Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)

Spokane Chronicle, July 3, 1985 C9 NOTICE to Want Ad Users WANT AD OFFICE Will Be Closed Thursday July 4 1 LEGAL NOTICES OF SALE SPOKANE Washington OBLIGATION BONDS, 1985 OF $1,965,000 the City Council of the City of Washington, will, up to the hour of Time, on JULY 8, 1985 Treasurer of the City, at the MuniciFalls Boulevard, Spokane, Washpurchase of $1,965,000.00 principal Obligation Bonds, 1985 of the opened, examined and declared at to and considered by the Counto be held at approximately of Spokane Limited Tax Gen(the "Bonds" will be in the of $1,965,000, will be dated July fully registered form. December first in the amounts Total 130,000 135,000 145,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 185,000 200,000 215,000 230,000 245,000 from their date at a net effecten percent per annum, 1, 1986, and semiannually thereDecember first of each year to the of the Bonds. Interest will of a 360-day year consisting of after December 1, 1992 are subprior to their fixed dates of mainverse order of maturity (and such manner as the Bond RegisDecember 1, 1991, or any interest the price of par plus accrued redemption, proper officials of the City, the the Bond Registrar for authentimaturity shall be numbered sepwith any additional designation deems necessary for purposes of been manually executed by the or become obligatory for any entitled to any security or benefit on the Bonds are payable in States of America to the regisname and address shall appear the City (the "Bond Registrar, at the principal corpoRegistrar, which shall be either Fiscal Agencies, in Seattle, WashYork. is payable to the registered the Bonds when due at maturity at the principal corporate trust of interest shall be made on to the registered owner whose Register on the 15th day of the the interest payment date, on fhe Bond Register, and shall of the Bond Registrar mailed to the due date at such address, or may be furnished in writing by Bond Registrar. to the highest and best bidder rates specified and any premibest bid will be determined by premium from (or adding the the total of interest which the from the date of the Bonds to dates at the interest rate or rates the award will be made on the interest cost to the City for said the Bonds at a price of less than considered.

rate or rates of interest which the sale shall bear. Bidders will be rates of interest, and the interest be in multiples of one-eighth one percent per annum. All at the same time shall bear interest rates bid shall be in as- be unconditional and for not herein offered for sale. Each bid paid for the Bonds and the rate or by the Bonds. Each bidder of a bid to pay accrued interest to the date of delivery.

Bids for as follows: CITY OF SPOKANE GENERAL OBLIGATION 1985 in a sealed envelope addressed of Spokane, and marked as by a good faith deposit in the by a bank cashier's check or the City Treasurer, which deposperformance of such bid and damages in the event the sucthe Bonds upon delivery. Bonds, the good faith deposit benefit of the City. to reject any or all bids and to by law, any irregularity or awarding the Bonds or rejecting end of the regular meeting of the o'clock P.M. on July 8, 1985. be ready for delivery to the pur(30) days from the date of sale.

right to cancel the contract of execute and tender the Bonds (45) days from the date of allowed on the good faith deposit. not available within forty-five a temporary bond in the decontaining the same terms and bonds may be delivered penddelivery of the definitive bonds. to the purchaser in Spokane or such other place agreed to by the at the option and expense of the be made in Federal Reserve acceptable and immediately expense of making funds immediby transfer of Federal Reserve shall be borne by the purchaser. to the applicable provisions Washington, Chapter 35.22. general obligations of the City, and credit of the City is pledged the appropriate Constitutional non-vofed obligations.

Thorgrimson, Ellis Holman, approving the validity of the without charge to the purchaser at Bonds and will be printed on the Preston, Thorgrimson, Ellis Holpayable solely from the proceeds fees are necessarily contingent implementation and funding of the Counsel, Interest on the Bonds is the United States of America untax statues, regulations, rul- the delivery of the Bonds, the inowners from bonds of the same declared to be taxable under. either by the terms of such laws Income tax authority or offiInternal Revenue Service or a Court, the purchaser may, at the the tender of the Bonds by the obligation under the contract to pur- are not arbitrage bonds within of the Internal Revenue Code be provided to the purchaser at Bonds. or threatened concerning the organization of the City, or the respective offices, and the City the foregoing at the time of the will be printed on the Bonds, print such number on any Bond thereto shall constitute cause for purchaser thereof to accept delivin accordance with the terms All expenses in relation to the on the Bonds shall be paid that the CUSIP Service Buof said numbers shall be the be paid by, the purchaser. and any additional information from Mr. Peter G.

Fortin, ManBuilding Street Level, West 808 Spokane, Washington, 99201, Telefrom Mr. Alan G. Dashen, Vice Securities Corporation, Suite 3700, Seattle, Washing(206) 628-2882. responsible officer of the City, to his knowledge and belief, and (a) none of the information contains any untrue statement of state any material fact necessary therein, in light of the circummade, not misleading; (b) since bonds, no event has occurred forth which has not been set no material adverse change in affairs of the City since the date 16 CARDS OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone for the beautiful floral offering and many kindnesses offered during the recent loss of our beloved mother, grandmother sister, Lillian P. Harper.

Ruth M. Rivers family, Richard L. Harper family, Frances J. Kovash family 20 LOST LOST, Sunday Trent evening Argonne vicinity of (Millwood area). Small female Australian Terrier, light brown, cropped ears tall, medium long hair.

REWARD. 928-1150 after 4:30 REWARD Vic. Grant Park, "Dusty" 3 lb. male Yorkshire Terrier, head hair trimmed, stomach hair clipped, black body, tan feet, silver tan face, lost 6-24-85. 534-0100.

10 MO old Germ. E400 Block Euclid, 7-1- 85. Answers to the name of A close personal friend. 484-3275 after 3pm. Reward BARKER Rd area ladies ring stones in gold mounting, extreme sentimental value.

Reward. 926-0969 German Shepherd, female, long haired, choke chain, FAMILY MEMBER, NW area, timid. Reward. 328-7784. LOST In the Audubon Park ares.

Small black white dog, chain, lame hind legs. 328-6200 after Reward! LOST: 1 year old Golden Retriever on in SalnaveCheney area, 235-2694 or 747- 6111 ext. 273, Scott REWARD. Lost Puppy 6wks, Monroe Hills area, dark brwn collar, sandy stripe on back. 327-3036 $100 REWARD.

Black Lab female. Perry Liberty, approx. 6-19-85. Work, 467-8421; Home, after 6, 489-1107. AKITA, tan white face.

Male. Vic Indian Trail Rd, Reward, 276-6629. Grey Angora rabbit, vicinity of Howard Houston. Reward; 467-5402 LOST, Blond fem. cat, near Cliff Stevens, med.

length fur. Claire work. MALE Poodle, Silver Gray, 14 yrs, Alki McDonald. 928-5734 Answers Reward. REWARD, 2 small Navy floral couch pillows lost on Argonne Rd on Friday 467-7510.

REWARD: 34th Perry, '85 gray Schnauzer Poodle, ribbon around neck, 487-2332. SMALL coin purse containing diamond ring small change. Reward. 927-0871, 924-2915 TOY Fox Terrier female, red harness, white ears, looks like Chihuahua, 922-0137. BRITTANY Spaniel, male, sitver collar, Indian Trail 326-3273 LOST blue collie Jul 1 Reward 108 Fisk 535-0118 hm 484-6091 wk LOST, Shih Tzu, male, Hillyard.

Sun. 489-2454, 21 FOUND LOVEABLE bik co*cker Spaniel collar. E. 2918 Sanson. 487-3438 COLLIE Sheltle MIx, Dishman Hills.

