Explain What Are The Differences If Accrual Or Cash Accounting Is Used To Account For The Following (2024)

Business High School


Answer 1

Accrual accounting and cash accounting differ in how they recognize revenues and expenses, which impacts the timing of recording financial transactions.

Accrual accounting recognizes revenues when they are earned and expenses when they are incurred, regardless of when the cash is exchanged. This method provides a more comprehensive view of a company's financial performance, as it matches revenues with the expenses incurred to generate them. It considers factors such as delivery of goods or completion of services to determine when revenue is recognized.

On the other hand, cash accounting records revenues and expenses only when cash is received or paid. It focuses solely on the cash inflows and outflows, disregarding the timing of when the related goods or services were provided. This method provides a simplified view of a company's cash position but may not accurately reflect its financial performance or obligations.

In the hypothetical situation, if accrual accounting is used, revenues and expenses would be recognized based on when they are earned or incurred, regardless of the actual cash flow. This would provide a more accurate representation of the financial transactions involved. In contrast, cash accounting would record revenues and expenses only when the cash is received or paid, potentially leading to a discrepancy between the timing of transactions and their recognition.

learn more about cash accounting here



Related Questions

Apple CEO Tim Cook chose to defy a court order because: He is an engineer who understands the first duty of engineers He is an outlaw who intentionally violates the law He is an effective CEO who knows how to build shareholder value He is irresponsible and doesn't care about the consequences of his action


The question presents four different options to explain why Apple CEO Tim Cook chose to defy a court order. Let's analyze each option to determine which one is the most accurate.

1. He is an engineer who understands the first duty of engineers: This option suggests that Tim Cook chose to defy the court order because he is an engineer who understands the ethical responsibility of prioritizing user privacy over complying with the court's request. This aligns with Apple's commitment to protecting user data and maintaining the security of their devices.
2. He is an outlaw who intentionally violates the law: This option presents a negative view of Tim Cook, suggesting that he intentionally violates the law and disregards legal obligations. However, this is not supported by the facts, as Apple has a history of respecting privacy laws and cooperating with law enforcement when appropriate.
3. He is an effective CEO who knows how to build shareholder value: This option implies that Tim Cook's decision to defy the court order was motivated by his understanding of how to create value for shareholders. While building shareholder value is an important aspect of a CEO's role, it is unlikely to be the primary reason for defying a court order.
4. He is irresponsible and doesn't care about the consequences of his action: This option portrays Tim Cook as irresponsible and indifferent to the consequences of his actions. However, this characterization is not supported by his track record as CEO. Tim Cook has consistently demonstrated a responsible and thoughtful approach to leadership.
Based on the options provided, the most accurate explanation for Tim Cook's decision to defy a court order is that he is an engineer who understands the first duty of engineers, which includes prioritizing user privacy. This aligns with Apple's commitment to protecting user data and maintaining the security of their devices.

To Know More about security visit:



Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, chose to defy a court order for reasons that align with his responsibilities as a CEO and his perspective as an engineer. It is important to note that this answer is based on hypothetical reasons and not on Tim Cook's actual motivations.

1. He is an engineer who understands the first duty of engineers: One possible reason is that Tim Cook believes that his first duty, as an engineer, is to prioritize the security and privacy of Apple users. By refusing to comply with the court order, he may argue that he is protecting the integrity of Apple's technology and ensuring that user data remains secure.

2. He is an effective CEO who knows how to build shareholder value: Another possible reason is that Tim Cook believes that complying with the court order would negatively impact Apple's reputation and shareholder value. By taking a stand against the court order, he may argue that he is protecting the interests of the company and its shareholders.

It is important to note that the reasons listed above are hypothetical and may not accurately reflect Tim Cook's actual motivations. The specific reasons for his actions can only be known by him and the people directly involved in the situation. The reasons listed here are provided to demonstrate potential perspectives, and not as definitive explanations of Tim Cook's actions.

1. As an engineer, Tim Cook may understand the first duty of engineers, which is often regarded as prioritizing the safety and integrity of the technology they develop. In this context, he may have chosen to defy the court order to protect the security and privacy of Apple users. By refusing to comply, he may argue that he is upholding the values of engineering by ensuring that the technology remains secure and that user data is not compromised.

2. As an effective CEO, Tim Cook is responsible for building shareholder value and protecting the interests of the company. Complying with the court order may have had negative consequences for Apple's reputation and shareholder value. By defying the order, he may argue that he is taking a stand to protect the company's interests and maintain its positive image in the eyes of shareholders and customers.

It is important to approach these hypothetical reasons with caution, as they may not accurately reflect Tim Cook's actual motivations. The specific factors and considerations that influenced his decision can only be known by him and those directly involved. The explanations provided here are meant to offer potential perspectives, rather than definitive explanations of Tim Cook's actions.

Learn more about hypothetical reasons



Markland Manufacturing intends to increase capacity by overcoming a bottleneck operation by adding new equipment. Two vendors have presented proposals. The fixed costs are $55,000 for proposal A and $80,000 for proposal B. The variable cost is $14.00 for A and $10.00 for B. The revenue generated by each unit is $20.00. Vendor A and Vendor B have the same cost when the output volume = units (round your response to the nearest whole number).


Markland Manufacturing is considering two proposals from different vendors to increase their capacity and overcome a bottleneck operation. Let's compare the costs and revenues of each proposal to determine which one would be more cost-effective for the company.

Proposal A has a fixed cost of $55,000 and a variable cost of $14.00 per unit. On the other hand, Proposal B has a fixed cost of $80,000 and a variable cost of $10.00 per unit. Both proposals generate a revenue of $20.00 per unit.

To find out when the cost is the same for both proposals, we need to determine the output volume or the number of units produced.

Let's assume that the output volume is represented by 'x' units.

