-17 protein spring wheat 1c premium each lb. over 58-61 lbs; spring wheat 1c discount each lb. under 58 Ibs; protein prems: 11 per cent 12, 13, 1.77¾; 16, 17, 15, 2.03¾; No.

hard Montana winter 1 hard winter No. 1 hard ter No. hard amber durum, choice discounts, ber 5-20c; durum 10-35c. Corn No. 2 yellow Oats 2 extra heavy white 66-69c.

Barley Good to choice low to intermediate feed 80-90c. Rye No. 1-2 Flax No. 1 $3.06 nom. Soybeans No.

1 yellow RANGE OF PRICES Open High Low Close WHEAT Dec. 1.58⅜ 1.58¾ 1.57⅝ 1.58¾ Mar. 1.57⅝ 1.58 1.56¾ 1.58 June 1.58¼ 1.58⅞ 1.57¾ 1.58⅞ Standard bran unchanged $54.00 a ton; standard middlings unchanged red dog unchanged $56.00. Bendix Workers' Strike Settled DAVENPORT, IA. A 36-day, strike of nearly 600 production workers at the Bendix Corp.

plant here ended Friday morning with the acceptance of a new contract offer. Members of Local 388 of the International Association of Machinists accepted a three-year pact calling for wage increases of 30 cents over the period, increased fringe benefits and three more paid holidays. Workers are expected to return to work at midnight Sunday. The plant manufactures instruments and life support equipment for the aviation and space industries. MAO THOUGHTS COSTLY KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA (REUTERS) Three Chinese pleaded guilty Friday to charges of possessing banned books containing the thoughts of Chinese leader Mao Tse-tung and were fined $130 each.

OFFICIAL PUBLICATION (R-632)-NOTICE to Property Owners of Residential and Farm Properties in rural Polk County. lowa, outside of cities and towns. You are hereby notified that the Polk County Board of Review will be until in Janu- sesfrom December 2. 1968, ary 3, 1968, in Room 119, Polk County Court House, to consider protests of the owners of the above classes of property whose value was increased by the Iowa State Director of Revenue to an amount greater than permitted by Section 441.21 Code of lowa amended. You are further notified that all Protests must be in writing.

directed to the Chairman and signed by the Property Owner or his Authorized Agent and filed with the Board by December 30, 1968. Polk County Board of Review Ora F. Carmen, Clerk Deaths BOOS Services for Charles Boos, formerly of 1436 Capitol will be held Monday, 10:30 a.m., at Hamilton's Funeral Home. Interment, Glendale Cemetery. CHIESA- Services for Denise Renee Chiesa, age 18 months, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Ronald Chiesa of 1110 S.E. Thornton, will be Saturday mornina at 9:30 A.M. at St. Anthonys Church, Prayer services at 8:00 P.M.

Friday at Tonini Funeral Home. Interment Glendale. LYON Services for Mrs. Nora Moore Lyon, 818 East Twenty-fourth will be held Saturday, 12 noon, at Hamilton's Funeral Home. Interment, White Oak Cemetery, near Oskaloosa, 2 p.m.

MAGEE Services for Lester A. Magee, 4009 Hubbell will be held Monday, 1:30 p.m., at Hamilton's Funeral Home. Interment, Glendale Cemetery. NICKEL Services for Donald Edgar Nickel, 2314 East Washington will be held Saturday, 10 a.m., at St. Peters Catholic Church.

Interment, Glendale Cemetery. Rosary, 7:30 p.m., Friday, at Hamilton's Funeral Home. DAWSON ANDERSON -Services for Axel Anderson will be 10:30 A.M. Monday. Fouch Funeral Home.

Perry, la. Interment Prairie Center Cemetery, Yale, lowa. DeSOTO STUMM- Services Alice Stumm will be Sunday 2 P.M. at Fisher FUneral Home, in Adel. Interment East Lynn Cemetery.

A CARD OF THANKS published in The Register and Tribune is a fitting way express your appreciation of flora: tributes, gifts and other kindnesses. Call 284-8141 for suggested messages. Funeral Homes 2 BEAVERDALE FUNERAL CHAPEL 2718 Beaver Ave. 277-6495 Florists 60 CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE AT OLSAN'S Every Day Sun. Brilliant Poinsettias Azaleas Spicy Candle arrangements Candy Flower arr.

Gifts galore Fresh Greens Holly Grave blankets Evergreen wreaths. FLOWERS FROM OLSAN'S 1506 E. Grand 262-5668 EVERGREENS WREATHS Grave Blankets-Roping Door Swags Open Sundays 10-4 plenty of parking in the rear of bida. DOHERTY FLOWERS 1540 2nd Ave. 288-6557 Lost and Found 80 BICYCLE found in vic of Franklin Jr.

High School 279-0039 BOSTON Terrier, Brindle lost in the vic. of E. 32 and Indianapolis. Answers to Rew. 266-5620 CAT, female Siamese found vic.

S.W. 12th. 285-1741. co*ckER Spaniel female found vic. N.W.

6th and 66th Ave. 986-3591. COON hound male black and tan, no collar. Lost Nov. 30th east of Runnells.

Roger L. Breen 966-2174. COON Hounds, 1. Walker female, Male and lost Vic. of Swan.