928-2893. KEYS Sprague Pines area, Identify pay ad, 927-8574. Aust. Shep. neutered2yrs928-3344 Germ.

Shep. male Shadle 326-3955 22 SENIOR SERVICES CITIZEN DENTURES 2596 Sr. Citizen Discount John R. Tiffany DDS 838-6444 Elderly care, private room, good care good food, everything furnished. 922-8101 Christian home, elderly, lic.

alde, 926-0799, 466-4100 EXCELLENT meals care, put rooms, Heritage House, 326-2718 Mr. Steak Senior Discounts Free Senior Birthday dinners 24 ANNOUNCEMENTS Dancing Is Easyl We will teach You, $38-4214 Universal Dance 25 JACUZZI Sulte, must see to belleve, Intro rate, 747-0102 27 HAPPY ADS Dancing Is Easyl We will teach you, 838-4214 Universal Dance 28 PERSONALS LAWYERS' DIVORCE SERVICE-UNCONTESTED $75 Filing Fee Lawyer consults with you Lawyer prepares the papers don't have to go to Court. 1,500 Divorces handled DENNIS M. WALLACE N.910 Washington 326-3600 VALLEY DIVORCE SERVICE UNCONTESTED $75 FILING FEE Consultation paperwork by competent attorneys. Court appearance not required.

BENJAMIN PERREY Tupper Building Trent Argonne 922-5345 FOTO DATE Est. 1964 As seen on TV AN EASY AND INEXPENSIVE WAY FOR SELECTIVE SINGLES TO MEET ATTRACTIVE PEOPLE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX. Phone 24 Division hours 487-2550 N. 6025 Spokane BANKRUPTCY VALLEY No Charge Initial Consultation Mon-Sat Richard Hayden Attorney at Law 924-9800 ANYONE Witness accident Tues. June 25th, 9:30 PM between green Plymouth car brown motorcycle on Francis Elgin in front of Mini-Mart.

Please call 467-9545; 489-3548. TANIA The Rose I gave you was Red. The Carnations I sent you were Blue. know It's over, But Still Love You WHAT about you--Heaven or Hell? Send a mite for "PrayerPoems" (90 mini meditations 20,000 Families already treesure). Fr.

Armstrong. S.J., N1107 Astor, Spokane WA 99202 If you need a car and have been divorced, bankrupt or have credit problems, can help. Call Bruce 326-7777, Spokane Dragons Kung-Fu School W.211 Main, Classes starting, August 1. Call Hau for more Info. 534-4231 after 5pm ERASE.

BAD CREDIT PLUS GET 1-800-227-8192, Ext, 895. cessing Mall Service. Reasonable rates. W1001 Providenceorcall326-2138 LAW Appts. avail.

7 days weekly Deglow Peterson 328-6779 Flea Market E2411 Sprauge Table Rent 525-3 days or $9 day Fri, Sat, Sun. 9-6, 838-2041 UNIQUE Personalized Greeting Folios for any occasion. Reasonable 838-8041 eves. wkends Deglow Peterson 328-6779 Newl Introduction Service 448-3000 Newl Introduction Service 448-3000 FREE pregnancy. tests.

Call Birthright. 487-5028 "Thank you Scared Heart of Jesus and St. Jude." C.F. F.T.. WRITE ME your problem! Info: WRITE bOx 15101, 99215 THANK YOU ST.

NUDE P.DA TRANSPORTATION 29 SHARE-A-RIDE TRAVEL ALMOST FREE CINCINNATI-ST. LOUIS Auto Drive Away 747-8900 EMPTY flat bed leaving for Seattle Sat. 922-1726 32 GET AWAY FROM IT ALL "Best Values For Less!" R.T. Air 2 nights hotel Spokane-Las Vegas From $189 RENO SPECIALSI R.T. Air to Reno $98 Depart 7-4 back 7-7, 7-14 7-9 back 7.

7- 11, 7-11 back 7-14, 16, 7-16 7-18. Seats Limited. Call TRAVEL CLEARINGHOUSE Mon thru Fri, 9-5, 1-800-423-1606 Visit the Jewel Box Gem Shop, Harrison, Idaho for the famous Idaho garnets, goid, silver and gemstone jewelry, screw snuff back botfles, post, clip and earrings, stone boxes, onyx carvings, sea shells collectibies. Come by boat or auto. Open Tuesdays thru Sundays, 10AM-5PM.

Al Glenna Ross, Harrison, ID, 208-689-3512 ENJOY THE BEST Day-Wk-Mo. RV-Trailer spaces, swimming Picnicing, Boating Loon Lake GRANITE POINT 233-2100 HERMITAGE INN A Bed Breakfast Recreation Inn on Sacheen Lake. 535-4907 or (1)447-2676 HONEYMOON SUITES with private spas for any Special Oecassion. Kingsport Inn, 21st 8 Sherman, Cd A. 208-664-8191 AMERICAN Adventure Pioneer Membership, $3500.

1-258-7309 32 GET AWAY FROM IT ALL 88 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Dancing Is Easyl We will teach you. 838-4214, Universal Dance Fairmont 1 barm, Thanksgiving week, must sell, $5000, 926-8275 351 FITNESS, BEAUTY HEALTH Good top grade Aloe Vera juice. Overstocked off! 327-7165 Must sell 1 yr membership Family Fitness, offer, 326-5297 OFF-HERBAL DIET PLAN Try It now VISA -MC 326-1390. FINANCIAL 50-99 50 FINANCIAL HELP Fast loans. Contracts bot sold.

Call anytime. NELSON RLTY. 467-5427 55 MONEY TO LOAN LOANS of property for any purpose. WE LOAN ON CONTRACTS 328-3770 SECURED BY REAL ESTATE Your equity in owner nonowner occupied residential, commercial, recreational, farm properties unimproved land, can be used to acquire the cash you need for business or consumer purposes. Also real estate contracts can be used as security or sold.

Call Gene or Stan Brazington. CLS MORTGAGE, INC. 928-6545 EQUITY MORTGAGE Has money to lend on bare land, recreational, residential, commercial or any other type SELECTORS INC. The Dependable Money Source. As a Collateral Lender, we have funds for Real Estate Secured Business Loans up to $500,000.00.

CALL 326-4830 R. E. New construction business. Reasonable int. Call Finder, 928-2808 70 MORTGAGES CONTRACTS- FOR SALE CONTRACT Original value $32,500.

Present contract balance $21,500, Interest. WIll discount to yield 534-5020 EARN 2nd DOT 483-6451, 467-8745. 73 MORTGAGES CONTRACTS- WANTED NEED CASH? If you are receiving payments on one of the following: REAL ESTATE CONTRACT NOTE TRUST DEED NOTE MORTGAGE We will advance cash for up 10 ten years of the payments on any of the above. SELL YOUR PAYMENTS WITHOUT SELLING YOUR ENTIRE CONTRACT Call today: CLS MORTGAGE INC. 928-6545 METROPOLITAN NOW PAYS MORE! We buy mortgages, contracts, cash deeds of trust, for more now than ever before.

Full or partial, any position. No fees, low discounts. Call or write 838-3111 Metropolitan Mortgage Securities Co. Inc. W.

929 Spraque Ave. Spokane, WA 99210 Eves: 466-4297, 448-8430 CALL US FOR BEST PRICE For your contracts, deeds of trust. We purchase full or partial term without brokers fee. We pay all costs. 10 day service.