For Proposal A, the total cost can be calculated as follows:
Total Cost (A) = Fixed Cost (A) + Variable Cost (A) * Output Volume
Total Cost (A) = $55,000 + $14.00 * x

For Proposal B, the total cost can be calculated as follows:
Total Cost (B) = Fixed Cost (B) + Variable Cost (B) * Output Volume
Total Cost (B) = $80,000 + $10.00 * x

Since the revenue generated by each unit is $20.00, we can equate the total cost of each proposal to find the point of equal cost:
$55,000 + $14.00 * x = $80,000 + $10.00 * x

Simplifying the equation, we have:
$4.00 * x = $25,000

Dividing both sides by $4.00, we find:
x = $25,000 / $4.00
x ≈ 6,250

Therefore, when the output volume is approximately 6,250 units, the cost for both proposals will be the same.

In summary, Proposal A and Proposal B have the same cost when the output volume is around 6,250 units. Markland Manufacturing can choose the proposal that aligns with their production needs and goals.

To know more about equation ,visit:



Which type of procurement statement of work (PSOW) is used to convey the designed end result rather than approach?










The type of procurement statement of work (PSOW) that is used to convey the designed end result rather than the approach is the Performance PSOW.

A Performance PSOW focuses on the desired outcome or result that the procurement is intended to achieve. It defines the objectives, goals, and performance requirements that the contractor or supplier must meet. This type of PSOW allows for flexibility in how the contractor or supplier achieves the desired outcome, as long as the specified performance standards are met. It emphasizes the importance of meeting the desired outcome rather than prescribing a specific approach or method to achieve it.

On the other hand, other types of PSOWs such as Design, Functional, and Detailed PSOWs provide more specific instructions or requirements regarding the approach, design specifications, or detailed tasks that need to be performed. These types of PSOWs are more prescriptive in nature and leave less room for flexibility in how the contractor or supplier accomplishes the work.

Therefore, if the procurement statement of work is focused on conveying the desired end result and allows flexibility in the approach, the appropriate choice would be the Performance PSOW.

Learn more about Performance here:



Small businesses/firms in a particular industry/market (such as cafés, restaurants, and barbers/hairdressers) make positive short-run economic profits but tend to break-even (i.e. make zero economic profit) in the long-run.

PART A: What is the name of this type of industry/market? Outline the characteristics of this industry/market. [3 marks]

PART B: Explain why a business/firm in this industry/market makes positive economic profit in the short run. Illustrate your answer with a real-life example. [6 marks]

PART C: Explain why the business/firm discussed in part (b) would break even (i.e. make zero economic profit) in the long run. [6 marks]

PART D: Briefly compare the long-run outcomes of this firm with the long-run outcomes of a firm operating in a competitive industry/market. You may focus your answer on the following outcomes: output, price, excess capacity, and efficiency. [5 marks]


In conclusion, in a monopolistically competitive market, small businesses/firms initially make positive economic profit in the short run due to their ability to differentiate their products. However, in the long run, increased competition leads to a break-even situation as other firms enter the market and offer similar products.

The outcomes in the long run for a firm in a monopolistically competitive market differ from those in a competitive market in terms of pricing power, excess capacity, and efficiency.

PART A: The type of industry/market in which small businesses/firms make positive short-run economic profits but tend to break even in the long run is called a monopolistically competitive market. In a monopolistically competitive market, there are many firms that produce differentiated products, meaning each firm offers a slightly different product from its competitors. This market structure combines elements of monopoly and perfect competition.

PART B: A business/firm in a monopolistically competitive market makes positive economic profit in the short run due to its ability to differentiate its product and attract customers. For example, let's consider the café industry. There are multiple cafés in a city, each offering a unique atmosphere, menu, and specialty drinks. If one café introduces a new and popular drink, it may attract more customers and earn higher profits in the short run as customers are willing to pay a premium for that particular product.

PART C: However, in the long run, other firms in the market may imitate or introduce similar products to attract customers. As a result, the initial business/firm's market share and demand for its unique product may decrease, leading to a decline in economic profit. In the café example, if a particular café is making high profits due to a unique drink, other cafés may notice this success and start offering a similar drink. This increased competition reduces the demand and market power of the initial café, eventually leading to a break-even situation.

PART D: In the long run, a firm operating in a competitive industry/market tends to have different outcomes compared to a firm in a monopolistically competitive market. In a competitive market, firms are price takers, meaning they have no control over the price of their product. In contrast, firms in a monopolistically competitive market have some degree of pricing power. Additionally, a firm in a competitive market operates at the efficient scale and does not have excess capacity, whereas a firm in a monopolistically competitive market may have excess capacity due to the differentiation of products. Overall, firms in a competitive market tend to have lower profit margins and higher efficiency compared to firms in a monopolistically competitive market.

To know more about monopolistically visit:



PART A: The name of this type of industry/market is a monopolistically competitive market.

Characteristics of a monopolistically competitive market include:

1. Many small firms: There are numerous small businesses/firms in the market, such as cafés, restaurants, and barbers/hairdressers.

2. Product differentiation: Each firm produces a slightly different product or service, which allows them to have some control over the price they charge.

3. Easy entry and exit: It is relatively easy for new businesses to enter the market, and existing businesses can exit if they are not making sufficient profits.

PART B: A business/firm in this industry/market makes positive economic profit in the short run due to product differentiation and a lack of direct competition.

For example, let's consider a café that offers specialty coffee blends and unique desserts. The café can charge a higher price for its products due to their distinctiveness, attracting customers who value the specific qualities offered. This allows the café to generate higher revenue compared to the cost of production, resulting in positive economic profit in the short run.

PART C: The business/firm discussed in part (b) would break even (i.e., make zero economic profit) in the long run due to the entry of new competitors and the erosion of its unique market position.

Over time, other cafés might recognize the success of the specialty coffee and unique desserts and decide to offer similar products. As more competitors enter the market, customers have more options to choose from, leading to a decrease in demand for the original café's products. This increased competition reduces the ability of the café to charge higher prices, resulting in lower economic profit and eventually breaking even in the long run.