266-6747. GLASSES, Prescription Found E. 23rd and Grand. 262-3516. IRISH SETTER male, about 1 year.

Lost vic. of 4th and Grand, WDM. 277-5469 or 255-9275. LIFT truck FORK, lost between D.M. and Prairie City on Highway 163 on Fri.

A.M. 288-8961, 244-0648 POODLE, black, wearing red collar and flea collar lost vic. of 23rd and Forest. 243-3951 or 255-6283. POODLE, male toy, 3 yr.

old, cream color, lost vic. Highland Park. Good reward offered. 288-9344. PUPPY, Black and brown with harness, found near Drake.

279-4231, 271-3511. PUPPY, black and white found vicinity Garton School. 262-8857. MIXED dog, female, long with short legs. Black with white, gray markings.

Lost vic. of 27th S. of Hickman in area of Dr. Johnson's Pet Hospital. Rew.

255-0316. LOST: Poodle, black, small, gray under law. Answers to "Mayshan." Reward. 288-3649, 279-8370. REDDISH brown youna don found in vic.

of 57th and Urbandale. Owner identify. 276-5670. LOST, sports car window, Sat. near cement plant, Park ave.

Reward. 277-0013 or 244-2205. LADIES wrist watch found vicinity Merle Hay Plaza, 266-1897. FOUND 3 keys, Wakonda Shopping Center. 288-5205.

Notices 90 HAROLD Lincoln Christensen, 8059 Pilmer Dr. will not be responsible for debts other than my own. LARRY Dean Smith, 1713 Capitol, will not be responsible for debts other than my own. Where Shall We Go 110 KENNY HOFER Sat. Eagles Ballroom Grinnell.

CLUB HI FI STUART, IOWA NO SATURDAY LAKE ROBBINS HI FI'S SATURDAY Notices 90 REGISTER NOW WINTER QUARTER STARTS JAN. 6 Write or phone for free catalog COLLEGE OF AUTOMATION 3001 Grand 243-8696 Des Moines, Iowa NIGHT SCHOOL to increase your pay NEW CLASSES DEC. 9TH Accountina, Speedwriting Short hand, Billing Machines, I.B.M. Keypunch, Dictaphone, Comptometer. Typing, Weaver Real Estate.

G.1. Approved. write, Visit or Call 244-4221 424 10th A.I.B. Bldg. 50309 "THE SCHOOL OF RESULTS" AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS mo Personals 140 FILMS DEVELOPED 39c Exposure Black and White, 12 Exp.

50ct Color 19c ST. ea. DEAN STUDIOS, 913 WALNUT DES MOINES, IOWA 50302. UNWED to be, are yOU seeking confidential Phone or write BOOTH MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AT3-0131 Des Moines, Iowa Full time high school program LOWEST AUTO INSURANCE RATE FOR CANCELLED, REJECTED OR SR22. Immediate SR22 filing.

EZ terms. Call, write Mike Anania 407 Court ave. Des la. 243-8666. ISADORE RISSIEN 321 TE.

5TH INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Auto, fire, motorcycles, etc. Even If S.R. Filing. 288-1043 244-1794 24-hr. service SCISSOR SHARPENING SPECIAL 75c While You Wait! lowa Vacuum Sewing Center, Inc.

2217 Forest 274-1582 LICENSED Maternity Home tor wed mothers, non-profit, confidential. Florence Crittendon Home, 255-4321 Sioux City, Iowa CASH FOR DIAMONDS, OLD GOLD, ROGERS JEWELERS 317-7TH JEWELRY SEE, MR. LEVICH. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT DISCOUNT ROBINSONS, 14TH AT EUCLID 265-2567 RUSH your damaged garments to Dorothy M. Brown Reweavina Shoo.

301 Shoos Bida. 243-2935 DO you help or comfort? Dial Your Family Bible, 262-4412. Transportation, Travel 150 DRIVERS TO SEATTLE, partial expenses. Not a lob. 288-0219.

WELLINGS 119 E. GRAND Instruction 180 Bookkeepers- Accountants WANTED Men and women to train at home for top flight professions. The salaries are excellent and the placement free. Write Accounting, The Best Paid Profession." Or Call 244-4221 Approved for Veterans Training A.I.8. 10th and Grand Des Moines BARBERING offers good income and job security.

Student loan funds available. Write Cedar Rapids Barber College, Cedar Rapids, la. Learn Auto-Diesel Mechanics LINCOLN TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 1326 Walnut St. Des Moines, la. Men-Jobs of Interest 190 Excellent ADDING wages, MACHINE SERVICEMAN.

tation provided. Prefer printing calculator experience. Progressive, 35 year old firm. Bailey's, 123 E. Second, Ottumwa, Iowa 684-6528.

APPLICATORS -SIDING Work Iowa and Illinois. Must have good equipment. Top pay. Central Lumber and Supply, Inc. 1922 Hubbell a 265-5309 ASSISTANT CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT Residential construction industry SEND COMPLETE RESUME to Box 0-328 Register and Tribune.

ASSISTANT Milk Sanitarian, qualified either as our Laboratory Director of Fieldman. Duties: inspecting Grade A dairy farms and bottling plants. B.S. Degree in Dairy and Food Science. Degree in Bacteriology or Chemistry.

