WATERLOO DAILY COlTinER. SATVnD.tr, AVfiVST 2 lOOfl. 2. Tw-jininnriv 8ATVRD.tr, AVCVST 25, Iftflfl. ailvuiiluK of them fit the fntiilh In- nine.
won. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ycur Slcmcch DofhsrYou? Base Ball ti tf. Stoop Restorative Caret Ottumwit ii 0 0 0 0 (I 0 00 Hiil IinKti.il 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 02 Suinmury Slolt'ti bum', AiiiiIm, Sluifer: narrlHec hit. House.
SlififT I wo le hll. Knuer; hawM on hall, oft rU-huuh clruek out. by rVhauh 6, hy Klllluu 3. rmiiiic. Jloffniiiii.
Af-terilume, 106. OsUllllHlHI ill. iipkalw.Hii. Auk. Hy knok- iliK out of din box hi I lie third ami tirolllliiK hy errori, on miiiMy lieiu, liKkuloowt won eanlly from Keokuk yenterilay.
I Nknlo(4H i 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 1 Keokuk 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 iimiiiury Three huwe hll. Heiinii 3, Mllh-r; home run, router; stolen bae, Vant 2. Ueauminer, Distresslnf Stomach Troubles Through the Inside Nerves. At yen ralua tour hi-alili and tiappfoeaa dnat iect to cant lur I lis ailunK-nt alouiaca vain uft I 11 It a. At Ki Brat aigo of lllsUM UM Xr.
knowp a Rentorstlve aud end ail tbe.a troubjr. Tbt-M ahr at alf naia tba are aroipkiaiaof roiuliur Uikeane Litwiae to If nor ILrajf You wbo D'rr est a brartr mral wulr But raw of lulloeaa A lulioarml tit PTJod bam-H on bail, raiternon, I niuko a dangorouH winning coiuhlna-rulnter; hit by pitched ball, Hureh (on struck out, by Coates 1. hy Wilt 1. At- Kln-B was a All Announcements Must Be In This Office by 9:00 a Baptist (Find)- Corner of Jeffer son street and West Park avenue. Preaching morning and evening at 10:30 and 7:45 o'clock.
Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Young people's meeting at 0:30 and prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Baptist (Walnut Street) Corner Lirne and Walnut streets. Preach ing services at 10:30 a. in.
and 7:45 p. m. meeting of the Baptist Young; People's unlqn at 30 p. m. every Sunday.
'Pray er meetings Thursday evening at 7:30. Pastor, Hulhert O. Heenian, All are cordially Invited to the ser vices held In this church. First Brethren Corner of west Fifth and South streets. Morning service at 10:30 a.
evening at 8. Sunday school at 11:45 a. in. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. in.
Prayer meeting Thursday at p. in. Brethren Corner of West Seventh and South streets. Morning ser vice 11. Evening service 7:30.
Sunday school at 10 a. Christian Workers' meeting at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Congregational Rev.
Walter II. Rol lins, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. in. Morning worship 11 n.
in. Christian endeavor service p. m. Evening worship 7:45 p. in.
Midweek prayer meeting Thursday evenings at 7:45. Christian Grant avenue, between Fourth and Fifth streets. Noah Garwick, pastor. Sunday school at 10 n. in.
and preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. iu. The public are most cordially Invited to at- tend all these services, Captain Tripp of the Salvation Army will preach Lord's day morn Ing. Subject of evening sermon, "Mission oi me iew testament Watcn ior me announcement oi tne I .1 .1 fl.i .1,1 .1 1 OUHIVCL III auuuuucciiiriu ci umrts of paper. Cat holi (St.
