The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina (2024)

IT. S. Wins Two Gold Medals As Olympic Action Begins Dumas And Vinci Win --Blair Out Russia's Kouts In 10,000 Meter Win 1 --Shoplifter Loses MELBOURNE Wv-'fhe United Wolf pack And Deacons Defeated; Carolina-Duke Battle Looms I States won jncdals--one Olympic on a record gold high janip by world champion Charley By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Family feuding in the Atlantic Coast Conference ends tomorrow with two games, both reflecting the tension within the league of which team will represent it in, i the Orange Bowl New Year's Day. Clemson, the ACC's top team and the leading candidate for the bowl berth, faces invading Virginia, the bottom team of the circuit. Second place Duke goes to Chapel Hill to play North Carolina in their traditional game.

The four other teams ended their seasons yesterday. South Maryland quarterback i i a as did hallback Ted, North Carolina and Duke each Lewis provided the major attraction of the day, a 102-yard touchdown run with an intercepted pass late in the game. Lewis grabbed the ball in his end zone and sprinted up the sidelines Kcrshner, which put the ahead. secret sessions yesterday. Devils got bad news Both of State's touchdowns were 1 when 1 they learned'that halfback scored by flashy halfback Dick Rudy will not play tomor- Lewis 'also" scored in the" third 1 for the second.

Christy, who bulled over from the two for one and dashed 70 yards row because of an injured ankle. It was Rudy's touchdown last iyear that gave Duke a 6-0 win over the Tar Heels. 4 Offense was stressed in Clemson camp with emphasis on passing which Coach Frank ar dsaid will be used as a major weapon against Virginia. Cavaliers tapered off in light drills yesterday. Sports--Friend Of Underdog--Tries Comeback jDumas-and performed with ex-1 Carolina bow-led over Wake For- Wed excellence in track and 13-0 at Charlotte, whtlc Mary' field events today the first full' oun ls trengcth Od TM 'day of competition.

P' Nort Carolina State 25-14. Namc Russia and Czechoslovakia each. After Virginia. Clemson stUl, a i ncvvs 127 won a gold medal in the only TM ust la The Tigers i Boldcili sports 135 have a 5-1-2- record overall andl i sports 123 need'victories in tlicir remaining; i ncws Complon 8 ames the bid Should! The sports staff, after much consultation and deliberation, is expected to make a dramatic, last-minute comeback this week THE STANDINGS final cvenls on the sched- i other ule. Dumas, a student at i i i i Cnllpirp America-" first track Xd gold medal of the game? with 123 53 55 57 57 Pet.

.705 .694 .683 .693 Name White, news 119 Hunter, sports 118 Snow, news 118 Minor, sports 114 til 62 62 66 Pet. .661 .656 656 .633 Cicmson fajter, Duke (4-4-1) and' South Carolina (7-3' are the other 487, logical choices TEAM STANDINGS 233, pet. .676. Sports--Won 480, lost 240, Pet b67. The Gameco*cks ended the sea- jump of 6 feet ll'-j inches.

"That. was only an inch below his world with a bang. Maekie record, "and some 3 inches quarter- than the Olympic mark set Dy 'baek scored once against Wake est a American Walter Daus at a run and half niw back Alex Hawkins completed 111 JOu i i i i i The other American winner was, Ilgs th hlrd quarter Wlth a Charles Vinci Jr. of York, Pa. The 23-year-old shipping clerj the world and Olympic rec- 1 Barnes, safw only limited ac- Duke over Carolina 29 touchdown run.

Wake Forest ine and overcome a seven-game news staff lead in the Times-News pick-the-wmners contest. In fact, it will not be burprising if the sports boys pick up as many as 15 games and win the contest in a landslide. The sports prognosticators were supposed to take over the lead at sundown last Saturday, but 10 and behold, the sun failed to come out, and therefore, chances lor a reversal were ruined. News staffers today are gleetully anticipating -a steak supper at the expense of sports. They're a co*cky bunch--running around boasting, laughing and poking fun, but as old Dizzy Dean says, the game's not over until the last out.

