MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 19S9. PAGE NINE MOINES REGISTER. IN BAG- NEW PASTORAL Styles 'in Drop Twin Bill to Browns, Oil to Scout: Big Ten Maneuvers 1 Reglsttr Staff Phots, Among styles attracting attention at the two-day fall footwear market exhibit which opened Sunday at Hotel Chamberlain were those "in the Dutch fashion." Ruth Hinkley, Marshalltown, la looks over a Dutch boy and a Dutch girl number. The exhibit henceforth will be held every 60 days. It Is sponsored by the low Shoe Travelers association.
Off on another airplane tour of some of the Big Ten and middlewestern football camps four ace members of the Register and Tribune's staffs are shown at the Des Moines airport Sunday. Left to right, they are Register and Tribune Plane Pilot Charles Gatschet, Staff Photographer George Yates, Columnist Ted (Getting Around) Ashby and Big Ten Football Expert Bert McGrane of The Register sports staff. GAME OUT OF THIRD PLACE Floor Cubs Twice Dutch! Trinity A. P. Keatt.
Wetiey R. M. Shlpmao. West Des Moines G. A.
Lawton. Farrar-Peorla H. B. Fay. Hamllton-Marvvilla.
P. 6. Lovllle-a To be supplied. numeston-iKoy c. r.
nunea Indlanola W. M. Scheuerman. Indianola Parish Crabtra. Kellogg-Rushvllle M.
C. Shu pa. Klllduif Circuit R. V. Pike.
Knoxvllle T. C. Kennedy. Lacona-Libertv Center. P.
O. Indlanoitl To be supplied. Linevtlie-Cllo To be supplied. Melcher Asel Smith. Mllo-Green Plain J.
A. WorrelL Mingo-Ira To be supplied. Mitchellvllle-Santlago H. W. Munst Monroe E.
L. Patterson. Newton, Firat L. B. Logan.
Grove W. H. Beta. New Virginia-Truro W. W.
Watson. Norwalk-LInn Grove David Barker. Pleasant Hill 8. Grant Lewi. Pleaaantvllle-Edea C.
A. Calkin. Prairia City R. T. White.
Promlte City-Jerome J. E. McClellan. Reaanor-Todd'a Chanel B. W.
McEk downey. nussen a. w. atcBiain. Seymour To be aupplied.
South Indlanola P. O. Indianola- Walter Sieck. Spring Hill-North River Howard Flelfe 'Tracy-Harvey Frad W. Martin.
Ottumwa District. J. F. Boeye, rapt Agency C. R.
Reed. Albla W. R. Keesey. J.
Boeye, luperuteadeat. Averv V. C. Hickman. Barnes City Leonard BaduM, Batavla X.
W. Zerb. Beacon, P. 0. University Park To te supplied.
glMV.UUt VtlVUlU 1,111, loomflelif L. D. Thomas. Bloom field Ct. To be supplied.
Brooklyn E. Miller. Cedar J. E. Matheny.
Centervllle C. M. La Grone. Chllllcothe-Columbla Lawrence) Klgbl. ClnctnnaU Circuit A.
F. Polk. Deep River-Guernsey R. F. Sturgell.
Delta Arthur Henry. Drakeevtlle Circuit. P. O. TJnlyraltm Park Kim Olffln.
Eddyviue-Kirkviii E. w. Meier. Eldon O. W.
Baker. Exllne Circuit W. M. Hartln. Fairfield M.
A. Gable. Fairfield Circuit J. W. Stlna.
ai buii juiiu a. Fremont J. L. Alexander. Grlnnell C.
R. Rowe. Iledrlck-Marttnaburg M. D. Cog.
Iconlum Circuit E. P. Sourlock. AMt, Mro. E.
P. Spurlock. Keota o. B. Roger.
Keswick To be lupplied. Koaita-Walnut Circuit Paul Kurta. Lacey-Talntor L. H. Thompaon.
Ladora Hugh X. William. Libertyvllla J. A. E.
Cunningham. Lovllla J. B. Pooley. Malcolm-Ewart P.
0. Univerrtty raft D. B. Rose. Marengo G.
O. Hunt. Mlllersburg J. A. Harp.
Montezuma A. It. Eattman. Moravia It. L.
Brown. Moultnn-Weat Grove E. W. TroeUft) Mount Zton 8. E.
Spurlock. Mystic M. K. oonxaies. New Sharon R.
C. Buchanan. North Engllah F. B. Hebron.
Ohio Ct. R. H. Kettell. Ookalooaa C.
M. Edmundson. Ottumwa, Flnt Harold Lancaster. Ottumwa, Rivervlew Ta be auppllM. Ottumwa, Wesley R.
W. Swick. Ottumwa, Wllllard St. Claude R. Coot Packwood-Pekln-Ollle J.
B. PrltehareV Pulaskl-Trqy-Lebanon W. R. Nolan d. Richland H.
H. Stark. Beanboro-Bthel-P. Unlvertity Park-Clifford ott Sheridan W. S.
Xlght. Slgourney W. J. Fowler. Slgourney-Bethel Theodora Coleman.
Thornburg Tllton Bpringdal C. SJL uewey. Unionvllle J. A. Wlloa.
Victor J. J. rritcnaro. Victor, Emanuel C. Ellla, What Cheer J.
0. Porath. Williamsburg J. C. Behrena Representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, other civie groups and other churches will participate in this program, George Brammer will be chair man.