Mary's German) Low mass and sermon at 8:30 a. m. High mass and sermon at 10:30 a. m. Children instruction ai 3: 30 p.
followed by vespers and 10 .96 .93 .94 .97 .87 .99 XV. 3 r.4 37 42 37 38 3U 39 41 43 t.5 r9 it .687 .581 r.64 .433 .385 ,3 Burlington Fort Dodge Marfholltown irkaloosa Minimi Keokuk lllltlUiWa Waterloo National I', .116 .111 .111 .114 .110 nr, .115 1. w. 31 40 41 62 6S 67 72 76 P.t. .733 Chicago New York I'itisbursr 71 71 E3 CO 43 43 39 .640 .634 .456 .433 Ilrooklyn .391 .314 St.
I.ouin Itohtun 339 W. L. American league. I. ,..112 ..111 .108 ,..110 ...111 .111 ..110 W.
69 63 60 69 b9 D4 43 34 h. 43 4S 48 ni 52 79 67 79 pet. Chicago I'hlluilelphia Cleveland New York St. I.OUIH Detroit .617 .568 .536 .63 I 301 Washington. HoHton 113 If our erstwhile, friend Hill Bren r.u.i "iimriu'1 tvaritAri itl ftnVP fl r- -hnlllnttrn from oVfe.lt he COUld hV lectert no better way man mat 01 yesterday when he allowed the visit ois to dilly-dally, delay, roll tha bull around the diamond and tndulne In a few other antics In which both thp players and umpire clearly violated i he rules of the roitiw and disBusted the fans.
Marshalltotvn had no chance to win after the aecond iniilnu and neelng the rain clouds approaching 1 .1 I lit. aiiina III tory ruurjTuiru order five full innings were played In response to the appeals and pro tests of the Waterloo players and manager, Brennan only stood ther and smiled. He made no effort to make Marshalltown play ball, and be vound a doubt he aided them all he could to save the game. We have no evidence that Brrrran ever read the rules of the game but we would like to call his attention to the following clauses of the playing rules, and ask him if his actions of yesterday even savored of fairness ta i he home team "Itule 33. Delay the Game.
See. 1. After the batsman be standing in Ids proper position ready to strike at a pitched ball, the ball be thrown by Hie pitcher to any player other man the catcher when in the catcher's lines and within ten feet of the home base (pxcept in an attempt to retire a base runner, each ball so thrown shall be called a ball. "Sec 2. Tne umpire shall call a ball on the pitcher each time he de lays the game by falling to deliver thi bull to the batsman for a longer period than 20 seconds.
But the best that could befall Mar shalltown and the umpire yesterday was the loss of the game hy a score of id to 0, although Waterloo to onset uirir uppwiifiiis laciicH I'urjJUKriy ir tired their side in the fifth, In one, two, three order. Truth to tell it was not much of a game. It was simply a barbecue in which the Marshalltown team furulsh- upon while "Umps" Brenan added the snie1 W-itrlAf-i MrnrP(1 In ttm first. Millar eot a tMn and was siicrlficed to sec- und bv Wilkes. Klieldon hit safely and unioe iiiiieri In the second Spencer hit safely and "Ank" advanced him with a sac- i I benediction of the blessed sacra- United Presbyterian Corner of Sec-ment.
Rev. Father Forkenbrock, l-ond and Wellington, Frederick El- teniaiiee, Sno, niplre, Amternon. Time, 1:30. When a woman Buffers from do- prKlng weaknesses, nhe then keenly realizes now iieipiess-now iiiorousu- ly WorthleBS Bhe is. ur.
Mioop una brought relief to thousands of women. lie reacnes uiseases peculiar to women in iwo, aireci, specific ways a local treatment known by druggists everywhere as Dr. Snoop's Night Cure, an a constt- tutional or internal prescription called Dr. Snoop's Restorative. Dr.
S'Nigh r8e 6 TocaU and at night. It works while you reduces Inflammation. It stops discharges, it heals, Jt soothes, It comforts, it cures. 1 C.w.n'a a.tfi.a lA Mnt.lat rkr t.n, la nerto tlssue tonic. It brings renewed strength, lasting ambition and vigor to weak, lifeless women.
