The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina (2024)

WJOINGTOKU For Rent hu Apts. I LINE DIVINE! This Is The FOR BENT: 'SIX HOOM BRICK veneer nouse, hh I ouL $60 per month. Call fa*gE SIX Bj mrrnim WAY By Ji K. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE Major Hooplc OUT OUR WAY Sgp7 5vlel ABLE 6ETTKMV Sj I Yci5 56Etaer7N JJA'RA WALL tolcS i SSCT APEUME Kffcm 6 what is the North Carolina Bir John T. apartment with bath.

Wired for Chapel Hill. The secre i. i. aisocl*tlon 01 tary is Edwara u. leigh.

The executive secretary ts lawyers in the Sjtate oi ILL V'HO WOtf 1 MAD 7. A 6l.S 4 1, AWL 60iK TTiYJXEAi wafer furnished. Adults only. CaU after 4 p. m.

Charles w. uaruei. oi nuwb trnL L' nrni HOL'SE. Th object or the Association, I as set forth in it constitution, is Actvifttlon Is I near Bellemont. to sober ieople.

i Vorth Carolina S14 monm. um ou. Km rxM 't Bar Association io dc formed to cultivate the science of jurisprudence, to promote reform tTikee AND A HALK HOOM On June 23 through June the Ocean Terrace Hotel. ttrights Reach. Many of the attorneys lurnished ajunmem.

iwu. Street. Call after 6 p. 6 6jb5. the law.

to lawman i elevate the standard of integrity, honor and I bring their wives and other mem iHuCK" DUPLEX APAKTMEXT. ifour rooms, breakfast, nook. bith. bers ot meir iaxnuii Cm.iM entertainment courtesy in me ies i encourage a thorough and liberal tn rherkh a SDirlt is provided (or the ladies while; orated. Near Western Electric, of brotherhood among $50 per month.

3 llignianu their nusaanui sir bers thereoi." 1 sessions l'nonc iiio. The North tarouna ur "DUPLEX AP A It NT FO.1, rent: Three iare uuu. SS What are some of the cu.ent members can mm and deliberate activi'ies of the North Carolina i md bath, tamneis. rjs suk a. t.t water heater furnished.

5aa. at will on any subject. Every mem liar Associauuii. her has the same right to be heard i Hie i 207 Gibmer street. ofcry Sir" member.

It Is 'committees. The constitution of the FIVE BOOM DOWN ST A I HS i apartment, unfurnished. Privat bath, front and back entrance. netian blmus ami on Phone a'J or iH'J. 1 mm muKMnrA forum To Srrawyersr.The Association spoors each ATTRACTIVE BEDROOM AND 1 ran no once a year, for a period year, in cooperation schools of the University of North iHrH.iv to air their kitchen, completely iurno.

Carolina. DuKe, anu fnr nriptirinu attorneys ities paid, vioaem nuwr, ent. Adults. 620 West tront FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS M. 1 on current legal problems.

Street. 6 9568. views ana to oiscuss rutinu lems affecting the profession. It is the organization which laywers have frequently used to sponsor improvement in the administration 1T vnu BENT: FIVE BOOM HOUSE LES'ME SEE 1 IP AM ELEPMAMT 1 WEIGHS TvVO EIGKT Oof OF ONE POUMD Ion Old Elon Boad. Turn right at a icsai am direction of the Association Lecal of justice.

Ala mu IJuriington o. riglit. Call 4927 before 4 or see. HAMBUkow, PAgftPg ojr op pce Vthe alps. if Vmi MMOTITTZ WISTOWC TIMES.

I JEEPEBS IvW 1 John S. Hraciway. ai uum Of CHOPPED mcai in cooneration with the E. J. Murray.

When was the North Carolina Bar Association organized? In the year 1S99. ii HMM state and county welfare depart FURNISHED THREE ROOM KEEP COOL and look like menis. apartment: rnvaic three blocks from town. One of tne Association nit. une ot uic nssuvw.

How many lawyers are members million an summc mmiitm Is its Commit innut Molded bod Call 6 0467. of the ortn uarouna nar ni.i lL and Uw. Re skirt this r.r rhllT) 111)11 tion? form. It is the duty oi mis ion is masic for any cnoose mittee to scrutinize carefully all i cotton accent the ith screen ed in back porch. 507 West Davis There are aDoui i.ww mcmucia at the' present time.

mmv tirened attorneys are proposed changes in the law; t0 with contrast color, white Street. Mcc rcsiuuiiuai cncouraKf aim eyelet or lace. Heat, hot anu com i. finoritnp furnished. Pattern 73S: Misses' Sizes w.

12. H. 1G. IS. 20.

Size 1G ensemble appear to be beneficial, and to) check, as far as possible, all such as appear to be hasty or itl ad There "are about 3,200 licensed Fhonc auH or ou iP yard contrast attorneys in Nortn uarouna. SIX ROOM HOUSE, 448 GREEN This pattern easy to use simple BLONDIE 1 LjMii; vtscd; ann io consmci am. mend to the Association such ad mendments of the law and judicial Street, uranam: uuou s.u.... Ltnii. i'llustratcd instructions.

section. 100x200 lot. naraooa ed annually in procedure as will facilitate the ad floors water neater. Ucn i im in 1152 and 154 month. Call 6 4980.

Send Thirty five cents in for this pattern add 5 cents for ict.nlncc chairman i i io The bar nnnM I of this important committee. examination will be given during a iSend to ANNE ADAMS care of! incrc was conm.uiu 1001 Morclicau: ircu iu; cas hot water, decorated few mnniii noliahle fam three day penou. uc kiuiuiis program of puuuc relations first Tuesday in August. Daily Times ni 1 1,. 243 West 17th New ork 11, N.