For a quote call Jim Hawley write or 425 Peyton N. 10 Bob Guthrie 624-0183, or Post, 99201 PACIFIC SECURITY CO'S. MONEY FOR YOU We Buy Contracts Deeds FAST, FRIENDLY SERVICE SELECTORS Inc. 326-4830 BUY, SELL LOAN 21 YEARS buying selling contracts. ALSO, loans on Real Estate.

Fast service. Jack Gillespie, NW Contracts, W.324 Francis, 467-5800. WE LOAN OR BUY 48 Hrs Cash-Free Quotes JAMESON MORTGAGE CO. 509-535-5660 208-664-8131 SELL all or sell 5, 10 or 15 years of payments on your contract. Call Rob 484-5260 L-P Enterprises W.

201 Francis CASH for Contracts, any location, Rity 325-2003, 838-1200 Ken Cash for contracts, lg. or small, Gordon, G. Curry Rity, 928-0600 CHAS. Stolz, Realtor 328-4121. We buy contracts equities I BUY CONTRACTS OFFER IN 72 HRS.

926-9305. 88 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MOM POP catalog store, growing area, established 19 years, gross sales 1984, Irg Int'l chain, turnkey operation, bldg lease avail. $125,000, $50,000 down. More Info. (509)684-2247 aft 7pm ATTENTION INVESTORS Ownership for sale In 40AC over-looking the shadowy St.

Joe River in north Idaho. homes, creek, etc. For further detalls call (208)245-4142 aft 7P Automotive Repair Shop. Tune up general repair. Good lease, excellent location.

Call George Wilson WILSON ASSOC. 455-9000 COMP Prof ceramic shop Inventory Incl 1100 molds, all necessary for equip 2 Skutt kilns. Ideal starting your own business. Reas, work, 1- 843-3395, Home 1-843-3411 Entrepreneurial partner, office support skills mktg ability for estab. secretarial service In Vy.

loc'n. Invest time capital. 927-9926 MAYTAG'S revolutionary selfservice laundries ticket operation. Exc. new locations available.

Contact Maytag Commercial Distributor, 924-3379 SAW MIll Plainer, complete ready to Go. Located on 80 acres. Maxi MIll plus 7' Band Head Rig. Horiz. Band Resaw.

Tonasket, WA. Call 206-258-6765 or 503-255-7032. DOWNTOWN shoe store, better Good quality potential. Includes Inwomen's men's. ventory some furnishings.

Call 838-3355 FARMERS INSURANCE OWN Your All Lines Insurance Agency, Guaranteed Complete training. Income, 484-3082. GET INTO DECORATING Become a Decorating Den Consultant or Franchise Owner, 509-967-5670. HAIR FORCE FOR SALE Excellent business opportunity for small investment. Walk-In $34,000.

TOTAL GROSS $41,000. Just remod. $14,000. 325-1780 EXCELLENT INVESTMENT Approx. return on $3000- tangible asset, proven business, 208-323-0033, Boise EXCLUSIVE N.

Side retall service business needs full time owner. Exc Income, will train. Miss Wescott 276-2918 FOOD concession catering business, doing well, great tential. terms. Must 466-4140 sell, low eves.

down, easy MEXICAN Restaurant seats 40, recreation area, steady, local trade. Quick sale $25,000 with down RENTAL property 2 mobile hms on put lots. In Airway Hts near FAFB, exc year rnd Income. 244-2132 ask for Carol 10-6P SPORTS APPAREL SHOP In high foot traffice area. SBO, Inc N5719 Division 482-4200 VRBB ESTABLISHED garden seed business.

Enormous potential. 509-467-5684 For Sale, Seaport Recyclers, We. Equity take over contract. 758-9343 Good Southside location N5719 for family shop. SBO, Inc Division 482-4200 VRBB MUCH Needed Contractor, Sea sonal bus.

Good Income. WIll train, to capital, Jette 328-0623 The best ML.M 2nd Income opportunity: 922-1795 for recorded message Tires wheels, retall wholesale, $75,000 Terms; 534-7878 BEAUTY SALON Partner Wanted. 54200. 327-5834 or 487-6745 DOWNTOWN Tavern, $29,950, for fast sale 2925 sqft 466-7650 DRIVE-inn for lease, high volume corner equip. 466-7650.

MAYTAG, self-service. 924-3379 Indry business investments. COMMERCIAL 96 RENTAL PROPERTY DO You have a building that could be used for a Boxing gym? We can a give tax small defor rent large duction. 487-0943 FOR Rent Commercial Bldg 40X80 cement block High doors, trucks. E1520 Houston, $700.

283-2444 VALLEY'S Best Sprague Avenue location, 660 Sq.ft. Modern office or retall space. Real affordable Rent 924-2936 3100 SQ. FT. on Sprague across from JB Big Boy's, one month free rent, ofher options negotiable.

325-1978 For rent or lease; office or Divi- retall space, 944 sqft on sionacrossfromN Town. 326-0548 PRIME 1-90 freeway Interchange, frontage land for lease, 208-664-4158 2500 S.F., small office, 2 bathrooms, large overhead door, 535-3214. 600 SQ FT each suite prkng 7202 Spraque 747-6560 Ron Myers Rity NEW STRIP CENTER 7322 N. Division. Now leasing.

483-8521 N.3311 Argonne, 984 sqft $250mo. 924-9730 3920 sq. new metal N.702 Perry. 534-7858. VISTA Industrial Park 500 up.

928-8800 97 OFFICE FOR RENT E.9922 MONTGOMERY Office Suites 2,100 sf 2,500 sf 2,900 sf 5,000 sf 8,500 sf 13,000 sf st. Full service Including utils. Modern complex, good parking, competitive consessions. Call Dave 536-5050 Ext. 3107 or Brent Ext.

4047 CENTRALLY located 1175 sq. ft. of office space. Lg. conference room.

Covered parking. DOWNTOWN location. Six offices available ranging from $75 to $150 a month. ELEVEN skylights make this 5500 sq.ft. newer space suitable for offices-studios-dance classes or Sharon 534-0848.

Watson Co; Inc. 624-5291. PRIME SUITE Choice Valley location, NE corner Sprague 8. Evergreen. Suite size adjustable, 750 sq ft to 1800 sq ft.

Good layout of rooms. Util Air Cond Included In lease. Exc. parking bide maintenance. Reasonable rates.

Call 924-6677, 926-6438 RENOVATING 24,000 ft Turn of Brick bldg. NEAR Court House. Lots of Oak Brass, elevator, select size decor now. Reasonable. 466-7858 EXC N.

Side loc, Rosewood Monroe. 950 sq.ft at $400 mo. Ample off street parking, crpt 327-9533. JEFFERSON 400 BLDG, 5TH JEFFERSON. MODERN AC OFFICE SPACE T.

J. MEENACH CO. 624-4236 NEW BRICK SUITES 900-1450 sgft From $615. W515 Francis. Rod V.

Plese, Piese Rity W201 Francis 489-2323 N. 1720 ASH 328-2218 Quality, Reception, office 3 office space rms, 1000sq'. work rm-kitchen. Off street prkg. 2500sq' Offices, store rm, warehouse, close Fwy, on DIv, $450 mo 747-1131 OFFICE Spaces Available.

Central location, near SCC. Shared Services, 534-0826. 190 Freya 800 sf, $325. 300 sf, $140. 535-4246 448-5045 REAL ESTATE 100-199 100 FOR HOMES SALE, GENERAL SHADLE RANCHER $32,900 Super clean 3 bdrm.

rancher with low interest FHA assumable. Fenced landscaped. Appliances Included. Garage onpavedalley. Submitalloffers.