These two remedies, singly, or URed together, have an Irresistible, positive helpful power. Try them a I month and see. Sold by Wangler Bros. dIy-ex-aug-30. Torget your troubles." Call op r.1,-,, take a spin around the city.
It puts new blood In your veins. Ksperlenc- ed chauffeurs. Rates reasonable. 27-ex-sept-14 AMUsem*nTS CAJ Partial list of attractions at Brown's opera house for August audi September, 1906: Flaming Arrow, Aug. 28.
Little Outcast, Aug. 27. Two Merry Tramps (labor day), Sept. 3. I A Messenger Boy, Sept.
5. Parsifal (return), Sept. 8. Al. Martin's Uncle Tom's Cabin, Sent.
12 Maloney Wedding, Sept. 13. West's minstrels, Sept. 17. A Woman of Mystery, Sept.
20. Monte Cristo, Sept. 25. Lyman Twins, Sept. 26.
"Life in New York," at Opera House lunight. Prices 10-20-30. Ladies free. Reserved seats on sale at Hender- snn'a ami MiniL'er'H for "A Little Oot The last three seasons big success, "A Little Outcast." which comes to firowu's opera house next Monday, Aug. 27, is a revelation to theater "ovel unices anu or gum.
limine lt out; uuu viiiiuim, 1 taming Arrow, a piay unro amitng cnaracters typical oi tne west, iwnicn ranue irom inuians uuu mexi cans to army officers, will be presented at Brown's opera house Tuesday, Aug. In the Story of the play Col. Fre- mont represents a fine old type of the Indian fighter and war-scarred hero, and his daughter Mary a womanly type of American girlhood." tribe of sixteen full-blooded Indians, in- rinding a band, adds to the realism 0f the production. That most important feature of a down-to-date musical comedy the contingent of singing and dancing girls will be especially emphasized in "The Umpire," which Harry Ask in of the Grand opera house, Chicago, will present In Waterloo soon. Julian Mitchell, of the Lew Fields Herald Square theatre In New York, whose achievement in "The Wizard of "Babes in Toyland" and Happened in Nordland" pronounce him the mas-led ter stage director of his time, has lected the members of the chorus and I Has drilled them in the many trace-1 I I ed H.
is on M1 flc all by to EXPLANATION Original. A lady sat la a truln on tier wny borne uftcr a munujer uutiug. Her attire was half iDuurulug aud a bit of white riRhlng- In her bonnet marked Lt-r for a widow. A gentleman Bitting near her arone and, ajiproucblug ber, raised Lis bat am) auld: "Mrs. Sundu." The hnly looked up and met a kindly atluuce wltb one the reverse of klndll uesa it was ley cold, "You have forgotten me?" aald the tuan.
"Not at all. I have good reason to remember Ogden KockwelL" The man stood, evidently undecided whether to return to. bis seat or re- niuln aud prolong the Interview. The removed t.n- from meant eat beside ber, though she did not hlln to be 8eateL Bat oa the arm msteaa. "A great dual baa passed since we last met," be Bald.
"I remember the circ*mstance Tery well. It was a week before my wed ding. You took It upon yourself to me Tno Bceue teluembet equally vivid to me. some things I said to you, but If I advised you I have forgot ten It" "At that meeting, or ratber parting, you told me that If I married Laurence Sands I would regret 1L I did not believe that you would aid In any regret a wife might -feel in ber bus- band's weakness." "Nor did I dream that fate would make It my duty toexpose that weak ness. As cashier I was responsible for any leak in theixunda of the bank." "You could hava screened him for the Bake of the woman you bad pro fessed to love." "Ilanford was suspected of having taken the money.