DRAKE SEASON TICKET DRIVE More than 1,000 ticket have been sold in Drake's annual foot ball season drive, according to W. K. Nelmann, Bankers life general chairman of the drive. Representatives of Del Moinea business houses are cooperating in selling tickets. The season tickets include re served seat tickets to Drake'a five home football games for $4.40.
Captains of the teams in the competitive drive are Jack Hurley, Fred McDonald, Phil Jester, Leo Lucier, Brad Sterling, J. New- burn, M. O. Kahn, Russell Haas, Rollie Evans, Fred Haskine, Vera Mllligan, Harold Teachout, Fred Freel, and Lee Keyaer. Sansbury WITH PENNANT Yankees GIVES 6 IIITSItl SECOIID St.
Louis Clips Gomez and Ruffing. NEW YORK, N. Y. fjty Secure in their fourth consecutive American league championship, the Yankees lost both ends of a dou-bleheader to the tailend St. Louis Browns, 8 to 4, and, 3 to 1, Sunday in spite of the presence of New York's two acesRed Ruffing and Lefty Gomez, on the mound.
Previously this season St. Louis had won only one of 18 games from the Yankees, but perhaps remembering that last year they copped a double bill from New York the day the Yanks, clinched the pennant, the Browns staged an anniversary celebration. inn iirnt runt ilookhs iict Kramer, who held the Browns' ingle earlier decision against New York, scattered 11 hits so effectively that the champions scored only lb the second and third innings. In the nightcap Howard Mills held them to six safeties and would have had a shutout except for a home run by Babe Dahlgren in the fifth Ruffing, seeking his twenty-second victory in the opener, got instead his seventh defeat and was driven from the box by a Today's Pitchers (By the Associated Press.) NATIONAL LEAGUE. Bolton at ClaetaaaM flalllvaa -7) and MaeFayaen (8-1 3 Grit-to in (7-6) Ml Mow (13-11).
Ne- York a M. Louie Meitea (11-13) ana Schumacher (il-) vs. Davis (31-13) an Laaler (0-1). Fhllaaelpala a ritttbwfh Braaaar (0-1) vs. Brown (8-13).
Oaljr tntM eneale. AMERICAN LEAOCE. St. Leuls at New York Walk (1-4) T. Faroa (11-6).
Cleveland at Fhlla4elphla Allea (S-6) Potter (8-11). Detroit at Waahlnftoa Bridies (1B-8) vii. Leonard (18-1). Only game scheduled. three-run rally in the ninth after he had given up hits.
One of these was a home run by Joe Gal' lagher, the rookie who started the season with New York, Glenn Hits Homer. Gomez was taken for nine hits In the second game. Three of the blows were linked with two errors for St. Louis' first two runs in the fifth and the other run was Catch' er Joe Glenn's homer in the sixth. Flnt fame: St.LouIS AB.
Hefer.2b 4 2 5 1 4 2 5 2 3 0 Oererlf 4 2 A. IN. York AB. H. O.A.
ojurosetti, 6 113 Roltf.3b Keller.rf 3 4 Dlcksv.e 6 Selkirk. If 3 Gordon. 2 3 2 2 2 2 0 I 01 4 1 4 2 2 1 Kramer, 3 4 0 Total! 35 13 27 11 I Total 35 11 2T 11 Score by Innings: St. Louie 031 001 003 8 New York .022 000 0004 Summary Error, Dahlgren; run batted In, Heffner 3. McQulnn.
Dickey 2, Bel-kirk, Gallagher, DiMeglio, uiti two ua.v njie, nrauier, neixner, uijuagglo, Dickey. Rolf; borne fun, Gallagher: tac rine, hlta, Kramer 2, HeffBer: double piaya, uoraon 10 urosetu to Dahlgren, Crosettl to Gordon to Dahlgren: left on batee, New York 10, St, Louli baeea on nana, orr nulling 3, Kramer 5, Chand 1 atpiilr Ant k. T3 i hlta. off Ruftlmr 13 In 8 i-3 Chandler 0 In 2-3; hit by pitcher, by Kra mer iuimtffwi; losing piicner, Kurnng. umpires, urisve, teuton ana jaouowan, Time, 2:15.
Second game: Pt. L'a AB. HO. A.I New Y. 1 5 3 Cr'i'tl AB.
H. 0. A 5 a 1 1 Hoag.rf Glenn, Mills, 1 0 0lRolfe.3b 0 1 3 10 1 3 uiKeirr.rf 0 3 1 2 1 0 10 2 4 0 0 0 0 DlM'r'o Rosare Gomei, 3 aKn'kbrk'r 1 Totali 35 2T 14 Total! 33 8 27 7 aBatted for Gomeg in ninth. Score by Innlnn: St. Loull 000 021 000 New York 000 010 000 1 summary Errors, nosar, Koire.
Dam- kicii, ixanaKiier, rum ueuea in Boag Tahlirin fTlJtnn tmin hmmm hit. UcQulnn. Chrtatman: home runt, bahlvmn! Glenn: atolen bate, Brrardtno; sacrifice hit, Mills; double play, Heffner to Chrtst- znan 10 aiciuinn; leu on Dases, jvew York 8. St. Louli 10: bate on belli, off Mills .1 Gomel itruck out, by Gomes 8, Mills 3.