PART D: In the long run, the firm in a monopolistically competitive market will have different outcomes compared to a firm operating in a competitive market:

1. Output: In a monopolistically competitive market, firms have some control over their prices due to product differentiation. This can lead to a wider range of product offerings and potentially more diverse output compared to a competitive market.

2. Price: In a monopolistically competitive market, firms have some pricing power due to the differentiated products. They can charge higher prices than in a competitive market. However, this pricing power is limited as new competitors enter the market.

3. Excess capacity: Firms in a monopolistically competitive market may operate with excess capacity since they often produce below their efficient scale. This is because firms focus on product differentiation rather than maximizing production efficiency.

4. Efficiency: Compared to a competitive market, firms in a monopolistically competitive market may have lower levels of efficiency due to the excess capacity and the focus on product differentiation rather than production optimization.

Overall, a firm in a monopolistically competitive market can make positive economic profit in the short run but tends to break even in the long run due to increased competition and decreased pricing power.

To know more about monopolistically competitive market visit:



[Related to the Making the Connection] If the exchange rate between the yen and the dollar changes from ¥80=$1 to ¥84=$1, is this good news for Sony? A yen depreciation is news for Sony. Because U.S. goods are now expensive, this is news for Japanese consumers.


The exchange rate between the yen and the dollar changing from ¥80=$1 to ¥84=$1 is considered good news for Sony. This is because a yen depreciation has occurred. A depreciation means that the yen has weakened in value compared to the dollar.

This change in exchange rate is beneficial for Sony because it makes U.S. goods more expensive for Japanese consumers. When the yen depreciates, it takes more yen to purchase one dollar. As a result, Japanese consumers will find it more expensive to buy U.S. goods, including electronics from Sony. For example, let's say a Sony TV priced at $1000 would have cost ¥80,000 before the exchange rate change. But with the yen depreciation, the same TV would now cost ¥84,000. This increase in price makes it less attractive for Japanese consumers to purchase U.S. goods like Sony products.

Therefore, the yen depreciation and the resulting increase in the cost of U.S. goods can be considered good news for Sony, as it potentially gives them a competitive advantage in the Japanese market.

Read more about electronics here;https://brainly.com/question/28630529


Colorado Rocky Cookie Company offers credit terms to its customers. At the end of 2021, accounts receivable totaled $630,000. The allowance method is used to account for uncollectible accounts. The allowance for uncollectible accounts had a credit balance of $33,000 at the beginning of 2021 and $21,500 in receivables were written off during the year as uncollectible. Also, $1,300 in cash was received in December from a customer whose account previously had been written off. The company estimates bad debts by applying a percentage of 10% to accounts receivable at the end of the year.


1. Prepare journal entries to record the write-off of receivables, the collection of $1,300 for previously written off receivables, and the year-end adjusting entry for bad debt expense.
2. How would accounts receivable be shown in the 2021 year-end balance sheet?


1. Journal entries to record the write-off of receivables, the collection of $1,300 for previously written off receivables, and the year-end adjusting entry for bad debt expense is mentioned below:

2. Accounts receivable in the 2021 year-end balance sheet is mentioned below:

Journal entries refer to the recording of financial transactions in a company's accounting system. They serve as the initial step in the accounting process and provide a chronological record of all financial activities.

1. To record the write-off of receivables, the collection of $1,300 for previously written off receivables, and the year-end adjusting entry for bad debt expense, the following journal entries need to be made:
a) Write-off of receivables:
- Debit: Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts (credit balance at the beginning of 2021)
- Credit: Accounts Receivable
b) Collection of $1,300 for previously written off receivables:
- Debit: Accounts Receivable
- Credit: Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts
c) Year-end adjusting entry for bad debt expense:
- Debit: Bad Debt Expense (calculated as 10% of accounts receivable at the end of the year)
- Credit: Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts

2. Accounts receivable will be shown on the 2021 year-end balance sheet as follows:
Accounts Receivable: $630,000 (total accounts receivable at the end of 2021)
Less: Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts: $33,000 (credit balance at the beginning of 2021)
-$21,500 (amount written off during the year)
-$1,300 (amount collected for previously written off receivables)
-$x (year-end adjusting entry for bad debt expense)
Net Accounts Receivable: $x (Accounts Receivable minus the total amount deducted)
Please note that the value for "x" in the net accounts receivable calculation will depend on the specific amount determined for the year-end adjusting entry for bad debt expense, which is calculated as 10% of the accounts receivable at the end of the year.

To know more about Write-off visit:



How is compensation for services provided by an owner reported? Choose the option that accurately describes what is required for the situation as described:

A. Jamil, a partner in ABC, will receive Form W2 from ABC reporting his compensation from the partnership.

B. Nyla, a 10% owner of a C corporation, will receive a 1099-DIV reporting her share of income from the corporation, including the income earned for her service.

C. Cruz, a sole proprietor, will receive Form 1099-NEC from his business reporting his compensation.

D. Lisa, a 10% owner in an S corporation, will receive Form W2 reporting her compensation from the S Corporation.


The accurate option for reporting compensation for services provided by an owner, based on the situation described, is:

D. Lisa, a 10% owner in an S corporation, will receive Form W2 reporting her compensation from the S Corporation.

In an S corporation, owners who also work as employees and receive compensation for their services are considered "statutory employees." Their compensation should be reported on Form W2, which is used to report wages and salaries paid to employees.

Options A, B, and C are not applicable to the situation described:

A. Jamil, as a partner in ABC, would not receive Form W2 since partners in a partnership are not considered employees. Instead, partners typically receive a share of the partnership's income, which is reported on Schedule K-1 of Form 1065.

B. Nyla, as a 10% owner of a C corporation, would not receive a 1099-DIV for her compensation. Form 1099-DIV is used to report dividends and distributions from a corporation to its shareholders. Instead, Nyla's compensation for services should be reported on Form W2, just like any other employee.