Would have hmi HcHfle -MmV thia the a nn ronitr "Granting," the man went on, "that there was no matter of duty or Jus tice, would you expect me to shield a man wbo bad taken away from me all that made the world attractive to me?" "You struck through him the woman whom you say was all that might bave made the world attractive to you." There was a.brlef pause at the end of which the man said: "I asked what you would bave ei' petted." "I would only expect a man of won derful nobility of soul to shield a rival." "You would put it better if you said. Only a cur would fall to shield a rival when the woman they both loved was to She looked up at bim Inquiringly. "My part In the exposure was what hurt me," he added. "That I could not belp, though it wounded you." Why was the exposure necessary when there was a way out of the mat ter, as is evident from the fact that Laurence was not prosecuted1?" "It was known to the officers of the bank that a considerable sum of money bad disappeared. As I bave said, Han- ford was suspected.
The real culprit must at least be known." The woman bent her head. Thet dis cussion of the matter was terriblyipain- ful, even though It bad occurred1 five years before. She put her handker chief to her eyes and wept dry ing ber tears, she said: "There Is one and only one feature of the case on which I love to dwell. That the noble act of Laurence's friend. Edward Horton, who paid the Indebtedness and saved Laurence from pris The man dropped Into the vacant seat.
When he did bo be was too absorbed In bis thoughts to be conscious the act At the end of anbrlef silence said: "You were misinformed as to Hor- ton's part in the matter. Horton was Implicated in the embezzlement and threw the whole blame on your hus The lady turned In astonishment r'Horton implicated! Horton threw the blame on Laurence!" "Horton; not was responsible for matter coming out" "Why, then," she asked indignantly, "was I led to believe thattHorton furnished the means to save Laurence? From the first I was at'eelved deceived everybody, by you, from whom I might have expected" You were Laurence Sands "Was this a reason why. I shouldvbe deceived as to the person who be friended him?" "Yes." "Will you "The person who furnished tne means' make good the deficit did so on the condition that some one should stand bis place to you as the donor. Hor as Laurence's made an ex cellent substitute and, being impli cated, could be compelledfto accept the D7 tne donor Uesire to niue noble act under the ekiak of a stblef a traitor to bis bosom friend?" "Because he was a man and, you a married woman." "Well?" "He loved you." She sat staring it bftn, ber eyes seem growing larger and darger. "Your' "LM Even the rattle of the train was not sufficient to bide the words both would spoken.
There were no words. felta band on his and' saw tears starting from the eyes of the woman had so long supposed he bad vronged her, while really be'bad saved unutterable suffering. F. A. MITCHEL.
A Horse. Pa." asked the little Wise boy, do they dock a ship?" Mr. Wise never looked up from his paper, but answered off hand. "Dock a fhlp'Why er why, they cut off Its rudder, of course. Judge.
.1 of -n, i J. T. DURKETT Architect and Superintendent 221 Eaat Fourth Stoaat tf $4 Cabinet Photos now 02, SIMMONS GALLERY. eap-auf-26 06 Kistner's Undertaking Parlors OP EN DAY AND NIGHT 517 Jefferson West Side C. B.
Phone 911 Iowa 248x Residence C. B. Phone 758 Black Lady Assistant tu-tr-ami-uiy-tf day. Sunday services tit 11 a. 3 p.
m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 4 o'clock. Kvangelicnl Corner 'of Logan avenue and Dane street.
Rev. J. 10. Stauffacher, pastor. Preaching at 11 a.
in. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. in.
Junior K. L. C. K. at 3 p.
at 6:30 p. in. Universalis! (Church of the Re. deemer) Corner of East Fourth and Mulberry streets, Rev. Eflle K.
M. Jones, pastor. Preaching services at 10)30 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m. every Sunday. Sunday school at noon. Seats free, strangers and others having no church home cordially welcome. "Morning subject, "Joy and Grief." the day.
Important nnnnneernniitM will he innrie at flu .1 I I i .1 V. Bt' liott, pastor. Morning worship at 10:30. Sabbath school at 11:45. Junior C.
U. at 3. O. Y. P.
at 6:30. Evening woiihip at 7:30. Thursday evening cottage prayer meeting at 7:45. You are cordially invited to all of these services. Morning subject, "Unconquered Territory." There will be no' even- ing services during August.
a every Sabbath In the west side li brary. Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7:30. Sabbath school at 10 a. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. William Burton Sanford, minister, residence 1027 West Third avenue. V. M. C.