Umplrei, Qutnn, McOowan and urieve. rime. Attendance, 21,027 RESUME PLAY or No Wari Scota Will Play Their Football. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND UP) ocuiusu luuLuau league uiiiciaia announced Sunday that the league would resume play next Saturday. League games were suspended following the declaration of war Sept.
3. Sunday's decision is In line with, the government announcement last Friday that organized football would be permitted providing there was no inter ference with national service, English league members will meet today to decide what form competition will take in England. COLONELS AND TRIBE IN FINAL INDIANAPOLIS. IND. UP) In dlanapolis, third place winner in the American association pennant race a games behind flag-winning Kansas City, advanced Sundav to the final round of the Shaughnessy piayon.
Dy taking their fourth game from the Blues, to 8, be fore 7,119 fans. Kansas City scored only one vie tory in the playoff. The Indians will nlav Louisville. victor Sunday over Minneapolis, for the right to be the association representative in the little world series against the International league playoff winner. In the playoff Indianapolis took the first three games at Kansas City, 3 to 0, 12 to 4 and 13 to 1 before losing a 1 to 0 decision here Saturday night 8-4, 3-1 DETROIT WINS III 11TI1, 3 -2 Greenbere's Homer Beats Senators WASHINGTON, D.
C. VF) Hank Greenberg'a twenty-ninth home run of the season gave De troit's Tigers a 3 to. 2 victory over Washington In an 11-inning game Sunday before 15,000 fans After a pitching duel between Paul Trout for the Tigera and Ken Chase for the Senators which lasted eight innings, the home team missed the golden opportunity in the ninth when they were unable to push a single run across although they filled the bases with none out. Greenberg, who also tripled in the first and singled in the seventh, decided the issue, in the final frame, lifting one of Bill Holland's fast balls into the left- field stands for a homer, Detroit. Fox.rf Kress, sa aRqgell H.
O. A. 15 1 Wash. LeiD.2b AB H. O.
A 4 115 1 2 1 2 3 12 Gilbert. 2b Quick, tt WelaJ.rf Vernon, lb Ferrell.c Chase, bTravta cCase dMyer Holland, 1 5 3 5 4 5 5 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 4 I I 0 6 1 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 3 McCoy, St bine. If 115 1 Tebbettt.e 5 Trout, Thomtl.p McKaln.a 'Total 41 33 14 Total 41 11 33 IS a Ran for Kress In ninth. bBatted for Chate In eighth. cRan for Travl In eighth.
dBatttd for Carrasquel in ninth. Score bv innlnet: Detroit 001 000 010 01 3 Washington ..001 000 010 00 2 Summary Error, Lelp; run batted in, VhahKu tkM. hi. UI1.UU,1 tH U. l.ll,.
utw, Greenberg, Trout; horn run, 'Greenberg; stolen bate. Greenberc: sacrifice hit. West: double plays, Kress to Gehrlnger to Green- oerg, uenringer lo nress 10 ureenDerg, 9, Washington bate on balls, off Chase 2. Trout Holland 2, McKaln struck out, by Trout 2, Chate 3, Carrasquel 1, noiiana nits, orr Trout in a innings. Chase 9 In Thomas 0 in 1-3, Carrasquel 1 In 1.
McKaln 0 in 2 2-3, Holland 3 in wna pitcn, Trout; win. M1K IKJin, NVMIN, ft.ll.VUWl, il'-l- land. Umpires, Summers, Bull and Plp- gra. nme, Attendance, za.uuu. WHITE SOX AND BOSTON SPLIT BOSTON, MASS.
UP The second-place Boston Red Sox main' tained a three-game lead over the third-place Chicago White Sox Sunday as the teams split a dou bleheader in their last meetings this season. Chicago took the first, 4 to 1, behind Lefty Thornton Lee's three hit pitching, Boston retaliated in the second, 11 to 7, by pounding out 16 hits. Chicago won 14 of the 22 games, between the two teams. Ted Williams, rookie outfielder, hit his twenty-eighth homer with one out in the fourth for the Red Sox' only score in the opener, Chicago put the game on ice in the first inning, tallying two runs on singles by Bejma, Rosenthal and McNair and a bad throw by Red Sox Shortstop Berger. Four Chicago and three Boston pitchers paraded to the mound in the second game, a slugf est in which the Red Sox scored seven runs in the last three Innings.
First game: Chicago AB.H.O. 8 2 2 Rosen'Uf 3 2 1 4 14 Ap' ling. is 4 0 1 3 2 0 AJBoston AB, 3 0 OlCramer.of 3 0 Wllli'ms rt 3 Doerr.Zb 4 3 Vosmlk.lf 2 0 1 0 4 0 Berger, ss 3 1 3 1 2 waiKer.ii Tresh.o 2 11 0 6 0 0 Total 33 12 27 Total 29 3 27 12 Score bv. innings: Chicago 200 100 002 8 Beaton 000 100 000 1 Summary Errors, Finney, Berger; runt oauea in, jtoaenmai, jkreevicn, men air, walker, rresa, unarm; two oase nit, Berger; tnree Date nui, Bejma, junair home run. Wililamt: atolen baaa.
Kuhel acrtiice niia, aukduibi, a.uuci, a iv.u, Cramer; left on bases, Chicago 4, Boston Dast on oana, oil Le vvuson struck out, by Lee Galehous 3, Wilson nit, on uaienouae in inninge, Wilson 2 in 4: losing Ditcher. Galehouse Umpire Ormsby, GeTsel and Ru. Time, 1:48. Second game: Chicago AB, Bejma, 2b 4 6 Ap'ngii 4 8 3 R. O.