Car allowance, paid vacations, hospital insurance, etc. Please direct any inquiries to: M. D. Kubicek Milk Sanitarian City Hall Waterloo, Iowa 50705 ASSISTANT MANAGER Man who can quickly develop into an assistant manager with our company. Must be 21 or over.

No experience necessary. Good salary and employee benefits. POSTAL THRIFT LOANS 805 Locust Des Moines ASSISTANT BUILDING INSPECTOR Must also have knowledge of plumbing and electric. CONTACT L. E.

KNIGHT BUILDING DEPT. City of Cedar Falls, Iowa Attendant -Service Station Experienced, tune un and brakes. Have hand tools. Capitol Texaco, E. 14th and Grand.

ATTENDANT Esp. Full or part time. Lone Tree Standard Service. E. 50th and Hubbell.

AM6-9182. ATTENDANT -Service station, exp. Koloski Standard, E. Hubbell. ATTENDANT Exp.

no phone calls. Boyd's Standard 2nd Euclid. BAKER Experience preferred. Retail shop in Super Market. 5 day week.

Paid holidays and vacation. APPLY MR. HAND Dahl's 35th, Ingersoll, BANK MESSENGER Immediate openina for young man with high school diploma. Permanent full time. 5 day week.

Good fringe benefits. Apply in person to Mrs. Marsh Mr. Acuff, Personnel Dept. 3rd Fir.

lowa-Des Moines National Bank. "An equal opportunity employer." BODY MAN Combination LINCOLN MERCURY DEALERSHIP Ideal working conditions. Excellent opportunity to earn top pay in a University town. Good schools and churches. See or call collect Don Gibson service manager at: B.

A. HORNER, INC. lowa City, la. 319-388-1177 BODYMAN Experienced only, $3.80 plus benefits and vacation. Urbandale Auto Body 3833 70th, 276-1501 or 276-1532 BOOKKEEPER with corporation accounting knowledge to assist accountant.

Must also be capable in general office duties, Small office. Free group insurance. CALL 243-8694 for appointment. BOOKKEEPER Experienced in general ledger work. Local accounting office.

Age rier. Real opportunity. Excellent salary and working conditions. Ph. Mrs.

Heckinger, 283-1569. BRICK LAYERS Report to Eastern Iowa Community College. Davenport, lowa or call collect 322-0994 office, 788-4670 home. BRICK and Block layers and tenders. Exp.

winter work. 276-9458. CAB DRIVERS WANTED RUAN CAB CO. 28-28-111 CARPENTERS Exp. helpers.

288-4509. CHEF Full time working chef and kitchen manager. No drifters or drinkers. $10,000 year up. Write full qualifications and references.

Replies confidential, Write X-576, Register and Tribune CARPENTERS Trim carpenters, new home construction. Apply on the iob, 214 Wanda, Ankeny. CAR WASH HELP 4101 FLEUR DR. 7214 UNIVERSITY 62ND AND DOUGLAS Full or part time. Steady employment, good starting wage.

Apply in person to the Manager of MAGIC CAR WASH above addresses IOWA'S LARGEST CAR WASH CO. CIVIL ENGINEER We are seeking a young engineer for a responsible position in consulting. This is a permanent position with a good future. Registration desirable but not necessary. Salary open.

dential. All replies will be held confi- I Shive-Hattery and Associates P.0. Box 1803 CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA 52406. CLERK -RETIRED with general office knowledge to work part time for wholesale firm. Building supply experience helpful.

Contact Bernard Kurtz Jr. P.O. 816, Des Moines, Iowa or phone 288-9701. CLUB MANAGER Des Moines area. 9 hole course.

couple, Many benefits. 984-6364 Opening for neat A and dependable CONSTRUCTION MAN Home building experience. Man who can hire and supervise all sub contractors. U.S. HOMES 5390 2nd Ave.

CUSTODIAN for downtown D.M. Apt. Bida. Apt. and utilities furnished.

Paid vacation, hosp. other fringe benefits. Must have or capable of training for 1st class fireman's license. write W-233, Register and Tribune. CUSTODIAN Apt.

bidg. in Des Moines. Married pref. furn. References.

Bldg. rent collection, etc. Write W-128, Register and Tribune. DATA PROCESSING INSTRUCTOR Prefer BAL or COBOL experience, A most interesting year around teaching assignment. Degree not required.

Write or call Mr. John LeCroy COLLEGE OF AUTOMATION 3001 Grand 243-8696 DES MOINES. Iowa DESK CLERK A 9 PM to 5 AM. Apply in person McNeal Hotel 9703 Urbandale Ave. DOORMAN We are seeking mature, semiretired gentleman who enjoys meetinq the public, who would like part time position as ticket taker at the Paramount Theater.

Please apply in person to Mr. Disney, 509 Grand Ave. Men- Jobs of Interest 1901 DESK CLERK, EXPERIENCED Must be sober, able to meet people. See Manager Harlan Hotel DRIVERS NEEDED BY OWNER- OPERATOR Must have a minimum of years over the road driving under ICC requiations. Call AI Hingst, 402-721-6757 or write P.O.