A. Meetings for men held every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in Y. M. C. A.
auditorium. All men are welcome. I Jon should see our IMMENSE FALL stock of SHOES. It BROWNLEE'S. GAMP MEETINGS END TOMORROW Closing; Day for Church of God and German Evangelical Association.
Tomorrow Is the closing day of the German Evangelical' camo meeting. which has been held at Cedar River park for several days past. The nineteenth annual conference or the iiurcnes oi uoa, in cnrisi Jesus, in "as uetm uu their private camp grounds at Chau- tauqua i park since last Saturday, will same park simultaneously have been very enjoyable and productive of much good. The following program tne closing program for the Ger- 1 iiiaii rjvaiiseiiuai ittuiti mcciiiift. i.i r.ariy urajvr uieetiiiK, u.u by J.
J. Brann. Sunday 'school, H. O. Lor- ettXl superintendent.
9:30 Preaching in German, by Bishon Bowman. Children's service, led by Mrs. L. F. Smith.
1-45 y. j. A. rally, led by W. C.
Nuhn. 3:00 Preaching In English, by Bishop Bowman. 7:00 Hillside service, led by S. N. Reep.
8:00 Preaching in German, by H. C. Schlueter. Closing of camp meeting by Bishop Bowman. The following is the closing pro gram of the conlerence of the Church 6:00 a.
m. Rising Bell. 6:45 a. in. Morning devotion.
7:00 a. ni. Breakfast. 9:00 a. m.
Sunday school, con ducted by state Sunday school super- ntentlent. 10:30 a. m. Sermon by L. E.
Conner. 12:30 p. m. Dinner. 2:30 p.
m. Sermon by Almus Ad- ams 3:30 p. m. Baptism. 4:30 p.
in. Communion. 6:00 p. m. Supper.
7:00 p. m. Social meeting. 8:00 p. 111.
Sermon by S. J. Lind say. A splendid Sunday dinner for 3. cents at the Hummel Hotel.
sat tf The Irf-atilt Johnson National lisnk tqtens tonight from to o'clock. sut-tt TRY A Oil RIEIi WANT AD. rino being doelarod ofT, a fact that proved a hl dlMaiiointiiietit to klmr'H Ifieiil ulmlf.i'u 'Phil Niieeilv yoiiiiK hoii of ICnli-rtalner wems bet- tor than ever he ciiiuo hack fnlol i Heynoldn liutidH and together they maker, for'whiln emileKl inir A eood field of buraea, none ev-r Kt near enough to prove troublesome. He may 1)0 expected to do something sen- Huiiiimii oi-miio i no Keanon eiunes. lie has cvry gualifleation of a very hiKn tla race horse-speed, thor- oukIi cainent'MS.
stamina and excel- lent manners. Mr. Ucynolds.Who horse's driver, Is entitled to the warmest congratu lations. He drove the King fault lessly, and received an enthusiastic "'-'TV' hafl equals in the state insman and con- slstent clean going trotters. He is master of the art of conditioning and fitting a horse to go out and win 'V'1 WH'k SeHSOU fllld llllS tile ,.1., ,1 V.V lug a thorough understanding with tliem that works wonders in successful race driving.
"The King will make his appearance in Des Moines next week." WILL MEET IN WATERLOO Iowa Building Loan Assn. to Assemble Here Next Tues-. day, Aug. 28. The Iowa Domestic Local Building and Loan Association league will meet in Waterloo next Tuesday, Aug.
28. The league will hold its sessions the Columbia club rooms and the headquarters will he at the Logan. This league is a state organization and iudes in its membership about associations, of which it is ex- pected that twenty will be represent at the meeting. V. I).
Delinger of Cedar Kaplds Is president of the league and C. II. Reynolds of Dubuque, secretary. Waterloo has four local associa tions, the Waterloo Building and Loan, of which iV. H.