0 3 Boston AB, 4 1 O. A 1 Cramer, cf Finney, lb Berger, is 3 3 Kuhel, lb Tresh.c bR'dcllff Knott.p aBt'acher Eaves, Brown, ccronin OiCarey.i Peaco*ck, Hevlng.p Dlckman.p Bagby.p Totala 38 16 27 15 Total 35 24 aBatted for Knott In fourth. bBatted for Ttesh in eighth, Batted for Berger in eighth. Score by innlnxa: Chicago 020 301 100 Boston .031 003 13x 11 Summary Error, Doerr, Finney, Tabor: runs batted In, McNair, Walker, Steln-bacher, Doerr 2, Finney 2, Tabor 2, Having 2, Cramer, Deaautels, Bagby; two base nits, nreevicn, Appling, Taoor 3, rinney, Hevtng; three base hits, Appling, Walker, r.wvii, ait'ivi, vvnmei mvlbii, sacrifice hits, Tresh, Bagby, Peaco*ck; left on oases, unicago 7, Boston li: nates on balls, off Knott 2.
Tave 3. Brown 1. Dlckman 3, Bagby struck out, by Knott 1, Eaves 1, Hevlng 2, Dlckman 2, Bagby hlta, off Knott 7 In 3 innings, Eaves 2 In 2 1-3, Marcum 0 in 2, Brown 1 in 2-3, Hevlng in 3 z-3, Dlckman, 0 In 2 1-3, Bagby 2 In hit by pitcher, by Hevlng (Treth); wild pitch. Eaves; winning pitcher, Bagby; lotlng pitcher, Marcum, umpires, ueisei, nue ana urm by. Tim, 2131.
Attendance, 12,000. SEMIPRO TITLE TO PORTO RICO SAN JUAN, PORTO RICO 'UP) Porto Rico won the first semi- pro baseball world's championship Sunday when Guayama, the island champions, defeated the Duncan Cementers twice, to and 5 to 4. The Duncan team won the title of the national semlpro con gresa in United States. A crowd of 15,000 saw Guayama clinch the seven-game series and a 5,000 cash prize by winning the sixth contest this mqrnlng then rally in a big eighth inning to gain the final victory. The series proved a financial success, drawing between 50,000 and 60,000 spectators for the seven games, Ray Dumont of Wichita, president of the semipro congress, announced another' "world series" will be played here next September, POSTS LISTED Named by.
Methodists at Conference. BURLINGTON, Pastoral appointments for the coming year in the Iowa-Des Moines conference of the Methodist church were announced here Sunday as follows: Boone District. F. 0. Edwards, superintendent, A del B.
I. Selden. Ames, Collegiate G. 8. Nichols.
Ames, First A. H. Barker, Audubon 0. E. Cooler.
Bagley-Cooper Paul C. Ellis. Bayard E. H. Jackson.
Beaver Circuit J. M. Clemmer. Boone, First E. A.
Briggs. Boone, Marlon Street T. J. PettlL Boonevllle C. H.
Miller. Carroll W. F. Clayburg. Casey Alta M.
Nichols. Churdan C. E. McPherson. Colo H.
H. Proett. Collins Charles Fix. Coon Rapids J. H.
Krenmyr. Dana To be aupplied. Dallas Center C. H. Boo.
Dexter-Penn Center J. H. Freedlln. Glidden-Dedham B. Johnson.
Gray Mrs. Ida M. Habllston. Grand Junction W. W.
Bentzlnger, Guthrie Center J. F. Rex. Herndon Grace Anderson, Jefferson D. J.
Shenton. Lanesboro J. Gruber. Luther-Napier J. C.
Madrid C. O. Htrnhl Maxwell-Cambrldae Slater circuit Jud. won f-eratna. Menlo L.
H. JosIIn. Mlnbum Treverton Warren. Mineral Rldge-Mackey J. H.
Bevrldge. Nevada C. D. Loose. North Branch Ct P.
fl Adair Milton nawes. Ogden R. C. Murdock. Panora-Ltnden C.
M. Row. Paton C. A. Carlson.
Perry U. 8. Smith. Pilot Mound Clarence Weltemitr. Redfleld Frederick J.
Ackman. Rlppey W. H. Doughty. Scranton O.
D. Toole. Stuart B. F. Hamilton.
Van Meter-De Soto W. L. Hawn. Waukee C. W.
Hohanshelt. Woodward W. F. Overnulier. Yalo R.
E. Ougeler. Burlington District. Guy J. Fansher, Superintendent, Alnaworth C.
E. Coggeshall. Amtsh Circuit (P. 0. Hi 2.
Kalona) Forrest Moore. Birmingham Ct. Jay waterman. Bonarjarta. Federated L- E.
Winfrey. Brighton E. S. Hehner. uurnngton, jrirtt w.
T. emitn. Burllnaton. Grace E. L.
Stone. Burlington, Harrison Ave. W. A. Samp.
Burlington tircuit m. v. vvyatt. Cantrll-Mt- Sterllnc E. L.
Btllowa Columbua Junction. Columbu City V. a. tsioomquist. crawtordsvtue s.
voe. Danville-Long Creek J. 8. Decker, Donneliaon Ct. G.