Homestead Properties 467-3333 BY OWNER: Charming 4 bdrm near Corbin Park. Lrg liv rm, family rm kitchen. Main floor util. Many extras, Terms negotiable. $48,500, 327-7243 after 1pm, wknds anytime IMMACULATE New carpets, paint bath, manicured, fenced yard with RV space.

with assumable loan. barms in top location, GRAND REALTY, 747-7125 $39,500 acres, Mead Schools, fence, 2 plus bdrm home, fruit trees, priced below appraisal. Homesfead Properties 467-3333 WOULD LIKE TO TRADE HOME (S). Mine located in great NW Shadle area, 3 Bdrm. garage, lg.

lot. WIll consider ALL OFFERS, 325-0922. A STEEL! $20,000 cash or FHA $600 down. 2 bdrm garage. E2417 6th.

327-3386. 327-6170 EXEC. dream on 5 acres close in, custom built, Bettie 291-3060 FIXER-UPPER, Irg corner lot, irg Extras. Low dn, assume loan. 208-773-0360 Like New!" E.

1128 Lacrosse River City Realty 489-4291 TRANSFER forces sale. Log view hm on 1.3AC, 3BR, nr Colville. $55,000. 509-662-2391 PRICE SLASHED Appr. $39,500.

Very appealing 2bdr. E3507 29th Owner 747-3604 3 BDRM, 3 bd bsmt apt, part furn, pos cash flow. 3 biks from EWU. $49,000, 535-7413 BURT HENRY, REALTORS S.2926 Grand 747-6177 Expert on Gov't Owned Bargain Homes. Rainbow Realty 928-8660 F.

S. BARRETT CO. W. 418 Sprague 838-2055 SHADLE Br, 2 ba, $43,9001 A-AALADDIN RLTY 328-9700 4 BR. N.

5128 Adams. 3 br N. 1811 Lacey, HOMES SALE, GENERAL 100 FOR HOMES- SALE, GENERAL Cont. from C8 Washington Water Power Co. VS.

Ernie Ransom. Bolen Uresti vs. Robert H. Rickel. DIVORCES FILED Brian K.

Thompson from Sandra G. Thompson. Lisa A. Nixon from Mark L. Nixon.

Kim P. Emmett from John D. Emmett. DIVORCES GRANTED Steve Weick from Kelli R. Weick, MARRIAGE LICENSES Randy R.

Mullen and Lori K. Bradley, both of Post Falls. Steven W. Williams and Marcia E. Smith, both of Spokane.

Richard E. Cannon, of Pomeroy, and Vicki M. Wren, of Lewiston. Charles E. Lang and Teressa R.

McDaniel, both of Spokane. Steven A. Madson and Pamela S. Austin, both of Spokane. Rex D.

Grove and Elizabeth A. Gruell, both of Lewiston. Darrel L. Warner, of Deer Park, and Kimberley A. Roy, of Spokane.

Gary R. Rennick and Mary B. Osterhold, both of Spokane. Philip H. Cable and Doris J.

Gray, both of Spokane. Harald C. Bough and Debra K. Baird, both of Coeur d' Alene. Gregg B.

Rose and Pamela Brobeck, both of Coeur d' Alene. Arthur E. Honsaker and Diane S. Harris, both of Coeur d' Alene. Rodney M.

Broxson and Karoline E. Rima, both of Spokane. Richard M. Martin, of Fairfield, and Leslie R. Griffith, of Pinehurst, Idaho.

James A. Hettwer and Tamala J. Lewis, both of Coeur d'Alene. Robert J. Valois and Sheila K.

Koss, both of Coeur d' Alene. BIRTHS Sheila: and Kenneth Flegel, Coeur d' Alene, parents of Derrik Neil, born June 18. Lisa and Duane Carney, Cataldo, Idaho, parents of Lindsey Michelle, born June 17. Laurie and Kevin Johnson, Coeur d'Alene, parents of Korey Eugene, born June 19. Sally and Timothy Babbitt, Coeur d'Alene, parents of Mark Winter, born June 19.

Paula and Mark Campbell, Post Falls, parents of Jesse Leroy Wilson, born June 16. Jodi and Ronald Chapple, Rathdrum, parents of Jacqualine Kay, born June 20, Nan and Kevin Kelley, Post Falls, parents of Erin Kathleen, born June 20. Keeler Crawford and Bert Storlie, Coeur d'Alene, parents of Heath David, born June 21. Marianne and William Capaul, Coeur d'Alene, parents of Jacob Myron, born June 19. Faith and Dan Freas, parents of Heather Ann, born June 20.

Sharon and Dean Magee, Coeur d'Alene, parents of Darian Lucas, born June 21. Denise and Gary Faber, Coeur d'Alene, parents of Tyrel Dennis, born June 16. Theresa and Doug Cardwell, Hayden Lake, parents of Tarah Marie, born June 19. Lorie and Kelly Kissell, Coeur d'Alene, parents of Megan Marie, born June 21. Sandra and Bruce Hamner, Hayden Lake, parents of Rebecca Anne, born June 21.

Kathie and Donald Smith, Rathdrum, parents of Jennifer Marie, born June 17. Susan and Edwin Ronningen, Coeur d'Alene, parents of Laura Joy, born June 22. Vicki and Dan Hart, Coeur d'Alene, parents of Daniel Travis, born June 19. Patti and Mark Morgan, Coeur d'Alene, parents of Nicole Lynn, born June 22. Cindy and Paul Henderson, Post Falls, parents of Krystal Verlane, born June 22.

Tina Everts and Martin Johnson, Post Falls, parents of Sarah Marie, born June 22. ACCIDENTS Coeur d'Alene Police A collision Monday at 16th and Penn injured Sherry L. Carriere, Coeur d'Alene, who was treated and released at Kootenai Medical Center. The vehicle she was driving sustained moderate damage, and one driven by Shellie L. Dean, Coeur d'Alene, sustained major damage.

Vehicles driven by Philip M. Hartwig, Hayden Lake, and Carl K. Eddy Hood River, collided at Haycraft and U.S. 95 Monday, causing minor damage to the Eddy vehicle. POLICE BLOTTER Coeur d' Alene Police A floor jack valued at $250 was stolen from his driveway, owner Rick Ochoa reported Monday, A lawnmower valued at $500 was stolen from the Coast to Coast store on North Fourth June 25, a er reported Monday.

Judy Alling, Post Falls, reported that $52 in cash was taken from her locker at the YMCA on River Avenue. Jewelry valued at $1,950 was taken from the home of Ann C. Bird, she reported Monday. A 1980 Datsun owned by Roger M. Williams, Spokane, reported stolen June 26 in Kellogg, was recovered undamaged Monday in the 1000 block of Maple.

Mary E. Wahle, Mountlake Terrace, reported Monday that a wallet and contents valued at $150 were taken from her vehicle. Kootenai County Sheriff Fishing equipment, tools, cassette tapes and binoculars valued at a total $1,058 were taken from a vehicle parked at a boat launch near Blue Creek Bay along Interstate 90, owner Katherine E. Chitwood reported Monday. Rose M.

Winn, Hayden Lake, reported Monday that a Rototiller and lawnmower valued at $1,600 were taken from her yard. Stereo equipment valued at $215 was taken from -two vehicles parked at his home, owner Roy L. Wise, Hayden Lake, reported Monday. Jay L. Schamens, Post Falls, reported Monday that a bicycle valved at $150 was taken while parked on the south side of Ross Point near the Spokane River.