Box 129. Fremont, Nebraska, DRIVERS 3 nights a week, 277-6311 aft. PM CHICKEN DELIGHT call 305-587-4651 or 305-759-8692 Electrical Engineer DRYWALL Finishers and Rockers 2 years work, 12 months year in same location. Good climate, tractive bonuses. Miami area.

Call 305-584-2440 until 6 to 9 p.m. Top salary position for right nationally man. Responsible with known west defense. coast Position based requires firm minimum non of 5 years heavy dispatch design experience in automatic systems for mono rails, convevors and cranes. including sound knowledge of conventional and solid state control.

Call collect 213-566-2111. ELECTRIC Distribution Engineer Position open for electric distribution engineer in municipally-owned utility system located in Northeast Iowa. EE degree required includinal several years' experience. Utility located In city of 30,000 which is the home of the University of Northern Iowa. Excellent working conditions and liberal fringe benefits.

Salary open. Please forward resume and present salary to Director, Cedar Falls Utilities, 612 East 12th Street, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613. All information will be kept confidential. ENGINEER We have a position open for a graduate engineer. This is an opportunity for you to become associated with the leader in the electric utility construction industry.

Briefly, your work will consist of preparing estimates and bidding projects such as transmission lines, distribution lines and substations. If interested, send resume to: PAUL S. LESLIE District Engineer The L. E. Myers Co.

P.O. Box 425 Marshalltown, lowa EQUIPMENT LEASING MAN 25-45 Willing to learn-Business, credit collection, sales experience helpful, for not required. advancement Unlimited for a opportunities with qood judgment. For app't. Call Mr.

Boeke, 243-1894, D.M. FACTORY AND MAINT. HELP AMERICAN CAN CO. good Plastic mfg. A growing industry.

wages and benefits. High school grad. or GED. Apply at Iowa State Employment Service. 150 Des Moines St.

An equal Opportunity Employer FARMHANDS Single men $1.50 per hour. general farm work. Room board available. Shinrone Farm Odebolt, lowa FARMHAND Married, year around work. Must know how to handle large equipment and feed livestock.

Good wages, nice modern house, start immediately. Phone H. D. Osborne, 515-473-2442. FIREMAN FIREMAN with first class Firemans liand operation high pressure cense.

Must be familiar, with firina steam boiler, and be familiar with local codes. Hours 2:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Good salary and employee benefits. Apply Personnel Office BROADLAWNS Polk County Hospital 18th and Hickman, Des Moines, la.

283-2061 Est. 210 FIREMAN Man with 1st class license needed immediately. Apply: PERSONNEL OFFICE IOWA LUTHERAN HOSPITAL 716 PARNELL FIREMAN 2nd Class. Nigtt shift. Large apt.

Bldg. References. 277-5757. FIELD SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE For installation and repair of fertilizer blending equipment. Travel midwest and southern U.S.

and Canada. Experience in millwright and welding very helpful. Compensation based on experience. Advancement for qualified person. Send confidential resume to Kraus Equipment Sales and Service, Box 4038.

Cedar Rapids, la. 52404. Ph. 319-366- 1723. JANITOR Man needed for laundry.

preferred. Good Opportunity Experience younger man. PERSONNEL Apply: OFFICE IOWA LUTHERN HOSPITAL 716 PARNELL MAN WANTED Must be able to play piano or organ by ear. Need not be a professional musician. ACME PIANO 244-2203 MAN to learn envelope machine adiustina.

Must be high school graduate. Good working conditions. Excellent opportunity. Call Mr. Manno, 244-2131 MAN FOR SHIPPING DEPT.

Must work with figures. Year around work. Hours 9 to 6. Call after 10-282-8188. Manager--Manager Trainees For Midwest Department Store Chain.

Some retail experience. preferred. Must be willing, to relocate. Apply in person or send confidential resume to: and Store, 3rd and Walnut, Des Moines, Iowa. MANAGER wanted: Draft free, 28- 40 years, for Paint and Wallpaper store in Eastern Iowa.

Give age, experience, salary expected. Write A-859, Reaister and Tribune. MECHANICS Experienced, maintenance Immediate, openings. and repair of I contractors equipment. Work is basically within 35 mile range our Harlan" shop.

Company furnishes benefits transportation, generous with wage rates open. Here are opportunities for steady year around employment, with the economy and family advantages of small town life. Contact Finley. Inc. Harlan, la, 712-744-3840.

MECHANIC- -DIESEL INSTRUCTOR Lincoln Technical Institute 1326 Walnut Des Moines, Iowa, 50309 Phone (515) 244-2265 MECHANIC Experienced, salary open. New facilities, Lamberts Fiat 3833 70th. 276-1532 or 279-4896 eve Now, YOU' can run a Family Want Ad for two days in both papers for as little as $1 or $2 Just by dialing 800-362-1836 FREE from anywhere in lowa or 284-8141 in Des Moines Ask for June Bell items priced less than $100 total value 2. consecutive days minimum order 10 words (Each additional 5 words cost just 25c per day) items priced more than $100 total value 2. consecutive days minimum order 10 words $2 (Each additional 5 words cost just 50c per day) YOU MAY RUN FAMILY WANT ADS IN THESE CLASSIFICATIONS Air Conditioning (400) Custom Modified Pianos Music Antiques (410) Auto Parts and Tires (320) Cameras Photo.