Brunn is sec retary, the People's Mutual, Ed. Mes- Ick, secretary; he Perpetual, G. R. Turner, secretary, and the Home, J. Hildebrand, secretary.
Three of them are already members of the state league and the newest one, the Home Building and Loan, expects to join. The business of the association not heavy so it will be completed Tuesday. OI'K I.l,ST.i KSIICXT. I'lii'isise of C'onvenlloii of Railway Attorneys Math) lear. New York, Aug.
25. S. M. Parrott, vice premueni oi tne ueorgia soutn- norma, namoau company, wno acteu us cnairmai.ai a meeung in mis of executive oillcers, traf, ollk'lals and legal representatives of the Important rail and i steamship Miles operating to and from the ter. ritory south ot the Potomac and Ohi) rivers and east of the Mississippi river, has made an official statement regarding the object and action taken the convention, as follows: "The object of 'the meeting was, pri marily, to consider the recent changes made In the act to regulate commerce approved June 29, 19U0.
As those matters Involved squestions of law. the meeting determined to appoint a com mittee of lawyers, consisting of general counsel of most of the com panies represented at the meeting, and refer to said law committee certain printed questions which had suggest- themselves to the exeeutive an officials a requiring Immediate consideration. me law committee Held lis ses- lv, inclusive, and took up the ques- lions seriatim. "On the 22d day of August, 1900, the convention of the executive and I officials reconvened. at the Wal dorf Astoria hotel, when They received the report from the law committee above referred to, and adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, That tills convention return Its thanks to the law committee for the labor bestowed by said committee upon the questions hereto fore propounded to It by this eonven-tln, and that, aided by the advice contained in the report of said law com mittee, the executive and traffic, offi cials here present will.
In the n-lmiu- Srnr 'thr' deavors to comply to the fullest ex- tent with all the. provisions of the act regulate commerce as amended June 29, fa ahopa Wrwre work- thamhio, itvle and fit are chief fat tori SHIRTS are tnreo first place. They L.U I lite UT.FCI mir 1 m.uij 1 uc wearer, in white and color-faat fabric t. 00 AND $1.25 CLUF.TT. PEABODY CO.
lrtm Utkrrt (if I mtart m4 Klirrt. hi th WorH I Is of be the by to In ton, bis and were ingly have He who. her "bow of I lud dnnMintna baaara. 4fr I eel IhearMmtJI. onaand yoe anrelf ImltMmitoa you'll Javlto dtalreaaitia; mlM-mbia da- Kliuo.
Do you eipertrnee aaf of tbesatrtnp- to mar an- area a artrr luf of food tialn at to wonts, pit of atom. ca.ru mbllBi of in, brlcb- lu of wit lou of apie lu. hrtbura. incur If you brauacue. I suffer la any of itbrM wa, your duty la clear there I but on ou ma oih-o to you ireuftbea toe ln errea inmaapeclal lomick nerrct shako off forevur tbli awroreof dlM-awi intt ihr diiriiilva nrrraa la addition to act aa nature lowndtxl ahould.
loo druf. doo't force just wve tlx lunula Korrea natural force, imllf tonic nature lielp. Dr. Sboop'a Rratorattra (Tablets or Liquid) abould be UK'n to do thla It ii toe only ire cripuon whicb bulida up. or eveu atlvuiiite la (a tore tb luaide atotuacb Derrea.
boat tif WANGLER BROS. Brown's Onera House WEEK Aug. 20 The favotitr, Angall'a Comedians in New Repertoire A Continuous Show. Chance of play racli nishl TONIGHT "Life In New York," at Opera House tonight Prices 10-0-30. Indies free.
Ladies fire err mVht with every faii reserved wal tukel. Price. 10, 20, 30 On sale at Henderson 'sand Municer'a Brown's Opera House MOWAy. AVC. 27 E.