C. Cruz, as a sole proprietor, would not receive Form 1099-NEC for his compensation since he is not an employee of his own business. As a sole proprietor, Cruz reports his business income and expenses on Schedule C of his personal tax return (Form 1040). He does not receive a separate form for his compensation.

It's important to note that tax reporting requirements can vary depending on specific circ*mstances, so consulting with a tax professional or referring to IRS guidelines is advisable for accurate and personalized advice.

learn more about sole proprietor:



Samuel DaGrossa and others were planning to open a restaurant. At some point prior to August 2015, DaGrossa orally agreed with Philippe LaJaunie that LaJanunie, in exchange for his contribution in designing, renovating, and managing the restaurant, "could purchase a one-third interest in the restaurant’s stock if the restaurant was profitable in its first year of operation". The restaurant opened in March 2016, and a few weeks later, LaJaunie’s employment was terminated. LaJaunie brought an action to enforce the stock-purchase agreement. Explain fully whether this oral agreement is enforceable under the Statute of Frauds?


The oral agreement between Samuel DaGrossa and Philippe LaJaunie is likely unenforceable under the Statute of Frauds.

The Statute of Frauds is a legal doctrine that requires certain types of contracts to be in writing in order to be enforceable. While the specific requirements vary by jurisdiction, agreements involving the sale of interests in real property, shares of stock, or contracts that cannot be performed within one year generally fall under the Statute of Frauds.

In this case, the oral agreement between DaGrossa and LaJaunie involves the purchase of a one-third interest in the restaurant's stock if the restaurant is profitable in its first year of operation. This agreement relates to the sale of stock, which typically falls within the purview of the Statute of Frauds. As such, it would generally require a written contract to be enforceable.

However, there may be exceptions or circ*mstances where the oral agreement could still be enforceable, such as promissory estoppel or partial performance. Promissory estoppel allows for the enforcement of an otherwise unenforceable contract if one party reasonably relies on the oral promise to their detriment. Partial performance refers to actions taken by one party that demonstrate their intent to fulfill the terms of the oral agreement.

In this case, without further information on any exceptions or circ*mstances, it is likely that the oral agreement would not be enforceable under the Statute of Frauds. Therefore, LaJaunie may face challenges in seeking to enforce the stock-purchase agreement through legal action.

Learn more about oral agreement



A firm has two plants, one in the United States and one in Mexico, and it cannot change the size of the plants or the amount of capital equipment. The wage in Mexico is $5. The wage in the U.S. is $20. Given current employment, the marginal product of the last worker in Mexico is 100, and the marginal product of the last worker in the
U.S. is 500.
a. Is the firm maximizing output relative to its labor cost? Show how you know.
b. If it is not, what should the firm do?


The firm is not maximizing output relative to its labor cost. To maximize output, the firm should allocate more workers to the country with the higher marginal product per worker and the lower wage rate.

The firm should allocate workers in a way that maximizes output relative to its labor cost. To determine this, we compare the marginal products of labor in each country relative to the wage rates.

In this case, the marginal product of the last worker in Mexico is 100, and the marginal product of the last worker in the U.S. is 500. The wage rate in Mexico is $5, while the wage rate in the U.S. is $20.

To maximize output relative to labor cost, the firm should allocate more workers to the country with the higher marginal product per worker and the lower wage rate. In this scenario, the U.S. has a higher marginal product per worker (500 compared to 100 in Mexico) and a higher wage rate ($20 compared to $5 in Mexico).

Therefore, to maximize output relative to its labor cost, the firm should allocate more workers to the U.S. plant and reduce the number of workers in the Mexico plant. This adjustment will allow the firm to take advantage of the higher productivity and relatively lower wage rate in the U.S. plant, leading to increased output and efficiency.

Learn more about wage rate here:



Frank had originally promised to pay Jane $1,350 3 months ago. $1,150 today and $1,050 4 months from now.
Frank missed his first payment and both parties have agreed to a new deal. Frank will now make two equal payments - one today and the remainder in 3 months
Calculate each payment using an interest rate of 6.80% compounded monthly. Round your answer to 2 decimals.


Each payment that Frank needs to make under the new deal is approximately $579.52.

The first step in solving this problem is to calculate the present value of the original promise made by Frank. The present value of a future payment is the amount of money that would need to be invested today in order to have that amount in the future.

To calculate the present value of the original promise, we will use the formula for present value of a single sum:

[tex]PV = \frac{FV}{(1 + r)^n}[/tex]

PV = Present value
FV = Future value
r = Interest rate per compounding period
n = Number of compounding periods

For the first payment of $1,350, we have:

[tex]PV1 = \frac{\$1,350}{(1 + \frac{0.0680}{12})^{3 \times 12}}[/tex]

For the second payment of $1,150, we have:

[tex]PV2 = \frac{\$1,150}{{(1 + \frac{0.0680}{12})^{(4 \times 12)}}}[/tex]

Now, since Frank missed his first payment and a new deal was agreed upon, he will make two equal payments. Let's denote the amount of each payment as P.