In their usual manner, the sports boys are remaining silent and earnestly going about their task in an humble manner. They're doing their bet.1 and hoping to turn the tables on an opponent which will not" leave the favorite's ranks in making its picks. Always a friend of the underdog, the sports staff warmheartedly is picking several teams which have been kicked around in a terrible fashion to strike back and find the key to victory. (At this line, a great cheer went up from the sports boys--friends of the underdog). Listed below are the 20 choices of the Burlington Touchdown Club and the selections made by the staff: SPORTS DEPARTMENT ds by lifting a total of 7521-3J ffback, ited ac- because of an injured shoul- MINOR Uon Olympic a total for 10 i games of 1,010 yards, records were bettered Maryland roared from behind to in the other tuo final events, too.

overpower North Carolina State. (20-14) Auburn over Florida State California over Stanford Illinois over Northwestern Clemson over Virginia -Tech over Florida Iowa over Notre Dame -Arkansas over LSU Yale over Harvard i Ohio State over Michigan Russia's Vladimir Kouts, running away from the field in the last! Moore Gets Medical four laps, won the 10,000 meter i run la little better than 6 miles)! DOllt loil in 28 minutes 4 5 6 seconds. CHICAGO Wi Light heavy- Oklahoma over Nebraska And Olva Fi- weight King Archie Moore, looking pitt over Penn State kuova shattered the women's' trim and ready, and lithe Floyd i Princeton over Dartmouth discus iccord i i a toss ol 176 Patterson were to appear before i over Indiana leel 1'j inches in a startling up- the Illinois Athletic Commission Ri ce ver TCU set of Russia's i a Ponomareva today for the formalin of a pre- over SMU Kentucky over Tenn UCLA over California TEH "WORLD" CHAMPION To Give Exhibition here Tuesday Afternoon In Exhibition Here Tuesday! Ted Kroll Overcame War Injuries To Reach Top Professional golfer Ted Kroll, who will team with Johnny Srhoonmakcr, Charlie Farlow and Al Smith for an exhibition was wounded not once, but three limes. Later in France, a shrapnel blast almost put him down for keeps, but he bounced back at the Alamanee Country Club again. Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, i After bring wounded for the overcame many obstacles to I time in France, Kioll was roach the pinnacle in his chosen attached to an engineering outlit profession.

Winner of the "World" tournament at Tarn O'Shanter Ihis yenr, Kroll is spmisoiod on his exhibition tour hv the flcorge May Companv of Chicago, i pays him $1.000 for each match. He is scheduled to play SO matches, therefore his total winnings for copping the World title will be $100,000. The match, at the Alamanee Country Club Tuesday, arranged by the Chamber of Commerce here, is free to local golf enthusiasts, and a 30 or 40 minute clinic, conducted by Kroll, will precede the 18-hole match. The clinic will begin at 1 o'clock. Some people associated with gports are just naturally "competitors." It's an instinct which at times can be the most important "current" running through a golf match, a marbles tournament or a football game.

Kroll is blessed with that delightful quality--an inner drive to compete and win. Kroll was one of those who went down but came up fighting during the bitter battle on the Anzio Beachhead during World War II. Within five months he and had an 11011 duh head loiged He then shaved clown a pick haiivile lor a shaft and prac- tucd shots until he ran out of golf balls. It's interesting to note that the makeshift iron had about the same loft as an eight iron and that is one of Ted's most elfec- tive clubs today. After leaving the army, Ted hit the tournament trail in 1947, but he collected only $225.

Deciding his game needed much more polish, he became an assistant pro in Philadelphia and tore his game apart. He must have put it together in convincing fashion, because in 1950 he took the trail again and won over $7,000. In 1951 ha won close to that amount and in 1952 his earnings zoomed up to $17,000. Kroll had arrived, and he knew it. In 1953 he grabbed $18,000, but slumped to $14,000 in 1954.

But in 1955 his pay shot up to $25,000 and last year he was golfdom's biggest money winner at $75,000, and that was as of Sept. 1. It has been a long, hard pull for the personable Kroll, but he feels he will remain at the top for quite a while now. Stale Midget Titular Tilt Here Tomorrow Greensboro and Jacksonville midget football tennis will clash lor the North Carolina Midget Football Championship tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at Memorial Stadium her? Both teams are unbeaten a a i midget Greensboro routed Gastonia for the Western crown, while Jacksonville trounced Burlington for the Eastern title. Here's Winners, Qualifiers From First Day At Melbourne MELBOURNE UP) Today's U.S.

(Yale) third in heat gels sec- Olympic winners and qualifiers: ond chance in repcchage. TRACK AND FIELD I WEIGHTLIFTING High jump (final)--Charles Du-l Bantamweight Winner, Char- mas, Los Angeles, 6 feet in-'cs Vinci, York, 753.5 pounds Germany Holds Top Points In Games MELBOURNE Unofficial point 'standings in the 16th Olympics after completion of 10 events, including six equestrian events decided at Stockholm last July. Points awarded on a 10-5-4-3-2-1 basis. (Gold medals won io parentheses) Germany (2) 4l'A; Sweden (3 38; United States (2) 25; Britain (1) Italy 16; Australia 12 Czechoslovakia (1) 10; DenmarJ Canada 6. Switzerland 5:, Hungary Argentina Korea France 4 the girl shoplifter of London medical examination.

fdmc. Earlene Brown of Los An- Moore and the ear-old Pat- geles was a surprising fourth, terson meet next night at Washington over Wash State The United Stales qualified all Chicago Stadium for the heavy-1 Minnesota over Wisconsin of Us entries the 100-meter 1 tiMp. a 400-nuHer hurdles and 800- inotcr expected ease. Bobby Morrow of Abilene Christ i and Ira Muuluson of Chicago equaled the OKmpie record of 103 seconds in the 100. All was not perfect for U.