(440) Building Materials (420) Clothing Furs (450) any non-commercial advertiser Men -Jobs of Interest 190 MECHANICS We need an aggressive young man full time with smail engine experience. A good opportunity to grow with the company. INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES, INC. Phone 288-7446 MECHANIC WANTED Top pay, all benefits. Call 262-8229.

MESSENGER Need messenger in professional office; must have valid driver's license. Loop area, 5 day week. Chance to advance through company training program. Write S-195, Reqister and Tribune. MICROBIOLOGIST Opportunity for assistants in tissue culture vaccine production department and in bovine and equine disease research area.

Bachelors degree required, Modern laboratory facilities located excellent mid-west community. Close to universities. Liberal benefit programs. Send resume and interests in confidence to J. P.

Ruschetti, Personnel Department. NORDEN LABORATORIES, INC. 601 West Cornhusker Hwy. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA SUBSIDIARY OF SMITH, KLINE FRENCH LABORATORIES An equal opportunity employer MOBILE Home service and setup man, experienced. Top wages and fringe benefits.

Send resume with previous job experience, All replies in strictest confidence. Write X-575, Register and Tribune. Multilith Operator Trainee You'll be taught to operate a power cutter, folding machine, paper assist the punch, stapler, and multi-, lith operator in the operation of the multilith machine. 5 day week Excellent working conditions, and employee benefits. Contact the Personnel Dept.

THE BANKERS LIFE 711 High 284-5050 ORDERLY Openings for neat dependable men. Hospital experience desired but will 40 hour week and benefits including vacation, sick leave, uniforms, hospitalization insurance. APPLY PERSONNEL IOWA METHODIST HOSPITAL OWNER-OPERATORS with tractor and trailer or tractor only for steady year-around work with our steel division. Runs are between lowa and Nebraska points and the Chicago area. We pay of revenue for complete unit or when pulling company trailer.

Call collect or write to: Hank Berger, District Manager, Cedar Rapids Steel Transportation, Inc. (Operators of Bos Lines), 3220 Calumet Avenue, Hammond, Indiana 46320. Chicago. Phone: 312-731-6900. PARTS MAN Auto parts experience necessary.

Good pay pius incentive. Rapid advancement possible. See Larry Keck between 5 and 6 p.m. only, DAVE OSTREM IMPORTS 1208 LOCUST 283-1975 PIPE LAYER And laborers for sewer prolect in Buffalo Center, la. See Loyal ina at job site or call Buffalo Center 562-2635 eve.

or Des Moines 274-2191 weekends. Stanfield and Associates Inc. An Equal Opportunity Employer ACTUARY Is your present advancement really based upon whether you can do the job? Are you a number two or three man in a small or medium sized company who is becoming conditioned to lack of freedom and opportunity in a staid work environment? If you are presently an assistant or associate actuary (6-10 exams) and feel you are ready for new challenge, we would like to talk with you, in confidence, about a solid future. We are medium-sized company with over $150 million annual premium income and over $3.5 billion life insurance in force, located in midwest university town. We offer company growth and expansion into new markets and products.

The opportunity is open for the right man with Ordinary experience who would like to become a key member of highly regarded management-acturial team. You must be self-motivated, a creative problem solver who can identify needs, select approaches and communicate effectively. You must want the responsibility, satisfaction and financial awards of becoming the actuary of the Ordinary Department. Write in confidence or call: Washington National Insurance Company, Evanston, Ill. 60201, A.

R. Grossnickle, Vice President and Actuary (312) 475-7900. Men and Women SINGLE man for for ward ward work. work. Middle Married, couple children preferred, Live In.

good aged, no Moines County, Home. West Burlinaton, Sales Help 200 Salesman Wanted MEN ONLY! We don't want boys THE MEN WE WANT WILL NOT KNOCK ON DOORS THEY WILL NOT WORK OVER 5 HOURS A DAY AND THEY WILL NOT ACCEPT LESS THAN $200 PER WEEK IF YOU CAN QUALIFY TOP AND BECOME ONE OF OUR MEN WE WILL FURNISH YOU A NEW CADILLAC TO WITH DRIVE. We are interested only in first class men under 45, who can sell. Experience in direct 283-1904 sales for helpful. appt.

Call Mr. Mueller DRIVER SALESMAN One of America's largest retail organizations presently has openinas for dependable married, men 10 operate established franchised routes in the Des Moines area. We offer excellent opportunity. to earn $8200 to $11,000 yearly. Up $125 per week guaranteed salary, plus share profit.

5 day week. Truck, place of business and all expenses furnished. Up to 3 weeks paid vacation first year. Complete hospitalization and retirement plan with retirement at age 57. Our average men earn $8200 per year with many over $10,000 yearly.

This is a career opportunity with a rapidly expanding retail organization. Call 243-0288 MANUFACTURED PRODUCT National manufacturer which has recently diversified, has excellent opportunity for experienced salesman. Your responsibilities include calling on existing distributors and establishing new ones. Requires travelina lowa and surrounding states. We have an effective sales program and our sales manager will work with you during training period.