Cornellius J. Kionp, Hayden, reported Monday that a Honda threewheeler, truck inner tubes and water jug valued at $350 were taken from a construction site in Hayden. BONNER COUNTY POLICE BLOTTER Sandpoint Police Department Mike Brown, 14, reported the theft of a bicycle from Farmin School. Julius E. Carstensen, 33, of Boise, was arrested Monday on a charge of driving while intoxicated.

A small grass fire was reported at 7 p.m. Monday south of Southside School on U.S. Highway 95. Sagie Fire Department responded to the blaze. Bonner County Sheriff's Office Charles E.

McKnight, 18, of Spokane, was arrested Monday on charges of first-degree burglary and grand theft stemming from the alleged break-in of a residence south of Sandpoint. Officers were able to recover about two-thirds of the allegedly stolen items, according to the sheriff's office. Ross L. Barney, 27, of Blanchard, was arrested by Idaho State Police Monday on charges of driving while intoxicated and driving while privileges were suspended. SHOSHONE COUNTY POLICE BLOTTER Booked at the county jail Timothy D.

Petersen, 22, Kellogg, failure to pay a fine (Clearwater County warrant). Geary Lee Miller, 28, Silverton, warrant for battery (Shoshone County arrest), MARRIAGE LICENSE John Scott Powers and Janice G. Jacobson, both of Smelterville. MAGISTRATE'S COURT Ron Sink, Wallace, minor consuming alcohol, fined $100 and sessed $14.50 court costs. Patrick Mayslip, Smelterville, no vehicle registration, dismissed.

Robert J. Gilmore, Pinehurst, driving while intoxicated, judgment withheld one year, fined $500 plus $14.50 costs. Cody R. Mathewson, Silverion, driving while intoxicated, judgment withheld one year, fined $500 plus $14.50 costs. DIVORCE DECREE Peggy Sue Sandau from Rocky Allen Sandau.

DIVORCE FILED Karen P. Hopper from William C. Hopper. SUIT DISMISSED Credit Bureau of Shoshone Coun- ty Vs. James and Karen Kay Cal3.

with prejudice. NOTICES 1-49 NOTICES 1-49 NOTICE CITY OF Spokane County, LIMITED TAX GENERAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Spokane, of Spokane County, 11:00 o'clock A.M., Pacific Daylight MONDAY, receive, at the Office of the pal Building, West 808 Spokane ington, sealed bids for the amount of Limited Tax General City. The bids will be publicly such time and place and referred cil of City of Spokane at its meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. on said date. ISSUE: The Bonds, designated "City eral Obligation Bonds, amount 19854 aggregate principal 1, 1985, and will be issued in MATURITY: The Bonds will mature on and years as follows: Maturity December 1, 1986 December 1 1, 1987 December 1988 December 1989 December 1990 December 1, 1991 December 1, 1992 December 1, 1993 December 1, 1994 December 1, 1995 December 1, 1996 INTEREST: The Bonds will bear interest tive rate of not to exceed payable commencing June after on June first and date of maturity or redemption be computed on the basis twelve 30-day months.

CALLABLE: The Bonds maturing on and ject to call and redemption turity, in whole, or in part in by lot within a maturity in trar shall determine), on payment date thereafter, at interest to the date of REGISTRATION AND AUTHENTICATION: After execution by the Bonds shall be delivered to cation. The Bonds of each arately in the manner and as the Bond Registrar identification. Only such Bonds that have Bond Registrar shall be valid purpose whatsoever or be under the Bond Ordinance. PAYABLE: Both principal of and interest lawful money of the United tered owner thereof, whose on the registration books of maintained by the Bond rate trust office of the Bond of the Washington State ington, or New York, New The principal of the Bonds owner upon surrender of or upon prior redemption, of the Bond Registrar, Payments of each installment its semiannual due date name appears on the Bond calendar month next preceding at the address appearing be paid by check or draff such registered owner on at such other address as such registered owner to the AWARD: The Bonds will be awarded considering interest rate or um bid. The highest and deducting the amount of any amoung of any discount to) City will be required to pay their respective maturity specified in the bid, and basis of the lowest net Bonds.

MINIMUM PRICE: No bid fo" the purchase of of their par value will be SPECIFICATION OF INTEREST: Bidders must specify the Bonds herein offered for permitted to bid different rate stated in the bid may or one-twentieth of the Bonds of this issue maturing the same interest rate. All cending order. FORM OF BID: Each bid for the Bonds must less than all of the Bonds must state the price to be rates of interest to be borne agrees by the submission from the date of the Bonds the Bonds shall be identified BID FOR $1,965,000 LIMITED TAX BONDS, Each bid must be enclosed to the Treasurer of the City above indicated. BID SECURITY: All bids shall be accompanied amount of $98,250.00 evidenced certified check payable to it shall be security for the shall be held as liquidated cessful bidder fails to pay for Pending the delivery of the may be invested for the sole RIGHT OR REJECTION: The City reserves the right waive, fo the extent permitted informality in any bid. PROMPT AWARD: The City will take action all bids not later than the City Council to be held at 7:00 PROMPT DELIVERY: The Bonds are expected to chaser approximately thirty The purchaser shall have the purchase if the City fails to for delivery within forty-five sale.

Interest will not be If the definitive bonds are (45) days of the date of sale, nomination of $1,965,000 and conditions as the definitive ing the preparation and a PLACE OF DELIVERY: The Bonds will be delivered Seattle, Washington, or at City and the City Treasurer purchaser. PAYMENT: Payment for the Bonds must Bank funds or other funds available to the City. Any ately available, whether Bank funds or otherwise, AUTHORIZATION: The Bonds are issued pursuant of the Revised Code of SECURITY: The Bonds are limited tax and as such, the full faith for their payment, within and statutory limitations of OPINION: The legal opinion of Preston, of Spokane, Washington, Bonds, will be provided the time of delivery of the Bonds. Fees payable to man as Bond Counsel are of the Bonds; hence, such upon the successful project. TAX EXEMPT: In the opinion of Bond exempt from taxation by der present Federal income ings and court decisions.

a in the event that prior to come received by private type and character shall be Federal income tax laws, or by a ruling of the Federal cial which is followed by the decision of any Federal purchaser's option, prior to City, be relieved of the chase the Bonds. NON-ARBITRAGE: A certificate that the Bonds the meaning of Section 103(c) of 1954, as amended, will the time of delivery of the NO LITIGATION: There is no litigation pending validity of the Bonds, the title of its officers to their will provide a certificate to delivery of the Bonds. CUSIP: CUSIP identification numbers but neither the failure to nor any error with respect a failure or refusal by the ery of and pay for the Bonds of the purchase contract. printing of the CUSIP numbers by the City; provided, however, reau charge for the assignment responsibility of, and shall ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Copies of this Notice of Sale necessary may be obtained ager-Finance, Municipal Spokane Falls phone No. (509) 456-2685; or President, Seattle-Northwest Seafirst Fifth Avenue Plaza, ton, 98104, Telephone No.

CERTIFICATE OF CITY OFFICIAL: A certificate, signed by a the effect that to the best of after reasonable investigation: supplied to the purchaser a material fact or omits to to make the statements stances in which they were the date of the sale of the which should have been set forth, and (c) there has been the operation or financial of the Notice of Sale, DATED: June 24, 1985, Dale Spokane F. City Sciuchetti Treasurer NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY In accordance with an Order of the Federal Communications Commission In Docket 83-1145, released February 27, 1985, the Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company filed revisions on July 2, 1985 to Its Tariff F.C.C. No. 8. If you are currently obtaining interstate Switched Access Service, Special Access Service, Directory Assistance Service, or certain other miscellaneous service, this tariff filing, which Is scheduled to become effective October 1, 1985, may affect the rates you are paying for service.