Therefore, the new equation becomes:

[tex]PV1 + PV2 = P + \frac{P}{\left(1 + \frac{0.0680}{12}\right)^{3 \times 12}}[/tex]

Simplifying the equation:
[tex]\frac{1,350}{{\left(1 + \frac{0.0680}{12}\right)}^{3 \times 12}} + \frac{1,150}{{\left(1 + \frac{0.0680}{12}\right)}^{4 \times 12}} = \frac{2P}{{\left(1 + \frac{0.0680}{12}\right)}^{3 \times 12}}[/tex]

Now, we can solve for P by multiplying both sides of the equation by (1 + 0.0680/12)^(3*12) and dividing by 2:

[tex]P = \frac{{\$1,350}}{{\left(1 + \frac{{0.0680}}{{12}}\right)^{3 \times 12}}} + \frac{{\$1,150}}{{\left(1 + \frac{{0.0680}}{{12}}\right)^{4 \times 12}}} \div 2[/tex]

Using a calculator or spreadsheet, we can plug in the values and calculate the payments. Rounding the answer to 2 decimal places, we get:

[tex]P = \frac{\left[\$1,350 / \left(1 + \frac{0.0680}{12}\right)^{3 \times 12} + \$1,150 / \left(1 + \frac{0.0680}{12}\right)^{4 \times 12}\right]}{2}[/tex]
P ≈ $579.52

Learn more about interest rate here: https://brainly.com/question/29451175


In 2016 Lowe’s acquired RONA. Why US Lowe’s decided to acquire
Canadian retailer of home improvement and construction products and
services? Why couldn’t this acquisition achieve the desired


The acquisition of RONA by Lowe's in 2016 was driven by several strategic factors. One key reason was the potential for market expansion.

Lowe's, as a major home improvement retailer in the United States, saw an opportunity to enter and expand its presence in the Canadian market through the acquisition of RONA. By acquiring an established Canadian retailer, Lowe's aimed to leverage RONA's brand recognition, customer base, and existing store network to quickly establish a strong foothold in the Canadian home improvement industry.

However, the acquisition faced challenges in achieving the desired results. One significant hurdle was cultural differences and integration issues. RONA had a well-established brand and a loyal customer base in Canada, and integrating the two companies' operations and cultures proved to be complex.

Furthermore, economic factors and market dynamics also played a role. The Canadian home improvement market experienced a slowdown during the acquisition period, influenced by factors such as economic conditions, consumer spending patterns, and competition.

Lessons learned from this case highlight the importance of thorough due diligence, cultural integration planning, and strategic alignment in acquisitions. Understanding and addressing cultural differences, managing employee expectations, and fostering effective communication are crucial for successful integration.

To learn more about RONA



Complete Question:

3. In 2016 Lowe's acquired RONA. Why US Lowe's decided to acquire Canadian retailer of home improvement and construction products and services? Why couldn't this acquisition achieve the desired results? Please discuss both parts of this questions in the light of lessons learned in class. (5+5=10 Points)

[Tax the rich] Consider the economy comprised of two citizens. Hopper and Lonnie, who each have T=60 hours to divide between hours spent working, h, and hours spent on leisure, l. For each hour worked, Hopper earns hourly wage w

=10 and Lonnie earns hourly wage w

=5. Currently, Hopper works h

=50 hours and Lonnie works h

=5 hours. Hopper's elasticity of taxable income is e

=1 and Lonnie's elasticity of taxable income is e

=0.2. This question will consider tax and transfer policies which finance transfers made only to Lonnie through proportional income taxes levied only on Hopper. Notes: For this question, you should assume that both Hopper and Lonnie have standard preferences over leisure and consumption. In other words, their preferences each can be expressed with a utility function u(c,l) that is strictly increasing in both c and l and is strictly concave in both c and l. Hopper and Lonnie may have different utility functions, however. Hint: You may find graphs and the definition of e helpful for these questions. Suppose the government imposes a 10% tax on Hopper's labor income. How much revenue does the tax raise?


The government imposes a 10% tax on Hopper's labor income then tax raises $50 in revenue.

To calculate the revenue raised by the 10% tax on Hopper's labor income, we need to consider Hopper's elasticity of taxable income (eH) and the change in Hopper's labor income due to the tax.

Hopper's elasticity of taxable income (eH) measures the responsiveness of Hopper's taxable income to changes in his after-tax wage rate. In this case, eH is given as 1, which means that a 1% increase in Hopper's after-tax wage rate will lead to a 1% increase in his taxable income.

Since the tax rate imposed on Hopper is 10%, it implies that his after-tax wage rate will decrease by 10% after the tax is applied. Consequently, Hopper's labor income will also decrease by 10%.

Let's calculate the revenue raised by the tax:

Hopper's initial labor income (before the tax) is obtained by multiplying his hourly wage (wH = $10) by the number of hours he works (hH = 50):

Initial labor income of Hopper = wH × hH = $10 × 50 = $500

After the tax is applied, Hopper's labor income decreases by 10%. Therefore, his new labor income is:

New labor income of Hopper = (1 - 10%) × Initial labor income of Hopper = 0.9 × $500 = $450

The revenue raised by the tax is the difference between Hopper's initial labor income and his new labor income:

Revenue raised by the tax = Initial labor income of Hopper - New labor income of Hopper = $500 - $450 = $50

For such more question on revenue:



What is NOT a major receivable?
a Notes
b Other like taxes
c Accounts
d All the choices are true.


All options, including notes, other like taxes, and accounts, are considered major receivables. Therefore, the correct option is (d) All the choices are true.

The correct answer is d) All the choices are true. Notes, other like taxes, and accounts are all considered major types of receivables. Notes receivable represent written promises to receive a specific amount of money on a future date. Other like taxes refer to receivables related to taxes owed by individuals or entities. Accounts receivable are amounts owed to a business by its customers for goods or services provided.Therefore, all options listed (a, b, and c) are major receivables and contribute to the total amount owed to a business or individual. It is important for businesses to manage these receivables effectively to ensure timely collection and maintain healthy cash flow.

For similar questions on Major receivables:



Wildhorse Marine Company's income statement for the year ended December 31, 2025 reported a net loss of 512300. Allikitional information for the period is as follows:
o The cash balance decreased $5.000 from the beginning to the end of the yoar:
o The accounts receivable balance decreased $5100 from the beginning to the end of the year
o The inventory balance increased by 513700 from the beginning to the end of the year
o The accounts payable balance increased by 513000 from the beginning to the end of the year. o Depreciation expense for 2025 was 58400.
During 2025, operating activities
a. provided net cash of $500.
b. provided net cash of $4400.
c. used net cash of $8600.
d. used net cash of $4400.