Presently have men making $15,000 $25,000 per year. Call Jim Dawson free on our watts phone, 1-800- 835-2033 or send resume to P.O. Box 1879, Wichita, Kansas 67201. U.S. HOMES Wants aggressive capable men to represent the finest package home company.

Helpful to be experienced in construction, real estate, sales. Areas open Des Moines, Ottumwa, Tri-cities, Sioux City. Send full particulars to U.S. HOMES 5390 2nd Avenue Des Moines SALESMAN WANTED By 21 leading years national cigarette Good company. or over.

salary, expenses paid. 2 vacations yearly. Automobile furnished for business and personal use. Plus many extra fringe benefits. Submit resume with telephone contact number to: Box 0-343 Register and Tribune.

An equal opportunity employer SALES REPRESENTATIVE Some college pref. for leading manufacturer of bida. products to call on architects and contractors. Some travel -Iowa and Omaha trade area. Send resume to E-292 Register and Tribune.

UNUSUAL salesman to run well established, ten year old, home improvement business; sidina, windows, awnings now entering aggressive. Demo plus fringe benefits and retirement plan. Ph. 232- 2462 Ames, Iowa. MEN WANTED need help in my business, part time and full time openings.

Call Employment Agencies 210 NATIONWIDE CONTACTS Capital Personnel 420 Des Moines Bldg. 283-2545 SEE ADS ACME EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 305 Kresge Bida. 244-9156 WomenJobs of Interest 240 ACCOUNTING CLERK 10 SOME CUSTOMER CONTACT key adder and bookkeeping experience necessary. Must have own transportation. Call Mr.

Bruner for interview 265-3481, Gray's Furn. 5035 Hubbell 5 day BABYSITTER My home, teacher. Beaverdale area. 279-7222. Baker kitchen remodelina.

be able to take over complete control. Will pay of profit. Very overhead. Owner wishes to semi retire. investment required, just ability.

Dick Lang, The Aluminum Man, Old Cambridge Road, Kewanee, Illinois AUTOMOTIVE Experienced (Mfgs. Agent-Factory Rep.) for Hard Parts Lines, IowaNebraska. Prefer Central or Western Iowa, Residence Considerable established business. Commission type arrangement. Contact: L.

E. Zimmerman, 800 Third Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55405, A. C. 612- 377-8842. Hard-surface Salesman Calling on franchised CongoleumIndustry, Must dealers in central lowa.

have floor for experience, wonderful opportunity man. Call or write Don Buckingham, H.E. Sorenson 100 S.W. 1st Des Moines, la. 50309.

244-6267 VELVETEX SALES Need 6 salesmen or females to sell Velvetex Covering to auto, home, and commercial customers. Must have car and at least 4 hrs. day. Send resume to: VELVETEX, 519-18TH ST. DES MOINES, IOWA SHOE SALESMAN Experience necessary.

Top wages. Chance evening for rapid advancement. Day or hours. Full or part time. Flynn Shoes, 800 Walnut.

GOOD MAN OVER 40 For short trips surrounding Des Moines. Man we want is worth up to $16,500 in Mail year, plus regular cash bonus. Air Chemical W. B. Crawford, Panther 76101.

Box 52, Fort Worth, Texas Real Estate Sales Moines Realtor Builder with offices Des sale and Ankeny needs full time cellent people. Members Multiple. Exfor appt, 277-6277. Will train. Call commission.

WANTED new used car ship, salesman. In college town. Buick Selling dealer: 600 new cars per year. Must be Trainee Hours 8 A.M. to 4 P.M.

Day Off Thursday Bishop Buffet Merle Hay Plaza Good N.W. location. 277-8778. BEAUTICIAN 282-1096, BEAUTICIAN 266-7259. Full or part time.

BEAUTY OPERATOR with ultra following to salon. Excellent manage opportunity. downtown All Register replys confidential. and Tribune. 0-327, BOOKKEEPER Local Experienced accounting In general ledger work.

tunity. Excellent salary office. and Real working oppor283-1569 conditions. Ph. Mrs.

Heckinger, 5 McNeal to 9 Hotel No Sun, or CASHIER HOSTESS 5703 Urbandale Ave, holidays CLERICAL ested Excellent in opportunity for girl interfied work. Typing position. essential permanent week 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Apply dav person.

910 Grand Ave. in R. G. Dickinson Co. CLERK with office typing ability work, wanted to by do wholesale general P.O, firm.

BOX Contact Bernard Kurtz phone 288-9701. Moines, Iowa or 816, Des For as almost as $1, you can adverJUNE SELL, 284-8141. for Want sale. Ads. call To place a Want Ad from outside Des Moines CALL-AN-AD Direct, without charge from anywhere in lowa 800-362-1836 If you live in Des Moines call direct 284-8141 WomenJobs of Interest 240 CLERK Posting clerk for inventory control office.

Reliability and accuracy in maintaining records needed. Wages commensurate with ability. Only person seeking permanent employ. need apply. Apply in person to EMCO INDUSTRIES 300 New York "An Equal Opportunity CLERK REAL ESTATE LOAN DEPT.