F. Meier. Doudt Circuit To be supplied. Fartnlngton Ct. Dal Nlcholaon.
Fredonia F. M. Campbell. Fort Madison. First Fred Skawea Fort Madison.
Santa Avenue Paul If. Hann. Glasgow, P. 0. Mount Pltaeaat Arthur Brent.
Kaiona-Riversid ct. a. c. r-nerson. Keokuk, Trinity M.
X. Hayes. Keokuk, Twelfth St. A. A.
Smith. Keosauqua-Center Chapel C. H. Orf. Letts R.
G. Alexander. Lone Tree Ward Hatfield. Medlapolle W. H.
Stack. Milton H. E. Butler. Montrota Circuit J.
D. Steven. Morning Sun-Falrview C. W. Richard' on.
aiuuii, ca.nut, i. v. Mount Pleasant. Circuit J. E.
H. Chamber. Mount Union, circuit u. 1 Allison. Muscatine, First L.
Will. Muscatine, North Ct. C. H. Htllar.
Muscatine, South Ct. Fay Marlott. New London. Grace Geo. H.
Smith. New London, Elm St. W. W. Stein- meta.
Nlchola circuit E. L. MCClur, North Liberty-Tiffin Forrest Kellogg, oakvtii circuit norac ireiana. Oxford (Federated) R. Underwood.
Salem Circuit R. T. Richard, flouth Prairie Tn be auDDlied. Stocknort. P.
0. Mount Pleasant To be aunniled. Trenton. P. 0., Mount Pleasant James oioan.
Wapello Lloyd Tenant. Washington R. C. Keagy. Wavland-Flnlev Chattel J.
Shook. Well man P. M. Cnnant. West Burllngton-Sperry Ct.
O. J. Fix. West Chester George Pennington. Wast T.lhartv A Smith Wilton Junction-Moscow W.
A. Long necker. Winfleld Richard Row. Yarmouth-Marsh R. W.
Meeker, Council Bluffs District. W. H. Meredith, superintendent. Anlta-Wlota Arthur V.
Long. Atlantic C. W. Cooper. Carson-norm Creek Paul K.
Potter. Council Bluffs, Broadway A. A. Heath. Council Bluffs, Epworth R.
M. Peters. Council Bluff. Fifth Avsnus F. Smith.
Council Bluffs, Trinity D. M. Young. Cumberland-Pin Orov Clarence W. Woollard.
Benlson L. M. ow City J. Lester Greenwood. Dunlap J.
Lester Greenwood. Elllott-Pllot Grove C. L. Ellis. Emerson L.
E. Ripley. Farragut-Madlson C. M. Corrlt.
Glenwood H. G. Parker. Grant-Lincoln Center Ernest McAnlnch. Griswold-Asbury L.
C. McDonald. Hamburg G. Hufstader. a Hanco*ck H.
P. Orinyer. Harlan Deane Chapman. Haatlngs-Strahan JT A. Wall.
Imogene-Cltmax O. F. Howard. Klrkman-Irwln C. 8, Dayhoff.
Locust Grova-Bummitt, P. 0. 8idny a. a. jacKton.
Logan -Beebetown Ct. V. W. Henderson Macedonia Henry Teele. Magnolla-Modale-Mondamln C.
F. Cur- Malvern E. R. Stroud. Manilla-Manning F.
C. Aldrlch. AT UNIVERSITY Sermon RELATES OF INSPIRATION The story of Christ's beginning as a preacher was theme for the installation sermon at the University Church of Christ Sunday in honor of its new pastor, Dr. Marvin 0. Sansbury.
The sermon was delivered by Dr, A. Shullen-berger, former pastor of Central Church of Christ of Des Moines a a Church of Christ pastor at Indianapolis, Ind. "That part of His life, when He returned to Naz REV, areth, iS JUSt as SHCLLENBEBOEB. vital as Calvary in Christ's life; so many things had their inception at Nazareth every one with a life of meaning," Dr. Shullenberger said.
'They will bear witness that so much glory of existence is drawn on the invisible line where divinity and humanity are Inspired Works. As motif of his sermon, the minister used the inspired works of great men and women the inspiration which enabled the sculptor, Lorado Taft, to show the hitherto unobserving maid the beautiful sunset; the spirit which led Jane Addams at the age of 8 to say: "I will build a great house, not 4 Mame-Mon roe-Birch Creek 3. 1. Hen derson. Maisena-Vlctorla Lester C.
Hall. Missouri Valley M. A. Banker. Mount HoM-Haiel Dell Clifton W.
Triol. Neola Federated To be supplied. Oakland Eugene D. Alexander, Pacific Junctlon-HUladale F. D.
Birch. ard. Plagah-Llttla Sioux J. D. Payne.
Randolph-Tabor To be supplied. Red Oak, Flrtt 0. W. Morrow. Red Oak, Circuit W.
J. Weber. Rlverton To be supplied. 8helby D. I.
Hower. Sidney R. M. fa*gan. Silver Citv-Eaat Liberty Georn W.
Hall. Tennantapersla Peter Trueano, Thurman To be supplied. Vlillsca E. M. Buehler.
Walnut To be aupplied. Weslev-Henderion-P. O. Haetinee R. V.
Felt. Woodbine j. a wood. Creston District. W.
A. Morgan, Saperlntendeat. Adair W. H. warrior.
Afton F. A. Moore. Bedford A. D.