Example of customers affected by this filing are some long distance companies who provide Interstate services and customers who have Interstate Special Access Services (like point-to-point private lines). In addition, this filing modifies the Washington Multi-Line Business Subscriber Line Charge from $5.68 to $5.73. A copy of this tariff filing available for public Inspection at the Customer Payment Center in Bell Plaza, 1600 7th Seattle, between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

If you wish additional information regarding this tariff filIng, you may call Pacific Northwest Bell collect at (206) 345-8960. PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL ESTIMATE UTILITIES CONSTRUCTION 6" DUCTILE IRON MAIN INSTALLATION IN EVERETT AVENUE FROM 125' EAST OF JULIA STREET TO JULIA STREET ESTIMATED QUANTITY: DESCRITPION OF UNIT: UNIT PRICE: AMOUNT: 185' 6" DITJ Pipe incl. Gaskets, Clamps, and Tie Rod 6.18 $1,143.00 I CIMJ Valve 183.64 184.00 1 Valve Box 52.18 52.00 1 CIMJ Plug 13.22 13.00 Overhead on Material 182.00 Corporate Overhead 40.00 Overhead on Labor 471.00 185 lin. ft. Trench Excavation Backfill ms 6.7567 $1,250.00 Contractual Services $35.00 TOTAL $3,370.00 J.A.

Swanson, Director of Public Utilities City of Spokane C70 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EFFICIENT secretarial, WP services, copy, telex, facsimile machines. HERITAGE GROUP, LTD FERWELL BUILDING 624-5664 12 DEATHS BATTEE, Mary A. (98) Passed away July 1, 1985. Survived by two daughters, Eilzabeth B. Owes, Spokane, Bonnie J.

Kreshel, Spokane; one granddaughter, Marjorie Ediund, Olympia, WA; three grandsons, Jim Kreshel, Greg Kreshel, boh of Spokane, Ron Owes, Seattle, WA; six greatgrandchildren. Member of St. Paul's United Methodist Church, Spokane Floral Society. Former Board member of Goodwill Industries Sinto Sr. Citizens Center.

BALL DODD KRUMM LANGBEHN FUNERAL DIRECTORS, S421 DIVISION ST. in charge. BURINGA, Harm G. Passed away July 2, 1985. Survived by three sons, George H.

Buringa, Ralph G. Buringa, Theodore J. Buringa, all of Spokane; two daughters, Mary Ann Brisset, St. Paul, MN, Rena M. Soper, Las Vegas, NV; 13 grandchildren, six BALL DODD KRUMM LANGBEHN FUNERAL DIRECTORS, S421 DIVISION ST.

in charge. FEARON, Louise Passed away July 2, 1985. Survived Culli- by two brothers, Frank T. tan, Oak Park, IL, Ken R. Cullitan, Nine Mile Fails, WA; numerous nieces and nephews.

Member of Royal Neighbors of America, Hill 'N Dale Community. Funeral pending HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N2203 DIVISION ST. HUNT, Ada M. Passed away July 2, 1985 at her home, Deer Park, WA. Funeral Services pending LAUER FUNERAL HOME, Deer Park, WA.

WEISS, Sister M. Perpetua SNJM Passed away July 2, 1985. Survived by one niece, Beth Aicher, Woodburn, OR; one nephew, Elbert V. Edwards, Everett, WA. Funeral pending at HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N2203 DIVISION ST.

13 FUNERALS CUNNINGHAM, Wilton Passed away July 1985 in Spokane. His home, Spokane. Husband of Velma Mae Cunningham, at the home; Father of Pat McKinney, Spokane, Linda Pearson, Elma, WA; Step-father of Peggy Johnson, Woodinville, WA, Kenneth Baird, Spangle, WA; six grandchildren; Brother of Lois Pacello, Spokane, Virginia Broyles, LeGrande, OR; nUmerous nieces and nephews. Preceded in daeth by his first wife the former Lillian Haegele. Lifetime resident of the area.

Member of Spangle Lodge Spokane Consistory El of Katif Scottish Rite Bodies, Shrine, Spokane Council Royal Select Masters Cross of Honor. Funeral Service, Friday, July 5, 1985 at 1 p.m. ALWIN CHAPEL, HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME, N1306 MONROE ST. The Rev. Charles Smith, officiating.

Burial, Service, Spokane Memorial Gardens, Spangle Lodge participating. DeMOSS, Vernon Gerald Entered into rest July 1, 1985 in Spokane. Survived by his wife, Irene DeMoss, at the home; one daughter, Ann Marie DeMoss, af the home; one son, Vernon A. DeMoss, at the home; five brothers, Leo and Robert DeMoss, both of CA, Jess DeMoss, Spokane, Clarence DeMoss, Priest River, ID, Thomas DeMoss, UT; four sister, Doris Dailey, Darlene Dailey, both of Priest River, ID, Janice Pope, CA, Judy Ekenstam, UT, several nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by two brothers, Charles and Alma Sexton.

Member of St. Johnny DeMoss; one sister, Thomas More Catholic Church. Funeral Service, Friday, July 5, 1985 at 10 a.m. St. Thomas More Catholic Church, N8112 Howard Burial to follow at Evergreen Cemetery, Priest River, FUNERAL ID.

RIPLINGER HOME, N4305 DIVISION ST. FEARON, Louise F. Passed away July 2, 1985. Survived by two brothers, Frank T. Cullitan, Oak Park, IL, Ken R.

Cullitan, Nine Mile Falls, WA; numerous nieces and nephews. Member of Royal Neighbors of America, Hill 'N Dale Community. Funeral Service, Friday, July 5, 1985 at 11 a.m. IRIS CHAPEL, HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N2203 DIVISION ST. Rev.

cis Walsh S. officiating. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. MONTA, Francis A. Jr.

Passed away June 30, 1985. Survived by his Mother, Margie Thomas, Mead, Father, Francis A. Monta Yakima, WA; four sisters, Lisa Gibson, Detroit, MI, Kathy Monta, Kennewick, WA, Ronda Metcado, Vonda Ducharme, both of Tacoma, WA; two brothers, Willard and Kenneth Monta, both of Tri-Cities, WA. Funeral Service, Friday, July 5, 1985. at 1 p.m.

ROSE CHAPEL, HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N2203 DIVISION ST. Rev. Weymeth McGrew, officiating. Interment, Fairmount Memorial Park. ROCKWELL, Hazel Louise (94) Passed away June 30, 1985 at Rockwood Manor.

Survived by one son, Franklin D. Rockwell, Endicoft, WA; four grandchildren, Claudia Luebbers, Chicago, IL, Franklin D. Rockwell Jr. Walnut Creek, CA, James S. Rockwell, Endicott, WA, Robin co*cking, Colfax, WA; one brother, Forrest M.

Garrett, Spokane; four great-grandchildren; many nieces and nephews. Member of Lacrosse Methodist Church, Pythian Sisters, Cultus Club. Memorial Service, Wednesday, July 3, 1985 at 10:30 a.m. Rockwood Manor, E2903 25th. Funeral Service, Friday, July 5, 1985 at 10:30 BRUNING FUNERAL HOME CHAPEL, Colfax, WA.