Excellent math and clerical skills required, Some typing necessary. Good fringe benefits. Apply in person to Mrs. Marsh or floor, Mr. Acuff, Personnel 3rd lowa-Des Moines National Bank, "An equal opportunity employer" CLERK-TYPISTS INSTALLMENT LOAN DEPARTMENT TRUST DEPARTMENT Good typina and clerical skills required.

Good fringe, benefits. Apply in person, Mrs. or Mr. Acuff, 3rd floor, Personnel Dept. lowa-Des Moines National Bank An equal opportunity employer CLERK TYPIST DUN BRADSTREET High degree of accuracy with reasonable speed necessary.

Above average starting salary plus incentive. Convenient downtown location. Benefits second to none. Call Mr. Sanchez 244-4261 for appointment "An equal opportunity employer" CLERK- TYPIST Varied office duties includina some typing 40 WPM.

Permanent position. 40 hour week, many excellent company benefits including free parking. Schmitt Henry Mfg. Co. 301 S.W.

8th 283-0621 co*ckTAIL WAITRESS Experienced. Merle Hay Lanes Merle Shopping Center, 276-1588 COLLECTOR TRAINEE to $450. Salary. No outside work. No typing.

High school graduate. Age 23-48. Permanent. No Sat. 283-1751.

COOK Private adult family, be experienced and live in. Salary $300 per month. Give age and qualifications in first letter. Write W-283 Register and Tribune. COOK Salary and maintenance, insurance, vacation.

M.L. Jensen, Sioux County Home, Orange City, la, 737-4508. DESK CLERK not, Possibility important. of Call working Mr. any shift.

Ad: 1711 HOLIDAY INN SOUTH: DICTAPHONE-TRANSCRIBER 802 Ins. Exch. 5th and Grand. Fred Miller Antique Autos (353) Things to Eat (470) Home Furnishings (480) Miscel. for Sale (500) Pets Animals (520) person.

2nd and Locust. RESTAURANT MANAGER Exceptional opportunity in fast growing restaurant chain. Restaurant experience not necessary. Must be alert and able to handle quick service. LARRY OLSEN, 265-3479 LUM'S 3815 E.

14th Men of Interest 190 PARKING LOT ATTENDANT Experienced. Full time. Apply in, ROUTE MAN Married with or without experience for out of town bumper route. Salary plus. Apply 2431 Dean ROUTE SALESMAN Must have route experience.

Apply at 217 E. 5th St. SERVICE MANAGER-GM Dealer needs experienced man to manage new, modern shop. Must be able to take complete charge. Would consider man presently employed as assistant.

Call Pontiac-Buick, or write John Dibble, Dibble Austin, Minn. 433-3421 TERMINAL MANAGER With all knowledge of terminal operations. Small terminal. Salary open. Company fringe benefits.

Send resume to Byers Transportation 420 S.W. 5th Des Moines. Attn: Personnel Manager. An equal opportunity employer TIRE Malor oil company is looking for qualified man with tire experience for Key TBA clerical position. Must be neat and be able to type and work with office, machines.

Many benefits. Call Mr. Hansen, 276-3494 TOW TRUCK DRIVER Experienced. Age no limit. 5329 2nd Ave.

HANIFEN 243-3205 WARD ATTENDANT salary with M. maintenance, insurance, vacations. Jensen, County Home, Orange City, Iowa 737-4508 WAITER Day or all night. Apply Inn mornings to, Restaurant WORKING SUPERVISOR Needed for processing operation. Do you have want responsibility? Do yoU mechanical ability, with some chemistry background? Supervisory experience dairy plant or a similar food processing plant helpful.

Send resume to R-319, Register and Tribune. KILLED! The ad that ran in this space yesterday has been killed because it got results. WANTED Tractor Trailers, half sides or flats to pull loads from the Pittsburgh, Pa, area to Iowa or Nebraska, Brady Motorfrate, Pittsburgh code Special 412-322-8272 Commodity Sam or Joe. Terminal $300 TO $400 PER WEEK NOT UNUSUAL Selling our product from your home. Write to Briar American Pool Table Waukesha, Ridge Wisconsin 53186.


243-7687 PDM Thorough on the job training for LEE PRODUCTION WORKERS at Pittsburgh Des Moines Steel Co. Permanent night shift work available if desired 'Advancement to semi skilled and skilled positions Good company benefits Now working 45 hour work week 921 Murphy St. and 421 SW 5th Des Moines An equal opportunity employer Sptg. Goods Boats Campers Trailers TV Radio Stereo Cycles Scooters Used Autos Men -Jobs of Interest 190 SEMI RETIRED PARKING LOT CASHIER Airport Parking Co. DES MOINES AIRPORT Room 16.

Phone 285-3254 TOLEDO SCALE CO. Needs, good sales representative for Waterloo and surrounding counties. Must be high school. graduate, be mechanically inclined and have management potential. Excellent fringe benefits, salary, commission and expenses.

Need good car. Interviews and testing begin 12-2-68. For appointment call Waterloo 232- 9914 or Des Moines 244-7156. "An equal opportunity employer" YOUNG MEN 16 TO 21 Not working, drop outs or just not doing anything. You may be eligible to get join paid Job while Corp.

Learn training. a trade and leave in January. Openings Join now, in automotive, chemical plastics, and five Call other Jack high Quintana, paying Holiday vocations. South 283-1711 24 hours per day Inn days per week. PLANT EXPANSION requires personnel for punch press operating, riveting, shipping, etc.