CARPENTER'S A Littlo Outcast STHK BATTRRY AT Tv'ICillT THK HNIMIK1.S BkllHiH ECHlNAtoWN DAKK THK OPII f)KN ETHR MIU.IONAIKK'S MANSION 8tCIKTY hU'MMINU 25, 35, SO Raaareed Saali at Hendenona' and MuntarY Drown's Opera House TUESDAY, AUGUST 28th LINCOLN J. CARTER pretanta the Pkturaaqua Wattera Play The Flaming Arrow SEEi The Exciting Horse Race. The Attack on Fort Reno. The Womletful Horses, Arrow and Buckskin. The Council File and Ghost Dance.
40 BIG SPECIAL CAST 40 Genuine Indian Krass Baud. PRICE 25c, 50c, 75c Ticketa on sale at Hendersons and MunKers. BROWN'S OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY, SEPT. 25 FRED G. CONRAD Presents the sterling actor 1.
EUGENE MOORE In Alexander Dftmas Masterpiece "Monte Cristo Few Dramas Lave a more liberal supply of gxxl oM fashioned spirit and go in them. It is staged with a Javishness and elaborateness that would make a far less exciting play swing along in a prosperous manner IT IS THE BEST OF ITS KIND We Guarantee your money's worth or your money back Prices, 25c, 50c and 75c IKY A COLIUMi WANT AI. 13 lillL in -i iiiiii i mm Mn.yn.i in i.ijjiiu to F. pastor. Catholic (St.
Josephs) Corner of Third and Mulberry streets. Rev Marcus Cooney, pastor, residence 320 Mulberry street. First mass, 8:30 a. m. Second mass 10:30 a m.
Sunday school 2:30 p. in Vespers and benediction 3:30 p. m. Christ (Episcopal) At 628 East tor; SarvteOT Hinkle, ree a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at noon. Chapel (Ware) Sabbath school at 3 p. m.
Clin pel Ra 1 1 road North addition. Sabbath school every Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock. Chapel (Union) Corner Jefferson and Thirteenth streets. Sabbath school at 3 p. m.
Prayer meeting Evangelical Association Corner La- Fayette street aud Park avenue, August Goetze, pastor, residence 418 LaFayette street. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching nt 10:30 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. Young people's meeting nt 6:30 p. m. Ex clusive English service every bun- day evening.
First Presbyterian Corner of East Park avenue and Mulberry street, Herbert Ware Reherd pastor, resi1- dence 102 Independence avenue. Preaching 10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p. m.
Sunday school at noon. Chris tian Endeavor at 6:30. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. First Methodist Episcopal Corner Jefferson and Fifth, Rev. Frank La Fayette Loveland, pastor.
Preach- Ing services at 10:30 a. m. ana 7:30 p. m. Class meeting at 9:30 a.
m. Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. sunaay scnooi at ra. pii street ha- tween West Park avenue and Third nov a i.nti t.nstnr Divine services, German at 10:30 rltice.
Bradley was puss*d and Park-128. a. English at 7:30 p. m. Sun- wui me services lomur-Hnv Kchool nt 12 m.
Pastor's resl- row n'1'1- meeting held In the ful evolutions and dances which go Atlantic City on Aug. 14 to 18 in slammed a fine drive over Williams' head, both Spencer and Bradley I counting. Miller fattened his batting average by making a three base n't and Parkin raced from first Wilkes and Miller scored Shel- Ion went out or. an 'nfle'd hit by walker singled, stole second while tne pitcher was studying the catcher's ignals. Giffin finally awakened ar.
hurled he ball at "Hliiey" Krueger v.ho muffed It leautifuliy and "Scot- seeing- third base unoccupied. made a break for that station and landed safely. Kelsey hit to Bockewiti who muffed the ball and Walker came home with the sixth rim jf he game Then began the "horse play." Wa- erlo made three more scores and might easily have had a dozen more it they were hitting Mr. Gifhn al will. As it was they were fortunate get five Innings completed before the rains descended.
Too bad Brennan. Better luck next time. Maybe. WATEHLOO. AB It 3 2 11 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 l'O A (i 0 Miller, cf.