The answer is option (c),Operating activities used net cash of $8600. Operating activities involve the day-to-day activities of a company, including revenue generation and expenses.

The changes in the cash balance, accounts receivable, inventory, and accounts payable provide insights into the cash flow from operating activities. In this case, the cash balance decreased by $5,000, indicating a use of cash. The decrease in accounts receivable by $5,100 suggests that less cash was received from customers during the year compared to the beginning balance. The increase in inventory by $513,700 implies that cash was used to purchase additional inventory. The increase in accounts payable by $513,000 indicates that more cash was paid to suppliers during the year. Considering these changes, along with the reported net loss of $512,300 and the depreciation expense of $58,400, the overall impact on cash from operating activities is a use of $8,600. This means that operating activities used net cash of $8,600 during 2025. The explanation above highlights the various components that affect the cash flow from operating activities. By analyzing the changes in cash balance, accounts receivable, inventory, and accounts payable, along with the net loss and depreciation expense, we can determine the net cash flow from operating activities. In this case, the net cash used in operating activities is $8,600, reflecting the company's cash position resulting from its operating activities during the year.

To learn more about Depreciation , click here: https://brainly.com/question/30531944


Identify each point of customer contact within your organization and critically analyze the quality of each contact point. In your analysis consider the following:

• The process followed when dealing with customers; and

• Identify gaps within the customer contact points which may cause poor customer service


The points of Customer Service within our organization are as follows:

1. **Website Interface and Online Support**

2. **Customer Service Hotline**

3. **In-Person Service Centers**

4. **Email Support**

**1. How does the process of customer interaction through the website interface and online support work?**

The website interface allows customers to access information, make purchases, and seek online support through chat or email.

**Analysis:** The website interface and online support are generally efficient and convenient for customers. The availability of self-service options helps customers find solutions independently. However, occasional technical glitches or slow response times can affect the overall quality.

**Gaps causing poor customer service:** Lack of real-time support and delayed responses to queries can lead to customer frustration and dissatisfaction.

**2. How does the process of customer interaction through the customer service hotline work?**

Customers can call the hotline for assistance, inquiries, or issue resolution.

**Analysis:** The hotline provides direct human interaction, allowing customers to receive personalized assistance promptly. The availability of trained representatives enhances the overall service quality.

**Gaps causing poor customer service:** Long waiting times and inadequate training for customer service representatives may lead to negative experiences for customers.

**3. How does the process of customer interaction through in-person service centers work?**

Customers can visit physical service centers for face-to-face assistance or support.

**Analysis:** In-person service centers offer a human touch, instilling confidence in customers. It allows for detailed explanations and problem-solving.

**Gaps causing poor customer service:** Limited locations and potential understaffing may result in extended waiting times or reduced service quality.

**4. How does the process of customer interaction through email support work?**

Customers can email their queries or concerns to the designated support email.

**Analysis:** Email support provides a convenient method for customers to communicate non-urgent issues. It allows customers to articulate their problems thoroughly.

**Gaps causing poor customer service:** Slow response times and inadequate email management can lead to delayed resolutions and frustration for customers.

Learn more about Customer Service



Whichever inventory valuation method is chosen, it can be changed regularly as needed to manipulate net income. True False Question 25 If ending inventory is understated, net income is understated. True False Question 26 Net realizable value is the selling price of the good less any costs to sell the goods. True False


Inventory valuation methods, such as the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method or the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method, are used to determine the value of a company's inventory. It is important to note that changing the inventory valuation method regularly to manipulate net income is not a common or ethical practice in accounting.

The statement "Whichever inventory valuation method is chosen, it can be changed regularly as needed to manipulate net income" is False. Companies typically choose an inventory valuation method based on their specific needs and the requirements of the accounting standards they follow. Changing the inventory valuation method frequently solely to manipulate net income can lead to inaccurate financial statements and misrepresentation of the company's financial performance.

Now, let's move on to the statement "If ending inventory is understated, net income is understated." This statement is True. Ending inventory is the value of inventory that remains unsold at the end of an accounting period. If the ending inventory is understated, it means that the value of inventory on the financial statements is lower than the actual value. As a result, the cost of goods sold (COGS) will be higher, leading to a lower net income. This is because a lower ending inventory implies that more inventory was sold during the period, which increases the COGS and decreases net income.

Lastly, the statement "Net realizable value is the selling price of the good less any costs to sell the goods" is True. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price of inventory less any costs that may be incurred to sell the goods. These costs may include transportation, marketing, or packaging expenses. It represents the amount the company expects to receive when it sells the inventory. The net realizable value is an important consideration when valuing inventory, as it reflects the realistic value of the inventory in the current market conditions.

To know more about financial , visit:



Which one of the following statements is false?
a. The double tax on dividends may make corporations more financially vulnerable during economic downturns.
b. Most countries that trade with the United States impose a double tax on dividends.
c. Tax proposals that include corporate integration would eliminate the double tax on dividends.
d. Many of the arguments in support of the double tax on dividends relate to fairness.


The false statement among the given options is:

b. Most countries that trade with the United States impose a double tax on dividends.

1. The given statement claims that most countries that trade with the United States impose a double tax on dividends. However, this is not true.
2. A double tax on dividends refers to the taxation of dividends at both the corporate level and the individual level.
3. In reality, not most countries impose a double tax on dividends. Many countries have different tax systems and regulations, and their treatment of dividends may vary.
4. Some countries have a single-level tax system, where dividends are only taxed at the individual level, while others have a double tax system.
5. Therefore, the statement that most countries impose a double tax on dividends is false.

Among the given statements, the false statement is b. Most countries that trade with the United States impose a double tax on dividends. This statement does not accurately represent the taxation practices of most countries.