WILL TRAIN. Guaranteed 52 week employment, excellent overtime duraood working conditions. BENEFITS. Only serious, applicants who want full time work will be considered. THE LEVINE COMPANY 4400 East 14th Street 262-5613 NEED A TRADE? INTERESTING PHONE WORK NO SALES DAY AND EVENING HOURS WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT? CALL ME MR.

STELTER-244-7841 "An Equal Opportunity Employer" YOUNG MAN With high 1 character of for special installation work high school and municipal mechanical equipment specialized Excellent construction. Will train qualified. future for those with desire. Write Box 56, West Des Moines, la. RETIRED BUT ACTIVE WORK 11 P.M.

to 7 A.M. Have good driving record. Apply to Mr. Brittin, 283-1711 HOLIDAY INN SOUTH Men and Women 195 BANK CASHIER Wanted $3,000,000. soon.

Must be miles experienced. bank, ten from Des Growth potential. 291, Register and Tribune. COOK Steady work. Good starting, salary.

Permanent position. Fringe benefits. Apply in person. CROSSROADS USA Interstate 80 and Douglas COOK For short orders. Permanent position.

Experienced. 10:30 PM to 6:30 AM. Apply Mrs. Stephensen Food Fountain. "HOTEL SAVERY COOK Apply Talicorn Motor Hotel, 753- 6641, la.

COOK no Sundays or holidays. Apply in person Stanton's Rest. 1719 6th COUNTER OR GRILL Full or part time, 10 AM-2 PM, or 10 AM-5 PM. 2806-6th. Ave.

HENRY'S DRIVE IN DISHWASHER Steady work. Good starting, salary. Permanent position. benefits. Apply in person.


1500 Delaware, Des Moines PROGRAMMER EXPERIENCED ONLY 6TH BLUE GRAND CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD 244-8961 Equal opportunity emplover SALAD. MAKER Day or nights, above average earnInas. No Sundays and Holidays. Ap. ply.

in person to chef at NOAH'S ARK, 2400 WELFARE WORKERS College Des Moines 264-6344 (530) (540) (545) (550) (348) (360) Fashion Artist Experienced artist who can write copy and make simple layouts. Good starting 5 day week. Liberal store benefits. Apply to Mr. Wolf, 5th Floor.

WOLF'S 712 Walnut 244-4211 GENERAL OFFICE Typing, shorthand, general office and 10 key calculator experience helpful. Pleasant working conditions, group insurance, vacations ant holidays. Free parking. APPLY IN PERSON WRIGHT TREE SERVICE 139 6th West Des Moine: GRILL COUNTER COMB. Experienced.

CR7-9190, CH3-9011 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED A keep permanent position for a lady to house for a family of three Burlington, Iowa. She will be furnished with a large room and a private bath plus a salary. The house is new and the family plan to move in the 15th of December. The main interest is a lady who enjoys cooking. Please write to Boxholder 639, Burlington, Iowa 52601 and include references.

HOUSEKEEPER. Prefer on Soc, Sec. Care for semi-invalid. In good health. Salary open.

266-8667. HOUSEKEEPER, live in adults. Write 0-326, Register and Tribune. HOUSEKEEPER, live in. Call 243-2085 Key Punch Operator Needed.

Experience desired, Will pay accordingly. Pleasant surroundings good fringe benefits. Free parking a career opportunity. Contact Personnel Office Farmers Elevator Mutual Insurance Co. Fleur and Bell Des Moines, lowa 50315 Phone 282-9186 KEY PUNCH OPRS.

EARN 3:30 to 6:30, 2 to 3 EXTRA MONEY CHRISTMAS Top pay, no fee. West location, Free parking. Apply at once. MANPOWER INC. 517 Fifth GO WITH THE BUSY ONE KEY PUNCH OPERATOR Night opening midnight to 8 AM.

360 computer. Prefer some experience. 40 hour week and benefits. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE IOWA METHODIST HOSPITAL MODELS- -BETTE BONN (Our "A 21st Year in Des Moines) HOLIDAY OF FUN FOR EVERYONE" All AGES, SIZES, TYPES. Train now! Assignments paying Part time or full time, after school or quality.

Saturday. Call you may 288-6749, 321 Fleming NCR BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Excellent working conditions and employee benefits. 4244 UNITED Clinton HAGIE HYBRIDS, INC; 279-3668 Nurses Aides We are now accepting. applications from women (over 18) who are direct interested in career involving patient care. Those who qualify will be trained to assist nursing personnel in the medicalsurgical or mental health Applicants must be neat, reliable.

and enjoy working with people. Position excellent offers good starting condifions, salary; working weeks vacation, after one vear, and other benefits. Child care service available. Apply: Personnel Office lowa Lutheran Hospital 716 Parnell NURSERY SCHOOL assistant In Byrum Nursery school girl or older women, one who loves small children. Less, than full days.

Monday through Friday. Earn $40.10 (earn while you learn.) Dial 255-7828. Could be permanent. AMERICAN GIRL a TEMPORARY HELP NO RYES 401 Fleming Bide. 243-5156 sales..

The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.