6C BURLINGTON (N.C.) DAILY TIMES-NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1S64 Active Sentences Given In Countv Court Term Precipitation Expected Cases in whkfa. noi pros was! ruled included Earl W. Of SUSPENDED (Continued From Page 1-B) and George T. Tucker, assault Cases in which noi pros was! GRAHAM Two active sentences iweek by Judge William L- Shoffner during amance'General County Court, held at the Agricultural 'ing. Sentenced to 120 days in jailj SDeedisg or Noble for damage to personal proper- Cases ry was Connie Slade.
Bim tch i accused of burning his wifes clothing and deliberately JWJ his sister ia law's sarbase truck. 12 The weatbennan checked his and statistics this Negro SAMUEL WMJAM WADE Real rites for Saznud Wffliam 51, of Route 2, Hilisboro, afternoon Church in Kimesvffle Saturday Attends Meeting Lroia 4 :30 to sponsored Mrs. Doris Denson, executive Methodist Men of the of Alamance and drew a line, south of! County "Unit of the American Church. Plates will be $L25 for which he said it will rain, sleet Cancer Society, is attending ajadults and 75 cents for cbft- wa y- snow. Alamance County is national crusade meeting oot guilty was James on fee Pittsburgh, today and to- 1 at 3 o'clock at Mt.
BngEi Noble, no driving Masse. TM fe of morrow. The theme of the meet-1 Oance Seated Itist Church in Hilisboro. Cases in which judgment was jfjf lSd based on T- He died Sunday morning at Clyde'corttaued o'clock at his home after dance at the Recreation Center! two years of declining health. ior all single teen agers froml A native of Orange County, and was ibe Ir.
and Mrs. 18 to 19 years of age. was a iintv ana Bur-'cer i mrougbout tlie Branaock, director of youth ae-j VUH suai -ere open States. Addresses by aitivities. a this momingP the 6 ffl 2 3 336 TrtT- IF1 1 in MBS.
Gibsonville Drive Head Appointed wt ruiafj, a concern latest progress ds were rearch, a 1963 study of! olj driving condi-'and smoking habits in the 15 as a result of United States, the leukemia Sunday's sleet and snow.jprcgram and a personal story Police Pierce Cox, worthless check, Temperauires were Crusade chair-! or ana payments for'road: Joe Alfred Tickle, speed- suoport an illegiti- proper lights, Ind William for evegra LS Kennis a nest Sellers, failure to yield! 62 0 5 a dance will begin at. lock, with admission rejber and deacoa ot membership cards and Chapel Holiness cents. Cbaperone duty will charge of the was cays court, assauii on a lemaie. Vr i ina GIBSOXVILLE Carl VrS FaUlin tje 1 naiiier, UIIMUX 2iiic UA 'road; Joe Alfred Tickle, freezing, though, with yester- Lee ftb- Reported 35 Surviving are bis wife. Mrs.
Mable Wade; two daughters, Department Anv par- Misses Linda Faye and Sandra attending "are in-JKaye Wade of the home; four named' and a 5 300 ledged D. Wbiteseii has been of the Mothers March in ice curreiiuana mea as inaicaiea were of his wife Jaycee sponsored March of ja Cleo Wilson, 60 days or npnsuppOTt 01 wue DLmes Mrs. Margaret I and costs: Floyd fe --Vir i -HSSTJ'iSPiS with a deadly Kime. failure to'f on Ms of the Mrs. Whiteseil announced ibatjty.
Ralph P. for guilty indicated jmg: vited to visit the center duringjsons, Thomas Wade, the hours of the scheduled (Wade, Charles Wade and Randy dance I Wade, all of the home; three jsisters, Mrs. MjTtle Gates, Mrs. Fletcher Christian, nine oth-jSudie Mae Gattis and Mrs. er sailors from the Jones, all of Hilisboro; cun-ed -vhen Mr Pruitt w-psiand 19 Polynesians left Tahiti 1 two brothers, Paul 4 The forecast called for a towjSdSg iS seemly to colomze Mich, and Malphus and sentencedi the follow-, of about 26 degrees tonight, truck, which was parked in State Highway Patrol lino block of Maple Ave- The initial settle-, V.ade of ment has grown to more Robert Vance Kime.
The funeral will be conducted Taop ex- RoTaUd 150. Rev. H. P. and lice chiefs warded that icv spots! gasoline line with a torch when music wd oe by ehurcn swear-remain 0" roads fire occurred yesterday 1 Microorganisms are choir.