Wilkes. If Sheldon, rf. Walker, us. Kelsey, Spencer, lb. Anklam, 2b.
t. iradley, 3b. Parkin, p. Totals 24 10 12 15 7 1 MARSHALLTOWN. AB 1 0 fl 0 0 0 1 0 1 PO A 3 3 Harris.
2b. Williams, 3b. A. Spencer, lb. .3 .2 ...2 ...1 ...2 2 .2 ,..18 Corkill, If.
Thomas, c. Krueger, ss. fjiftin. p. ISorkewitz.
Luke, rf, Totals cf. 3 15 The score by Innings: Waterloo 1 1 0 2 10 Marshalltown 0 0 0 0 0 Two base hit Kelsey; three ha hits. Miller, Harris; sacrifice bit, Wilkes. Anklam, Thomas; 'stolen bases Wilkes, Walker, Spencer. Anklijm, Bradley; struck out, by Oiffin 3.
by Parkin bases on balls, )ff Oiftln off Parkin passed ball. Thomas double play, (unassitedi; time 1:10. umpire Brennan. leaders SUM Win. Ottumwa, Auk.
24 Krro I make up this part of the entertain-1 nient. The great composer, Richard Wag ners "Parsifal" will be the attraction at Brown's Saturday, Sept. 8. LOCAL HORSE IN GREAT RACE King Entertainer Sets New Mark for Himself and Marlon Track Wednesday. The following from the Burlington Hawk-Bye concerns one of the greatest trotting horses ever bred and racd In Iowa, a horse, which if rumor is to be credited.
Is owned by a Waterloo man, the purchase having been made while King Kntertainer was campaigning on the Cedar Valley circuit: "In the 2:15 trot Wednesday at Marion, Iowa, King Kntertainer, driven by Frank Reynolds of this city, took easily three straight heats in a tloe 2:14, winning the race, breaking- the track record and re ducing bin mark to 2:14 1-4. which! gives him the distinction of being the fastest six-year old trotter bred and rained In Ik-h Moines county. This proof or the King'n perfect racing form and rapid development of Kpued makes it clear why seven out of nine drivers at the recent Burllnrton fair! em cold feet and- refused onuli- I I llo 99 sirr.nmr.ro orroet Thi will be divinfi services ncain aa no the church rennlrs are enmnieted and the nastor has return- i First fjlnireli or Christ, scientist, Church liuiuce nun street tie- tween South and Kandoipn. tun day service at 10:45 a. m.
Sunday school at 12 m. Testimonial meeting at 8 clock Wednesday evening. Reading room at same address, open every week day from 2 to 4 p. ni. "Subject, "Man." Grace Methodist Episcopal Corner of Fourth and Mulberry streets.
Rev. Cattermole, pastor. Preach ing and worship at 10:30 a. Sunday school at 12 m. league at 3 p.
m. Epworth league at 6:30 p. ra. Preaching at p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Morning subject, "Shall Our Boys and Girls be Educated." Evening subject, "The Tragedy in a High way Robbery." Linden Chapel Sabbath school each Sunday at 3 D. m. Preacning ser vice at 4 p. m.
Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening. St. -Mark's Commercial street, west side, rector, the Rev. Geo. K.
Piatt, rocirienr 622 West Third street, Sundav services at 10:30 a. m. and p.m. Sunday school at 12 in. Aug.
26, eleventh Sunday after Trinity, Morning prayer and ser mon at 10:30, subject, 'The Duties Privilege. St. Paul's Broadway and Center streets, Samuel Yaggy, pastor. Preaching at 1:30 a. m.
and 8 p. m. bunday scnooi at p. in. Salvation Army 222J East Fifth street.
Captain and Mrs. Tripp officers in charge. Services every night in the week at 8, except Mon-I I i I ae.tin lost yesterday same for th- fv It! th In whUh King Knter-locals and the Burlington boys faki laitier was entered. the.