Burial, Mt. View Cemetery, Walla Walla, WA, Friday p.m. Memorials may Soci- be made to Childrens Home ety of Washington, Bruning Funeral Home, Colfax, WA 99111, Lacrosse Methodist Church or Multifiora Garden Club, Endicott, WA. TELECKY, Ruth E. Passed away July 1, 1985 in Ritzville, WA.

Her home, Ritzville, WA. Survived by one daughter, Mrs. Nanci Slipper, Selah, WA; one son, Richard C. Telecky Jr. Ritzville, WA; three sisters, Marie Sotis, Seattle, WA, Esther Pluhm, Helen Hamburg, both of Moses Lake, WA; three grandchildren.

Member of Zion Congregational Church, Ritzville, WA. Funeral Service, Friday, July 5, 1985 al 11 a.m. Zion Congregational Church, Ritzville, WA, Rev. Ernest Sprenger, officiating. Cremation to follow.


CALL BOB 467- 6303 OR GENE 233-2164 TO SEE. NANCY KORON 489-0480 E. 210 WELLESLEY OWN Your own JeanSportswear, ladies apparel, childrens, large size, combine: tion store, accessories. Jordache, Chic, Lee, Levi, Street, Izod, Esprit, Tomboy, Calvin Klein, Sergio Valente, Evan Picone, LIz Claiborne, Members Only, Organically Grown, Gasoline, Healthtex, over 1000 others. $13,300 10 $24,900 inventory, training, fixtures, grand opening etc.

Can open 15 days. Mr. Loughlin (612) 888-6555 ESTABLISHED company with ground floor opportunity. New Electric Heating System has finished years of market testing and is starting National Promotion. Hundreds of SUCcessful installations.

Excellent residential and commercial acceptance. Dealerships avallable in some areas for full time commitment. Call 1-307-634- 1421. Collect. SOLD OUR BUILDING (RETIRING) 6 WET BOOTH BEAUTY SHOP Complete, plumbing, water tank, etc.

$6500 or best offer. FABRIC STORE, Complete could be re-set In 24 wholesale for $32,000 Incl. all fixtures, 4 lines of patterns, etc. 208-664-2513 EVENINGS BEAUTY SHOP High net, excellent location, room for tanning beds, $82,500 Includes bullding equipment. Cindy Carroll 747-7343.

NANCY KORON REALTY E. 210 Wellesley 489-0480 CHAIN SAW DEALER Going out of business, entire Inventory: Stihl, Jonsereds, Homelite, Poula. Parts to be sold as package. Opportunity knocks. Chuck's Saw Service.


24. HR. PHONE SERVICE 489-0480. NANCY KORON 489-0480 E. 210 WELLESLEY To confidentially sell your business thru Nation-List Business Brokers, Call O'Neill Assoc.

326-7750 Fast sale on small Joe, 535-6039 Turf, 535-0265. 90 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 1-90 MISSION ARGONNE. Excellent location with over 300' of exposure on 1-90. Currently 20 rental units on 3.9 acres. Best use re-zone cornmercial.

Owner will Joint venture, syndicate Lekstrum or finance. 927-2121, Call eves. Peggy 1568. Century 21 Crane. N.

2016 Ash, 2 Br house, dbl gar, Gene 624-5010 Senna Real Est 92 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY EXCEP. OPPORTUNITY 20 acres of level M-1 zoned property on near Northside. Huge septic tank drainfleld system. Tremendous well capacity. Priced at less than sq.ft.

This is a buy at $330,000 terms. Boyd Assoc. 455-8900. 6.9 acres zoned restricted Industrial. 600 feet of exposure on I- 90 near the airport.

Excellent owner terms. Call Peggy Lekstrum 927-2121, eves. 922-1568. Century 21 Crane. AIRWAYS Industrial Park.

244-9258 747-8584 5 zoned light city water, 455-9031. 93 INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT dishwasher, yr old. Exc HOBART under. counter cond. $950.

1-208-743-6702 95 WAREHOUSES, SPRING CLEANING Skyview storage has the size youl 13415 E. 32nd in Spokane Valley. 928-2545. DOWNTOWN, 10,000 sq. ft.

offices, priced right! 624-5288. WAREHOUSE, 1320 N. Maple, 5.10/ft., 1000-8000 ft. 466-1852. 1120-2220 sq.ft.

over head drs, 534-8314 535-6878 14,000 sq.ft. Close-in bullding. Pete-RothrockCarstens747-6160 800 Sq.Ft. Sm. bus.

or whse. door No. side, 487-1957; 326-0275 96 RENTAL COMMERCIAL PROPERTY ENERGY EFFICIENT Retall-Office-Warehouse E. 13817 SPRAGUE E. 10907 MARIETTA E.

10005 MONTGOMERY 10014 MONTGOMERY E. 11616 MONTGOMERY Call Bob or Jim 924-9730 VILLAGE SQUARE REALTY Free 2 Months 1807 Sq. Ft. Retail Space, great valley location, excellent visibility, N. 1325 Mullan.

Call David Wright. 747-7777 The Hays Group Inc. LOOK AT THIS! EXCELLENT retail exposure. New building. 1200-4800 sq.

Lots of parking. 3030 E. Spraque. 535-3400 Sprague Top notch retall or office location at 6315. 3,000 ft, at ft, triple net.

Call Robert A. Gilles, Inc. 455-5411 REAL ESTATE SALES AREAS Northwest Spokane .102 BY CLASSIFICATIONS Northeast Spokane .103 South Side Sockane. ...106 Spokane Valley ...115 NORTHWEST NORTHEAST Classification Claseification 102 103 GARLAND MISSION VALLEY Classification 115 560 SOUTH SIDE SET Classification 106 Let this handy map help you find property quickly and easily. by area and by the corresponding classification number.

Whether you're looking for property or have property to sell, this service is provided for YOUR convenience! STEAL Sharp and clean 3 barm, rancher. Vacant and ready to move into. Air cond. for the summer a large air tight stove for winter. 2 car dbl.

garage. Cyclone fenced yard. Alum, siding. New roof. Almost too good to be true, but it's all here.

5 major appilances all stay! Only $39,500. won't last. Call 328-1090. WM. J.

CARTER CO. W. 1047 GARLAND 328-1090 SUPER HORSE SET-UP on epprox. 8 acres barm home and huge barn, fenced, call Mike Hume 466- 7188 or Kathy Spenner 467-8253. MINI FARM close in one of a kind treed setting Mead Schools 2 bdrm, new carpet newly painted and call Kathy 467-8253.

BDRM for $29,900 lots of room in this great starter home in quiet area close to schools and shopping. Call Kathy 467-8253 or Mike 466-7188. TOMLINSON AGENCY 466-1058 Gentlemans Farm 45 min to Spokane. 24 bdrm, swimming pool, satellite, dish, roofed-in sauna, 2 new wells, att'd 3 car gar with modern workshop. Landscaped fenced, acres.

Highway frontage. Year round creek, studded with trees. Unique barn. See to appreciate. 1-445- 1601.

Must sacrifice, $115,000 BUNGALOW Estate vacant 2 bedrm double garage. Price reduced $27,500 full price contract terms. Call Cardinal Realty Bob 489-4447 or 328-5240. 3 BEDROOM 3 1 bath Rancher with frpic. bsmt.

Storms, garage, fenced. Call 327-5421 eves. or 467-SOLD, CENTURY 21 BARRIE HUNT co. $67,000 Gleneden Assume $54,000 at fixed rate, charming 4plus bdrm 2.5 baths, 1740 sq. Mead schools, Diana, 466-3191.