Burial wul ce in the fam- 'costs- Eddie in low and shady places. I morning at 11 o'clock, firemensover the magnificent pamtin-- sily cemeten-. days suspended forlThese are more dangerous, An investigation of a gas.created by Cro-Magnon artists The remain at i. i mfsHft of rtFS 9ft DfUl VPSJFS OH Lllft IS64 March of at the Gibsoavilie Public on Monday ni; o'clock to -narehers. Mrs.
Edwards 10 uavs jcui.i_ a film and answers any suspended on pavment of questions conceping Tze March btevt of Dimes and its fight a iilt: UlHijr lilii apon oavment of Sioltually. than a complete coat of'odor was made at the home ofp.OOQ years ago on the waUs iSharpe Funeral Home in Hills- 'and costs- a Kaiser'ice. Sgt. Tripp said" as they are H. Boring of 133 E.
Ruffiniof Lascaux Cave in France, until the funeral hour. redlv" in'St. Firemen went to the 7- LTOTTT at 9:35 o'clock last night. i Japanese housewives pvelBmTH suspended on payment or tresnassiag. and costs.
not charges 5 bv'Stadler, assault, costs; Wai- There are 37 million inde-j fish fry ter D. Jackson, reckless driv- 1 pendent producers United! A fish fry will be held at 'are be mg. $10 and costs: James E.iStates agriculture. Ithe Mount Pleasant Methodist their homes a vigorous holiday (cleaning on Dec. 13.
a day deemed auspicious for susu- Mr. and Mrs. Al Junios Tate of Til Ford Street announce the arrival of a son January 15 at aarai, or soot sweeping. lAiamaace County Hospital. Tre Mothers' march is sched-Jvema Turner Chavis.
i i uled for Tuesday night. Jan, Jeffries. Wilnzer Doyie; ar o'clock i Watson. Joe Lewis a i are grateful to the nianjJCarlton Eugene Gates. Ralph ladies who have alreadv volui Monroe Turner.
Thomas Kirk; teemed for the Mothers'" Marcn. Tnaxtoa. Harold Pace i we need several Perkins Brown the mothers' march Is to bejSianiord James Conner. Earle, successful in raising funds to Eugene Knott. Walter Leo Mc- continue and expand the March'Dairies.
i Mae Dunn. of Dimes Health Program." Aaron er Mitchell 0 me on Morehead Street Poteat. hit and run driving. 1 1 cixj-ic SUSDended a 0 SAVE UP TO OUR AND MOU ON UV.NS ROOM PURN.TUM C. PT payment of S10 and 111 B.
Graham. faUure to yield Break-In right of way. one half costs; 'Florence ETans Robinson. leav-' iag vehicle unattended without! ves brakes properly set. costs; Carl' a W.
Mayton. improper brakes. SAVIN sine on aioreueau Charged with breaking a James W. Noble, no uaoihty LIVING And MORE FURNITURE children crippled by birth de-i iects and arthritis. i Ivlrs.
WhiteseE is a graduate of Moctlcello High School She! attended Elon College and now is a medical secretary for Drs. iL A. and P. R. Marcn.
As a member of the Gibsonville Mathodist Church, she is! an MYF counselor and a mein-; ber of ihe church choir. Men In Service PAUL L. MOORE By Buying The Entire Showroom Stock Of One Of High Point's Leading Manufacturing We Are Able To Offer To You The Great- Alamance Fire Unit Discussed Thev were charged withjand costs: Robert Julian WH- 'breaking in a door at the nomeiliams. improper passing, costs: joE Jesse BosweH of 1010 More-lJohn Daniel Hawkins, failure to, head make movement in SS 3S SSKiest Buy Ever On Fine Quality Living Room Furniture. ieharwd with shoplifting at; speeding.
$10 and costs: Rich- 'King Cole Super Market. Police; ard K. Jacoby. i 'said he was arrested on Ran- brakes, one half costs; Jesse fi OU SL las: night Tee arrest is Edward Hagood, improper latest in a series of: charges isrraiion a Who*rt wortnless Uft Hurry Qn DOWH And SdVe A t3J. j.
I m. TM -suspended Pan! L. Moore, i a ma de in connection with shop- JUSX, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lu-'ijfang during the past week.
check, 30 dajs suspended jcian Moore of Route 5. Burling- Beulah Payne of 1405 Maple payment of costs. Lee Roy iron, spent the To Say Thanks To Our Many Customers Who Already Taken Advantage Of Our Sale But There Are Still Many worthless' A I of Route 5. Burling- Beulah Payne of 1405 Maple payment of costs. Lee Roy A ki he holidays in Can-iAve.
reported that one Mitchell, larceny of chain a I 5w7O AttCl MOr6 UtT 1116 ivrance. aboard the attack broke off a radio aerial on her 12 months suspended for two I aircraft carrier TJSS Independ- car It was parked at her years upon payment of ence. The Independence home last night The malicious, and costs; Jake -Vincent hosted more tnan 100 French damage as discovered at 11-50 sault on officer. 30 ALAMAXCS Establish- days $100 as- sus-' Independence, now SUS-i Va. rate whfle serving at the W.