Steffanson. tlanchard To be supplied. lockton-Reddlng E. B. Stewart.
Brldgewater-Avondala J. E. Clark. Brooks-Carbon Z. M.
Breaaler. Caledonia, P. 0. Corning To' be sup- pnta. Carl Circuit A.
R. Weed. Clarlnda W. F. Lister.
Clearfield M. 0. McKenxl. Coin K. E.
Nesblt. Colleea SDrinee Carl Brown. Conway-Bharpsburg Bernard Weetman. Horning u. uarnea.
Creston L. E. Watson. Dlaaonal C. W.
Proctor, farlham Cecil Latta. ontanell W. C. Henn. Gerdea Gmve TJnvd LAttA.
Grand Rlver-Beaconsfleld Jack Ftaher. Oravjty Paul V. Croua. Oreenflald M. Talley.
Hebron Circuit, P. 0. Orient Ora L. Keep. Kellerton 0.
L. Jones. Kent-Nevlnvllls L. G. Reap.
Lenox F. J. Robin. Leon-Decatur Clarence Moor. Macktburg-Lorlmer M.
D. Summerbell Mount Ayr T. G. Kelly. Murray-Thayer I.
Mater. New Market L. R. Gatch. Nodaway Circuit A.
Lewi Nprthboro Ida I. Roberts. Orient Circuit Donald C. Bleslnger, Osceola, First C. Rayhlll.
Osceola, Trinity W. Y. Cole. Peru-Patterson H. Machlan.
Prescott A. Blsslnger. Shannon Clty-Arispe A. C. Stark, Shenandoah Richard Bneed.
St. Charles L. L. Smith. Tlnglev-EUston L.
M. Klrby. Van Wert-Weldon Mrs. Mvrtle Cox. West Star-Worthlngton, P.
O. Earlham rteea nessier. Wlnterset J. R. McNlchol.
Yorktown-Norwtch F. B. Harris. Des Moines District. Levi P.
Goodwin, Superintendent. Allerton-Zlon Hill S. P. Trostle. Altoona F.
B. Moore. Ankeny F. L. Shepherd.
Attica Circuit Orville Dillon. Bussey Circuit B. H. Finch. Cambria Circuit Gerald Roger.
Sariisle C. E. Thlele. entennlal To be lupplied. Charlton Paul B.
Hicka. Colfax O. Nye, Columbia Circuit G. B. Noland.
Commerce A. E. Slothower. Corydon L. H.
Athey. Pallas Circuit To be supplied. Derby Circuit H. R. Osborne.
DES MOINES CHURCHES. Asbury P. M. McDadt. Eaiion Place-Berwick R.
C. Calkin. Epworth D. O. MacDougaU, First C.
Clifford Bacon. Fort Des Moinea H. U. Smith. Oatchell Wilson Hyde.
Orace T. H. Gallaiher. Immanuel A. E.
Bennett. Jordan-Riverside E. L. Splllef. aimpson u.
Simpson- G. Orcutt. CHURCH- Honors where the wealthy live, but where we find these poor people." He told the congregation that tn an era of troubled times, "when nations seemed determined to live without Christ," that Christians must remember the words of Jesus, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me." "Thia is your house," Dr. Shullenberger said. "You are-God's people.
"Tou are in this town to show the whole community, so far as you can, God's sunlight. "Jesus Our "Jesus is our greatest contemporary. Jesus is more necessary than any other cultural or social force we know. We need nothing more today than this teaching of the carpenter who comes strolling into history radiating life. "You can't get rid of Him even though nations today would set themselves to be without Him." The congregation will honor Dr.
Sansbury with a reception and dinner at the church at 8 p. ta. A citywlde reception will be held at 7:45 p. m. Friday at the (J Regtater Staff Photo.
PHILS, PIRATES IN EVEN BREAK Bucs Lose First, 7-3; Win Nightcap, 10-1. PITTSBURGH, PENN. () Long Johnny Gee's new Pittsburgh Pirates teammates ruined his major league debut Sunday in the first game of a doubleheader when they committed eight errors and handed the contest to the Phillies, 7 to 3. The Pirates won the nightcap, 10 to Although the gangling Gee, a southpaw rookie up from Syracuse of the International league hurled six-hit ball in his first major league appearance, the Pirate de fense collapsed in the eighth In ning and the Phils were presented with five unearned runs. Rip Sewell hurled the ninth for the Pirates and allowed one hit Coming back strong in the second game, the Pirates pounded out 17 hlta to win handily while Bob Klinger held the Phillies to four hits.
Chuck Klein homered in the first game and Arky Vaughan and Paul Waner in the second. Paul Waner hit safely twice in each contest, running his streak to 18 consecutive games. Scharein of the Phils clouted three singles in the first game and a pair of doubles in the second. First game: Phila. AB H.
0. A. 13 4 2 3 0 0 10 Pittt'ah AB. H. 0.
A. 5. P.W'ner.rf 4 2 0 0 0 0 013 1 2 1 Fierer.iD 2 Juellch.2b May, 2 Warren.c 0 2 3 1 1 aL.Waner Mueller.o Oee.p bKIeln Sewell, Total 37 7 2713 Total 32 10 27 12 aBatted for Ouitlne in ninth. bBatted for Gee in eighth. Dmm hv innlnn: Philadelphia 000 020 OSO 1 Pittsburgh 101 000 010 3 nummary uume Benjamin, Gee, Fletcher, Mueller, Bru-baker.