S. athletes, however. Yale's strong eight-oared crew, failed to win Us heat. Yale, finishing behind Australia and Canada, still can advance, however, in tomorrow's "second chance" heat. Cliff Blair of Hingham, entered in the hammer throw, was dropped from the squad on charges that he violated amateur rules by writing articles of a Boston newspaper.

And two boxers--Choken Maekawa of Hawaii and. Harry Smith of New York--were eliminated when they proved overweight for their divisions. Carolina (14-13) Auburn California Illinois Clemson Tech Iowa Arkansas Yale Michigan Oklahoma Pitt Prince. Puulue TCU Baylor Tennessee Washington Wisconsin UPCHURCH Carolina (14-13) Florida State Stanford Illinois Clemson Tech Iowa Arkansas Yale Ohio State Oklahoma Pitt Prince. Purdue TCb S.MU Washington Minnesota HUNTER Duke (20-Ti Auburn California Illinois Clemson Tech Iowa Arkansas Yale Michigan Oklahoma Pitt Prince.

TCU SMU NEWS DEPARTMENT METCALF Duke (21-14) Auburn Stanford Northwest. Clemson lech Iowa Arkansas Yale Ohio State Oklahoma Pitt Prince. Purdue TCU Sou Cal Minnesota ELLINGTON Duke (14-7) Florida Stale Stanford Northwest. Clemson Tech low a Arkansas Yale Ohio State Oklahoma Pitt Prince. Ptn due TCU Baylor Tennessee Sou Cal Minnesota WHITE Duke (20-13) Auburn Stanford Northwest.

Clemson Tech Iowa Arkansas Yale Ohio State Oklahoma Pitt Pi nice Pin flue TCU Bd.vlor Tennessee Sou Washington Minnesota i it. ti te a 1. on SNOW Duke (20-13) Auburn Stanford Illinois Clemsoa Tech Iowa Arkansas Yale Ohio State Oklahoma Pitt Pnnte. Purdue TCU Baylor Washington Minnesota Ford For big jobs Iran Poland Spam Japan 1. Bulgaria 2 Wagering during the 50-day harness racing meet at Freehold, reached a new high of $8,699, 367 during 1956.

The increase wa 31 per "cent above 1955. chcs (new Olympic record). 10,000 meters run (final)--Vladimor Kouts, Russia, 28:45.6 (new Olympic record) (no Americans in first six). Women's discus throw (final)-Olga Fikotova, Czechoslovakia, 176 feet inches (new Olympic record). 400 meter hurdles (qualifiers for semi finals Joseph breath, Glenn Davis and Eddie Southern.

100 meters dash (qualifiers for semi-finals)--Bobby Morrow, Ira Murchison and Thane Baker. 800 meters run (qualifiers for Tom Courtney, Arnold Sowell, and Lon Spurrier. ROWING of First Trial Heats Fours with Buffalo West Side Club. Pairs without coxswain U. Jim Fifer and Duvall Hccht.

Single sculls John Kelly Philadelphia. Pair with coxswain U.S., Arthur Ayrault, Conn Findlay, Kurt Sciffert, Fours without coxswain U.S., Detroit Boat Clgh. Double Pal Costcl-j to and Jim Gardiner. I i a Australia, Canada, Qwhoclowkla, Japan, Sweden, WaUfttd for Mini finals. 1 total (new Olympic record).

MODERN PENTATHLON (Riding Event) Individual: First, George Lambert, U.S., second, Jack Daniels, U.S. Team: U.S. leads, 3020 poinU. FENCING (Team Foils, First Round) United States 13, Australia 3 Great Britain 15, Colombia 1 Belgium 9, Russia 7 Italy 9, Colombia 0 Hungary 8, Australia 8 (Hungary wins on hits received 57-45) Russia 9, France 7 France 10, Belgium 4 FIELD HOCKEY Great Britain 2, Malaya 2 (tie) Australia 2, Kenya 0 Smoke Shop SPORTS RETURNS Bob Patterson, Prop. ICE COLD BEER ON TAP Enjoy A Game Of Snooker 228 W.

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The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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