Y. Print plainly NAME, moniiut. lily. See Katrine Crouse, liou.o i lawyer with our basic laws and the iro tho minimum annual bnow iaiuii dues of the North Carolina Bar ADDIttbis witn ji STYLE NUMBER. courts.

There was a sian mc series of weekly radio broadcasts mdio stations. Tnr i IMinMSHh TWU liuu.w Association: apartment in private iiu" These programs, panel style, were Ten dollars. ic Vi nffir hoadfiuartcrs DUS line. tn hnv nounds of n.ii7i.M. nnnr IIP.

well receivcu aim rnunii nf these radio the iruit you wam. i of the North Carolina Bar ktairs aDartmcnt with hath. LocaU programs will begin next fall. Two cut up. in Uranam.

ma. types ot weeKiy uihi 208 CaPltOl UUD BUIIUIUB. la 'adautmRMTS FOR RENT i i. being currently written iur fnr thi il.iilies and h.lf rnnm tt'lth leit. Who are the present officers of rrrr" I 1 By Leslie Turner one for the" weeklies "This Is thei in North Carolina is by legislative hot and cold water, stove, relrtg the North Carolina liar Assutia Law" is the label of Dotn tne rauio WASH TUBBS fiat a mcmuer oi it.

liat a mcmuer oi i. and the legal columns. lu. N'nrth Caro The president is William L. erator Venetian uiwuj not voluntary: every licensed at" aRe bn furnished.

Playground for torney automatically becomes a chndren city hiis service. Brook I torney automatically becomes city hiis service. Brook iL. it Thn North Carolina An.irtmenti. Otlice "new 1 Ftu3Hgp wj flPlBDiUfiWTIUUTKOIApRB Una Bar Association employed its first full time executive secretary.

ist.n'p Har is sometimes referred pront street Phone to as the "intcgratec Bar" or the R.nH4'J. Alire IJ. hi. u. i KS aa MAKE WORK ERSIER'.

I hnen receiving from their new Ra I "incorporated har. ti holnf inrornor leigh headquarters news letters and pocket sized periodicals, con ated, is limited in its activities by Western Electric, Call 3651 before! tabling articles, reports, and items! hc 'eTS conferrcd upon it by the of interest to the legal profession I u'ite creating it Functioning as Knrth Carolina. 1 tim m. mneenicnt 5f30 p. m.

NICELY FURNISHED TWO. i room apnruiii'ii I I home. Gas stove. Frigidaire con I the State Bar affairs is vested Is the North Carolina Bar As Coundl Thc members of the sociation the same as the NortniCfri, any voice tinuous hot water, uiai jn. rarnlini Statp Bar? Tiiov have noth Graham.

ing to do with tne prommnauui. FOR RENT: THREE ROOM, I separate and distinct. They oper rules anu reguiauuiis. modern apartment mi I ate in two entirely scparaie h. indirectly in choosing the mem uranam.

The North Carolina aiaic ua. ml S40 a momn. uiai uu. The annual meeting ot tne ai D. H.

Moscr. ONE PRACTICALLY NEW FOUR Bar is a one day session, a.m alwavs held in Raleigh on the in nrtnher. Zeb enjoy what you're doing anu nan Norman, of Plymouth, is 1954 conveniences. peasant chewing Night call iuut. u.iytij; president of tne mcorpoiaii.u THREE ROOM HOUSE ON 10u4j I ALEY OOP WKIOLEY I CMtWINGUIyl Dixie Street ior rou.

cil. has exclusive jurisdiction over TWO ROOMS COMPLETELTY such matters as discinline. disbarment and re turntsneu i trie stove and refrigerator. Pnvat I storation of linceses. entrance aim u.u.

I The voluntary liar supplements the activities of the Phone ti fiH a Kernodle Drive Resort ADartments The North Carolina oiaic nc rrnated in 1933 by the General MnvTii OF JULY: I nf the xVSSCIIlDlv uii uit Six room ocean front cottage, Caro. I North Carolina Bar Association. ic hn Vnrih Carolina Bar As lina Beach, tieciiiu I frigcrator. Excellent condition: I Phone 3157. L.

C. Godfrey, Caro I ith the Amer lliha Beach. N. C. ican Bar Association? FOR RENT: FOUR ROOM BEACll I No.

Neither tne r.umi Bar Association nor thc North ic connected in night phone 0 ia. any way with thc American Bar. Free Moth Proofing PLUS Quality Dry Cleaning EQUALS Guaranteed Satisfaction at Regal Cleaners OCEAN FRONT COTTAGE FO' I renL Windy Hill Day I Association. Rooms For Rent nhono 6 1732. Night 6 lb05.

BUGS. BUNNY I I 2 9 Offices For Rent OFFICES FOR RENT: OFFICES I Lnml.nrivatc bath. All convcnl oniv Glen bcii. I Avenue, jma Rent Houses ft Apts. 2g.ff Dr.

A. I I 1G03 S. Church Street FORREFIVfrnOOM APA DJ ment, caliwan iur i i IfW mM lnJTn 1 fflW NX' 1 rv Michael O'Mllley and Ralph Lane VIC FLINT Ie57E5 AT THE HISTORY MUSEUM WHICH 15 WW 1 VVAWTTO frTft A SUIT Of MD Wg JJ 'tTI BLV HE WVNIEP HIA TO rI CALL ON IHE twiM iiwr I Afri.ot bi rr K1SHT. CDIV nv" :1 2utiUAt7AV I DONALD DUCK.

The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.