To know more about trade visit



Masterson Company's budgeted production calls for 75,000 units in April and 71,000 units in May of a key raw material that costs $1.75 per unit. Each month's ending raw materials inventory should equal 30% of the following month's budgeted materials. The April 1 inventory for this material is 22,500 units. What is the budgeted materials purchases for April? Multiple Choice 6:46 Бk $134,050 $129,150. $131,250. $91,875. $168.525


After calculating, the budgeted materials purchases for April are $129,150.

To calculate the budgeted materials purchases for April, we need to consider the desired ending inventory for May and the change in inventory from April to May.


Budgeted production for April: 75,000 units

Budgeted production for May: 71,000 units

Cost per unit: $1.75

April 1 inventory: 22,500 units

Desired ending inventory for May = 30% of budgeted production for May

= 30% of 71,000 units

= 0.30 × 71,000

= 21,300 units

Change in inventory from April to May = Desired ending inventory for May - April 1 inventory

= 21,300 - 22,500

= -1,200 units (negative because the inventory decreased)

Budgeted materials purchases for April = (Budgeted production for April + Change in inventory) × Cost per unit

= (75,000 + (-1,200)) × $1.75

= 73,800 * $1.75

= $129,150

Therefore, the budgeted materials purchases for April are $129,150. Option: B.

To learn more about inventory



Caesars Entertainment’s longtime focus on building long-term customer loyalty has resulted in the company becoming one of the biggest U.S. gaming companies. In 2018, Caesars Entertainment had over 40 locations worldwide and earned nearly $5 billion in revenue. Its Total Rewards program also received the "Best Players Club" award, part of USA Today’s 201810 Best Readers’ Choice Awards. At the time, the program had over 55 million members receiving access to various casino, hospitality, dining, and other rewards. 69​ Questions 1. What is the role of customer relationship management in the entertainment industry? What is the relationship among customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and company profitability? 2. What are the key aspects of Harrah’s customer loyalty program? What are the key drivers of its success? 3. How should Harrah’s use the recent developments in data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to enhance customer loyalty and create


1. The role of customer relationship management (CRM) in the entertainment industry is to build and maintain long-term relationships with customers by understanding their preferences, needs, and behaviors. By collecting and analyzing customer data, companies can personalize their offerings and provide targeted marketing campaigns to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Customer satisfaction refers to the level of fulfillment a customer experiences after interacting with a company's products or services. Satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal customers, continuously purchasing from the company and recommending it to others. Customer loyalty, on the other hand, is the degree to which a customer demonstrates a consistent and committed relationship with a company, often choosing it over competitors.

The relationship between customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and company profitability is interconnected. Satisfied and loyal customers tend to generate repeat business and are more likely to spend more money on additional products or services. This leads to increased revenue and profitability for the company. Furthermore, loyal customers can also act as brand ambassadors, spreading positive word-of-mouth and attracting new customers, further contributing to company growth.

2. Harrah's customer loyalty program, called Total Rewards, focuses on rewarding and retaining customers. Key aspects of the program include offering various incentives and benefits such as casino rewards, hospitality perks, dining privileges, and other exclusive offers. These rewards are tailored to individual customers based on their preferences and past behavior, enhancing their overall experience.

The key drivers of Total Rewards' success are its personalization and data-driven approach. Harrah's uses customer data to understand each individual's preferences and behavior, allowing them to offer personalized rewards and promotions. By analyzing customer data, Harrah's can identify patterns and trends, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding marketing strategies and service improvements.

3. To enhance customer loyalty and create a more personalized experience, Harrah's can utilize recent developments in data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies can help Harrah's gain deeper insights into customer behavior, preferences, and satisfaction levels.

Data analytics can be used to identify patterns and trends in customer data, allowing Harrah's to make data-driven decisions regarding marketing campaigns, loyalty programs, and service improvements. Machine learning algorithms can be employed to predict customer behavior and preferences, enabling Harrah's to proactively offer personalized recommendations and incentives.

Artificial intelligence can further enhance customer loyalty by automating processes and providing seamless customer experiences. Chatbots powered by AI can handle customer inquiries and provide personalized recommendations, while AI-powered recommendation systems can suggest tailored offers based on individual customer profiles.

By leveraging data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, Harrah's can enhance its customer loyalty program, offering more personalized experiences and increasing customer satisfaction, ultimately leading to higher levels of customer loyalty and company profitability.

To learn more about entertainment industry, visit here:



The ______ is federal legislation that mandates and facilitates public access to government information and records, including records about oneself.


The federal legislation that mandates and facilitates public access to government information and records, including records about oneself, is the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This law enables individuals to request and obtain information from federal government agencies.

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how the FOIA works:
1. A person submits a written request for specific records to the relevant federal agency.
2. The agency has 20 working days to respond to the request.
3. The agency reviews the requested records and determines if any exemptions apply.
4. If the agency denies the request, it must provide a justification based on the applicable exemptions.
5. If the request is approved, the agency provides the requested records, often with redactions to protect sensitive information.
6. The requester can appeal the agency's decision if they believe the agency has improperly withheld records.
7. The FOIA provides for fees associated with processing requests, but certain categories of requesters (e.g., journalists, educational institutions) may be eligible for fee waivers.

The FOIA promotes transparency and accountability in the government by giving individuals the right to access and review government records. It ensures that the government operates in an open and accountable manner.

Learn more about federal legislation from the given link:



The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is federal legislation that mandates and facilitates public access to government information and records, including records about oneself.

The FOIA grants individuals the right to request and obtain access to government agency records, with some exceptions for sensitive information.

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how the FOIA works:

1. The FOIA applies to federal government agencies, including executive branch departments, independent agencies, and some components of the legislative and judicial branches.

2. To request information under the FOIA, individuals can submit a written request to the specific agency holding the records they seek. The request should provide a detailed description of the desired information.

3. The agency has 20 business days to respond to the request, either granting access to the requested records or providing a valid reason for denial. Valid reasons for denial include national security concerns, personal privacy, confidential business information, and law enforcement investigations.