Suhr, Arnovlchj runs batUd In, Elliott, Vaughan, May, Scharein, Johnson, Klein; two base hits, Elliott, Brubaker; home run, Klein; atolen base, Fletcher; hita. Vsiiahan. Suhr. Johnson 2. Benjamin; double plays, Johnson to Scharein to Suhr, Scharein to Suhr, Vaughan to Fletcher, Letchas to Scharein to Bubr; len on oaact, z-iinauciuuia iw, oitt.hiifvh hanea on balls, off Oe 3: struck out, by Gee 3, Sewell 1,.
Johnson hits, off Gee 6 in lnnlne, Sewell 1 in 1. umpiica, dwri UBimuiaui, Dunn and Klem, Time, 2:10. Attendance, 7.500. Second game: Phlla. AB.
H. O. A.IPItts. AB. H.
0. A 3 2 3 P.Wa'r.rf 5 4 Elliott. cf 5 5 4 4 Go it's, 3b 3 Susce.e 4 Xllnger.p 4 I i 1 0 Rn1'n rf 4 3 1 4 2 2 0 3 3 0 Brack, If 1 1 May, 3b 2 2 3 Warren. 2 Total 38 17 27 13 2 Pearson, 2 Kerk'ecp 0 aE.Mu'ler 1 Totals 30 4 24 13 aBatted for Kfrksleck in ninth. Score by Innlngi: Philadelphia .000 000 100 1 Pittsburgh 003 031 30x 10 Summary Errors, none; run batted In, p.
Waner 2, Vaughan 2, Fletcher, Brubaker 2, Letchas, Klinger- two baaa hit, Vaughan, Fletcher, Van Rohays, Scharein home runs, P. Waner, Vaughan; sacrifice hit, Vaughan; double piaya Brubaker to Vaughan to Fletcher, Scharein to Letcbaa to Suhr; left on bates, Philadelphia 8, Pittsburgh bate on balla, off Klinger 6, Kerksleck struck out, by Klinger 2, Pearson hits, off Pearson 10 In 4 1-3 Innings, Kerkneck 7 In 3 2-3: wild pitch, Kerksleck; losing pitcher, Pearson. Umpires, Ballanfant, Dunn, Klem and Stark. Tim. 1:50.
Attendance. 8,008. 1 WASHINGTON WINS. WASHINGTON, D. C.
(IP) The Washington, D. Canoe club piled up 20 points Sunday to win the canoe competition in the thirteenth annual president's cup regatta on the Potomac Dodgers YELLOW BALL IN FIRST TEST Brooklyn Triumphs, 10-4, 3-2. CHICAGO, ILL. The Brook lyn Dodgers advanced to within a game of Chicago's third place club Sunday by sweeping a double-header with the Cubs, 10 to 4 and to 2. The yellow ball received Its first test at Wrigley field in the open ing game and the Dodgers smacked it for 13 hits.
Nine bases on balls contributed by Earl White- hill, Charley Root and Jack Rus sell aided In the triumph, the thirteenth for Pitcher Hugh Casey. Art Parks' pinch single in the second game, coming in the eighth inning with Mel Almada on base, broke a 2-2 tie and gave Luke Hamlin his eighteenth victory in a duel with Clyde Passeau. Almada ran for Dixie Walker who had singled and advanced on an out. The games ended 1939 play be tween the two teams, each wound up with 11 triumphs. First game: Brklyn AB.
Cot' art, 2b 8 Lav' to, 3 3 3 aParka 0 Almada, cf 1 4 Ripple, rf 5 Koy.lf 4 Sodd.e 3 3 Caaey.p 4 H.O. 1 3 2 0 1 3 0 0 ill I3 2 A.IChlcago AB, H. 0. A. 0 4 112 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oaian.lf O.Ru'lMb Mancuao.e Root.p bGleeton J.Rua'll.p Llllard.p cReynoldt Totala 36 13 27 11 Totala 3S 11 27 9 aBatted for Stainback In sixth.
bBatted for Root In eighth. cBatted for Lillard In ninth. Score by innlngi: Brooklyn .....300 012 004 10 Chicago i 100 000 003 4 Summary Errora, Galan, Lelber, Mat-tick: runt batted in Coicarart, Parka, Ca-mllu 2, Ripple 2, Todd, Caiey, Lavagetto 2, Herman, Ullber, Mattlck, two bate hlta, Nlcholaon, Mattlck: aacrl-fice hlta, Parka, Todd, Casey, Herman; double piaya, Camtlli (unaatlsted). Caaey to Durocher to Camtlli, Mattlck to Herman to O. Ruaaell, Hack to Herman to O.
Rua-lell; left on baaea, Brooklyn 13, Chicago 8: baaea on off Caaev 3. Whltahlll 4, Root 2, 1. Ruaaell struck out, by Whltehin 2, Koot J. Kusseii nua, on Whltehlll 8 in 5 1-3 Innings, Root 2 in 2 2-3, Russell 3 In 2-3, Lillard 0 In 1-3; hit by pitcher, by Whltehlll (Ripple, Todd); wild pitch, J. Russell; losing pitcher, Whltehlll.
Umpires, Sears, Barr and Moran. Second game: Br'klyn AB. 5 H. O. A.