Gary A. Myers Co 328-3164 LOW DOWN REDUCED PRICE Great FHA 235 assump. This hm 1040sq' Is in immac cond. Hm ideal for young fam Just $46,500. Rick Brown 467-6640 BEDROOMS Completely remod.

kitch. bath, fen. lot, $38,500, F.G. Orchard, 624-6177. 102 HOMES NORTHWEST FOR SALESUNDANCE Golf Course Area, Owner moved.

Outstanding buy, Beautiful Home. 3bdr. fam.rms. Like treed yd, cul-de-sac $84,500. 326-0817 1-783-8074 collect 1923 2 STORY, gracious older home, In quiet tree lined neighborhood.

Oak thru-out leaded beveled glass doors. Prime cd $63,900 FHA terms. N.3721 Kalispell 326-5689 BY OWNER, EXC family home. NW loc. Steel siding, barms, 2 baths, full bsmt, single gar.

On dbl lot fenced. VA or FHA, $49,900. 327-3890. OPEN HOUSE Immac 3 bdrm rancher, 5 Mile area. $52,950.

N. 6823 Adams. 328-9441 REDUCED TO SELL Indian Trail executive home in excint neighborhd, 3BR Jacuzzi, many extras, $99,500. N7008 Assembly, 326-0250 BY owner, 4BR, fin bsmt, $92,000. W5918 garage, REDCLOUD CT.

dbl old, 467-2518 DOWN. Pay closing costs. Cute 2-Bdrm. home fin. rec.rm.

Nice neighborhood. Pmts. 328-6417. BIRDS live Do-you-2? Charming 3 br house apt remod. Owner contract.

326-7498 BY OWNER; 2 br, bsment, 326-3415 gas furn, $29,500, 276-5118, DESPERATE! Downriver Cape Cod. 467-7274 "NEAT" 2 bdrm, wood stove $31,800, Crosby Realty 922-2200 2 BDRM, Shadie, tull bsmt, gar, full sized lot, $28,000, 747-3895 FOR SALE102 NORTHWEST wood stove frpic, beautifully landscaped, 9.5% assumable FHA, PITI $77,500. Call 466-4168. 247-5406. Jeff HAI.

ACT NOW FHA 235 Govt. Subsidized Housing CALL TOMLINSON AGENCY NORTH, INC. 466-1058 LET'S TALK. FINANCING AVAILABLE Over $18,000 spent on interior remodeling, 2-Bdrm. 2 bath, large kitchen, dining room.

X-X-X large living room. Full bsmt. Fenced, corner lot, at only $45,000. WOW WHAT A VIEW! WHAT HOUSEI WHAT A PRICEI SAVE 928-6237 or 466-1173 JUST LISTED! Great Shadie neighborhood. Spacious open feeling, 2 bdrms plus borm bath In bsmt.

$44,500. TOM CARPER 467- 0474. LaVIGNE HOWES 467-7711. NOTHING DOWN OAC Asking $29,950 or best offer, 2BR 1BA, 1 car gar, full bsmt, 650 sq', 2 biks of Division. 624-5335 N6210 Monroe, 2BD, BA, new gas furnace electrical, stove, fridge, full bsmt, $35,000.

Closing costs down, owner contract, Call 624-2440. LAKE view, 4 bdrm, 2 bath, centrai heat air, auto sprinklers, BY OWNER, bdrms, perm. siding, dbl. car gar. Insulated, $32,000, 327-8388 eves HOMES NORTHEAST FOR SALEMEAD SCHOOLS Inexpensive living, well Insulated attractive split foyer, canning room for garden delights, wood stove fireplace, low down.

Call Kevin McKee for terms. R.A. Gilles Inc. 455-5411 FOR SALE BY OWNER Attractively remod BR, full bsmt, fam rm, wood stove, gar, private fncd yd, new kitchen, terms avail, $39,500. 489-3938 Days bdrm, baths, tri level on corner lot, great neighborhood, newly fenced yard, new carpets, Mead Schools, frpic, WWP insulation package.

Assumable loan. 568,500. E. 1320 Greenleaf Dr. 466-6492.

RENT TO OWN MEAD SCHOOLS. Kevin McKee, R.A. Gillis Inc. 455-5411 EAST OF NORTHTOWN. 2Br, liv rm frpi, dinette, crptd, nice kitchen, full bsmt frpl, breezeway, garage.

$45,000 FHA financing. 208-743-5697 alumin siding, frpic, gar, fenced, busses, schools, parks, stores, N. Town, Assess $30,900 sale price $28,950, E. 828 Longfellow, 466-6764 '79 Spilt-level 2BA, 2 frpic, pantry, heat pump pool, fncd, dbl gar. paved, extras.

Mead. $68,500. 466-4100. FAMILY appeal, 2 3 bdrms, xint starter or rental, econ. heat, d.r..

spacious, low 30's, 456-8731 by owner. $2000 DOWN, $365mo, owner contract. 2BR main, 2rms up, full bsmt, very clean. $36,950. E.

2508 Sanson. 466-8019 $3000 dn, owner contract on 4 barm rancher with daylight bsmt. 534-2046 Cardinal Realty 489-4447 E. 1824 Columbia. By Owner.

2Bdrm, lets discuss, $23,950. 292-8774 eves, or 483-2746. E. 314 Princeton 2 br, frpic, appl, fenced yr, dining rm $325 Wilson Assoc. 455-9000 LEGAL Wednesday July 3, 1985 CROSSWORD PUZZLER ACROSS 39 Individual Answer to Previous Puzzle 40 Italy: abbr.

Dance step 41 1 Frothy brew SAC SOLAR FEW 4 Having shoes 42 Newspaper A DO EDILE ERA 12 8 Swift River island 43 Marry paragraph GAUNT TEMPERS 13 Assistant 45 Abstract being NETS AIL 14 15 Capri, Takes e.g. from 47 46 Witty Teutonic remark deity BETWEEN TAPES 17 Fruit seed 48 Novelty, EN SEVER NEAT 19 Faeroe whirlwind Islands 49 52 A continent ASK SEWER STA 20 Avenging spirit 54 Send forth SUES NEVER ER 21 Also 57 56 Lease Female ruff TEALS RETURNS 22 Dress border 23 Wife of a lord 58 Dispatched OPS LANE 25 Skill 59 Mournful HOSTELS ITALY 26 Note of scale DOWN 27 One, no matter DA LEARN DEE which 1 Animal's foot PEW TWINS SAT 28 Bother 2 Broadcast 29 Kilns 3 Unmoving 32 Agave plant 4 Surfeit 8 Suitable 16 Pigpen 5 Belonging to 9 In the 18 Maiden loved 33 Replies 35 Guido's low that man capa- by Zeus note 6 Hypothetical city 21 Garden tools of 36 African antelope force 10 Wild plum 22 Possesses 38 Period of time 7 Railroad station 11 Abound 23 Tardy 24 Dye plant 2 3 8 10 25 Paid notices 26 Spanish plural 12 13 14 article 28 Including 19 29 Anglo-Saxon money 30 Melody 20 21 22 31 Stalk 33 Emmet 25 26 34 Before 37 Succor 28 29 30 31 39 Aquatic mammals 41 Mountains of 32 33 35 South America 42 Electrified 36 38 39 particle 43 Fatigue 40 42 44 Gaelic 45 Babylonian 45 46 deity 46 Catcher's glove 48 Obese 49 Fish limb 48 50 50 Ocean 53 54 55 56 51 Spread for drying 58 59 53 With regard to 55 Myself 1985 United Feature Syndicate C67.

Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.