Graves, non support of ing and swearing, 30 i- with the Sist ment ot a volunteer rural fire departmentJn the rfi area was (nscussea ior men-' oers of the Alamance Tuesaay night keeper third classruSX, son ofjuate School in Monterev. Jr. beating taxi fare, 30 davs.j Si me iir ifcs Robert P. Wag- CLARENCE L. EVERETT one half costs for ran-! 0 ri ner 5ouie is! Clarence L.
radio-pjrjg stop signs were Johnniei rioina -o i aboard the ofler USSiman USX. Weeks. Ruthie Pinnis me u.n-e i-' 1 assilm 3 operating with of Mrs raimie R. 3 roo ks. David J.
a vnr'- -'Seventh Fleer in the ttesiemiof 924 North Mebane Fred Colin Met a 5 The Passampsic serves'lv reported for duty at the Xav-iacd WJlH3m Fnrhps cuest at die meeting and in- Communication Station. San Fined ducted tvro new memoex, into pn)Tlding for tfc JfigneL Zambales. Republic of Seet at sea. 'the Philippines, me station is a JOES MICHAEL part of the communications sys John Michael, aviation strac- tern vital to the operation mechanic third a today's modern Xavv son of Qunng 1953. and to Elmer Murray for outstanding service as club treasurer curing 1963 During the biansss session, it was announced that an Qvitan meeting wffl be held onj Tuesday, Feb.
4, at Holiday Inn at 7 p.m. and will honor Lining service as" a club clergymen in the area. Art Course Has Openings For Students A vacancies remain is "he Children's Art Class scheduled to begin Saturday at the Arts Center, 237 E. Davis St The class will be open to children between the ages of nine and 16 and -prifl stress the use of tempera color. Children -will be, advanced according to proficiency.
Classes will be held each Saturday from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.j and will be taught by Donald Pearson. Registration may be made by calling the Arts Center at CA 6-4816 or fay bringing the pupil to the center on Saturday morning. Oceanographers have measured waves in England which came from the southern tip of South America. A a i storms can trigger swells reaching as far away as Alaska and Hawaii. half costs for run-, ts were a i James M.
Smith, jouii W. Pfeiffer, Mary Shaw 01 McCain, Lois 3. Moore, George Samuel Tickle, Mary i Guerry. Mark Douglas Mcln- ryre, Leavy Alston, Raymond Howard Matthews, Mark Lew-' is Hopkins, and Thomas J. Xor-' man.
Fined S5 and costs for speed-; ing were Morrison R. Caruth- 1 ers, George A. Shalierly and Joseph Benton Joyce, a i d' one half costs for speeding was Judy Lee Tffley. Fined costs for speeding were Clarence P. Harris Jr.
and Nancy S. Hir.ton and Mervo Dale Coble and Jack Alton Webster. "Let's not argue In front of these men, Chester. There'll be plenty of time for that after they put the furniture where I want it!" Jaycees Set Meeting For Contestants A "Miss Burlington Get Ac- party will be held afternoon at 3 o'clock at Burlington Recreation Center. All girls interested in enter- 'ing the pageant are urged to I attend.
Their parents are also linvited. i Miss North Carolina, Jeanne Swanner of Graham, will attend the event She will discuss' the; Miss Burlington pageant participation in the Miss North Carolina and Miss America pageants. Films featuring competition in the Miss America Pageant at Atlantic i N.J. will be shown. The Miss Burlington Pageant is set for March 14.
KODiBN 84" SOFA-BED Diamond-Tufted Sack Combination Recliner-Rocker Terms Arranged To 50 And More OFF Ui 1 LISTED BELOW Mi JUST EXAMPLES Factory Special 'Solid Foam" Cushioned Suite in Brown Nylon 2-Pc. Sofa Bed Suite, covered in Cashable vinyl, includes sofa-bed foam T-eushion chair. 2-Pc. Early American Suite, covered in beautiful cocoa print. Includes beautiful -3 cushion sofa and chair with deluxe Bu- Pont foam in seat and back.
King-Size Diamond Back Recliner (features foam ia seat and back) vdth rust expanded vinyl cover. Beautiful Occasional A Chair, covered in plyhide vinyl. Beautiful Early American Wing Chair, covered in raised toast nylon (foam rubber seat) has pleat. List 209 239 89 29 95 Open Friday Nite 'Til 9 P.M." CITY 211 Spring FURN. CO.