I Chicago AB. H. O. A. 10 1 0 2 1 0 0 2 3 4 4 0 0 Galan.
If 0 Mattlck, is 1 3 0 3 2 10 1 2 Ripple, rf. Koy.lf Parks.lf Hartle.c. Oil 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 Patseau.p aMoore Todd.c. Root, p. 3 Hamlin.p 4 Totali 32 6 27 12 Totala 33 27 8 aBatted for Hartje In eighth.
bBatted for Passeau In eighth. tnrm hv Innlnffa: Brooklyn "20 ooo 010 3 Chicago .000 200 OOO 2 Summary Errors, Hartje, Koy, Her man: runa batted in. Ripple, Partta, Ntch- nimK Haiinett: two base nits, Hack; douoie piay, tkoy ra uamnn; isii on bases, Brooklyn Chicago bases on balls, off Passeau atruck out, by Ham-ii. 4 Pa 4. Root 1: hits, off Paa- seau '6 in 8 Inninge, Root 0 in lotlng Ditcher, Pasaeau.
umpirea, Barr, uoran and Sear. Time, 1:49. Attendance 215. NELSON, SHUTE 1 UP WINNERS RIDGEWOOD. N.
J. Shoot ing a best ball of 67, four under Dar. national open champion Byron Nelson and Denny Shute, former national P. G. king, defeated HMirv Picard.
current P. G. A tttipholder. and CraJtr Wood, run nerup in this year's United States rwn. un in a best hall exhibi tion golf match Sunday at Ridge wood Country ciun.
GREENTREEIN FINAL ROUND WESTBURY, N. Y. UP Green-tree galloped Sunday into the final round of the National Open polo championship, defeating Texas Rangers, 14 to 11, on International field at the Meadow Brook club. The winner will play Bostwick Field for the title here next Sunday, Sept. 24.
i Greentree, led by Tommy Hitchco*ck playing in his best form, went on to win in the second half of the match after Texas had tied the score five times in the first three chukkers. Cecil Smith, the Cowboy, and Winston Guest, carried the attack for Texas. Smith scored seven of the losing team goals. GREENTREE 14. RANGERS 11.
J.P.Orace 1,, C.B.Wrightaman Bob Skene 2. CecU Smith r.Hltcbco*ck, No. Erio Pedley J.H.Whitney Back W.F.C.Quert Score by periods: Greentree ,.214 221 1114 Texas Ranger 222 030 2011 Goala--Grentree Grace 4, Skene 4, Hitchco*ck 5, by no penalty-l. Texas Rangers Wrlf human 1,, C. Smith 7.
Quest 3. Referee Devereux Milburn; umpires, William Poat and Stewart Iglenart. Time of periods, 7 minutes. RAPIDS DRIVERS WIN DOAT RACES Ted Ahrens1 Takes Final Event. (The Register's Iowa News Service.) CEDAR RAPIDS, IA.
Top winners in the state championship motorboat races held on the Cedar river at Ellis park here Sun day were Mildred Miller and Harold Ammons, both Cedar Rapids drivers. A Des Moines entry, Ted Ahrens, won the last five lap race of the afternoon, circling the half course with an average speed of 47 miles an hour. He had failed to place in the first heat of the free-for-all won by Roy Gaddis, Dubuque. Miss Miller and Ammons won two firsts. Miss Miller crossed ahead of the field in both heats of the Class A event and Ammons took both heats of Class finishing the second far ahead of Henry Tietge, Cedar Rapids, last year's high point champion.
One mishap just before the last race got under way thrilled the thousands that lined the west river bank. Tietge and Norman Scott, also of Cedar. Rapids, col lided in mid-river while warming up. Tietgea shell raced under Scott's, throwing boat and driver out of the water. Neither man was injured.
Summaries: Class A (first heat) Won by Mildred Miller (Cedar Rapldt), Woody Hunter (Cedar Raplrti second, Marie Gaddis (Dubuque) third. Speed, 34 2-5 miles per hour. Second heat Won by Mildred Miller (Cedar Rapida), Woody Hunter (Cedar Rapids) second, Roy Gaddis (Dubuque) third. Speed 35 miles per hour. Class 7 first beat) Won by Harold Ammons (Cedar RapldiJ, Miss Miller (Cedar Rapida) second, Russell Wtae (Cedar Rapida) third.
Speed, 37 2-5 miles per hour. Second heat won by Harold Ammons (Cedar Rapida), Henry Tietge (Cedar Rapids) second, Russell wit (Cedar Rapids) third. Speed. 40.1 miles per hour. Clais (first heat) Won by Paul Le-beda (Cedar Rapids), Bill Taylor (Cedar Raulds) eecond.
Frank Fisher (Meeervey, la.) third. Speed, 43.2 ml lea per hour. Second heat Won by Harold Ammont (Cedar Rapldt I. Henry Tietge i Cedar Rapid! second. Paul Lebeda (Cedar Rapids) third.
Speed, 44.8 miles per. hour. Free for all (first heat) Won BT Roy Gadiils (Dubuque), Norman Scott (Cedar Rapids) Andy Wendell (Cedar Rapids) third. Speed, 49.2 miles per hour. Second heat Won by Ted Ahrens (Dee Moines), Roy Gaddis (Dubuque) tecond, Andy Wendell (Cedar Rapida) third.
Speed, 4T mile per hour. i-skrV i A iiA rTH 7 wsmm ha IrT 1 XV.