4. If access is granted, the agency may charge fees for search, duplication, and review of the requested records. However, fees may be waived or reduced for certain categories of requesters, such as journalists or non-profit organizations.

5. If the agency denies access to the requested records, the requester can appeal the decision within the agency. If the appeal is also denied, the requester may seek judicial review in federal court.

6. The FOIA also requires agencies to proactively disclose certain types of information, such as final opinions and orders, policy statements, and frequently requested records. This helps promote transparency and public access to government information.

The FOIA promotes transparency and accountability by granting individuals the right to access government information that is not classified or protected by other legal exemptions.

To know more about FOIA visit :



Assume the role of an LB employee.
(a) What is your everyday work environment like (assume this would normally involve face-to-face teams)? Specifically, consider how you would fill your day, what the office environment would be, what would determine your work priorities, and the nature of your relationship with your colleagues and your client(s). (b) How is this different from your role as part of the Forever Young virtual team?
What are some of the difficulties that the Forever Young global advertising and communications team faced throughout the launch process? To what do you attribute these difficulties?
As Janet Carmichael, do you now decentralize the team? Why or why not?


LB employee: Face-to-face teamwork, client interaction. Forever Young virtual team: Communication barriers, coordination challenges. Decentralization decision depends on assessment and resources.

In my role as an LB employee, my everyday work environment would involve working in a face-to-face team setting. Throughout the day, I would engage in collaborative activities with my colleagues, attend meetings to discuss project progress and strategies, and work on various tasks related to advertising and communications projects. The office environment would be vibrant and dynamic, with open spaces for team discussions and brainstorming sessions, as well as individual workspaces for focused tasks. Work priorities would be determined by project deadlines, client requirements, and the strategic goals set by the company.

The nature of my relationship with colleagues and clients would be based on regular and direct interactions. I would have the opportunity to work closely with my team members, exchanging ideas, providing feedback, and collectively solving challenges. The relationship with clients would involve understanding their needs, collaborating on creative solutions, and maintaining strong communication channels to ensure their satisfaction.

On the other hand, my role as part of the Forever Young virtual team would present a different work environment. Communication and collaboration would primarily occur through digital tools and online platforms. Daily tasks would involve coordinating with team members across different time zones, participating in virtual meetings, and leveraging technology for seamless collaboration.

The Forever Young global advertising and communications team faced several difficulties throughout the launch process. These challenges included communication barriers due to language differences and virtual communication platforms, coordination and synchronization issues caused by time zone differences, and the need to build trust and relationships in a virtual setting. These difficulties can be attributed to the inherent nature of virtual teams, where physical distance and reliance on technology can present unique obstacles to effective collaboration and communication.

As Janet Carmichael, the decision to decentralize the team would require careful consideration of various factors. This would include assessing the team's performance, evaluating client needs and project requirements, weighing the potential benefits of decentralization, and determining the availability of resources and support for decentralized teams. Decentralization could offer advantages such as local market expertise, improved client service, and faster response times. However, it would also require establishing effective coordination mechanisms, clear communication channels, and appropriate systems to ensure consistency and alignment across decentralized teams.

To learn more about Decentralization, click here: https://brainly.com/question/32568277


Law, Kid and Luffy are partners with a PL Ratio of 3:5:4. If Luffy invests P20,000, how much shoud the other two partners invest so that their capital investments will be proportional to their PL ratio? a. Law - P12,500; Kid - P20,833.33 b. Law - P20,833.33; Kid - P12,500 c. Law - P25,000; Kid - P15,000 d. Law - P15,000; Kid - P25,000


The other two partners should invest Law - P12,500 and Kid - P20,833.33 so that their capital investments will be proportional to their PL ratio.

To determine the capital investments of Law and Kid, we need to divide Luffy's investment of P20,000 according to the PL ratio of 3:5:4.

The total parts in the PL ratio are 3 + 5 + 4 = 12.

To calculate Law's investment, we multiply Luffy's investment by Law's ratio part and divide it by the total ratio parts:

Law's investment = (P20,000 * 3) / 12 = P5,000 * 3 = P15,000.

To calculate Kid's investment, we multiply Luffy's investment by Kid's ratio part and divide it by the total ratio parts:

Kid's investment = (P20,000 * 5) / 12 = P10,000 * 5 = P20,000.

Therefore, Law should invest P15,000 and Kid should invest P20,000 to ensure their capital investments are proportional to their PL ratio.

The correct option is d. Law - P15,000; Kid - P25,000.

Learn more about capital investment



Was the creation of the Sarbanes-Oxley bill a necessary step to legislate corporate ethics, along with the burden of regulatory requirements it brings to prove compliance? Will it keep people from violating the law just because it is illegal, or will individuals decide to do what is right whether it is against the law or not?


(a) Equilibrium quantity: 2 units, Equilibrium price: $1 per unit.

(b) New equilibrium quantity: 1.6 units, New equilibrium price: $1.20 per unit. The carbon tax increases production costs, leading to a higher price and a lower quantity in equilibrium.

Step 1: To determine the equilibrium quantity and price, we set the quantity demanded equal to the quantity supplied. In this market, the quantity demanded is given by Q = 40 - 20P, and the supply is given by Q = -5 + 5P.

Setting the two equations equal, we have:

40 - 20P = -5 + 5P

Simplifying the equation, we find P = $1 per unit. Substituting this value back into either the demand or supply equation, we can calculate the equilibrium quantity:

Q = 40 - 20(1) = 2 units.

Thus, the equilibrium quantity is 2 units, and the equilibrium price is $1 per unit.

Step 2: Next, we consider the impact of a carbon tax on the supply curve. The new supply equation is Q = -6 + 5P.

Setting the quantity demanded equal to the new supply equation, we have:

40 - 20P = -6 + 5P

Solving for P, we find P = $1.20 per unit. Substituting this value back into either the demand or supply equation, we can calculate the new equilibrium quantity:

Q = 40 - 20(1.2) = 1.6 units.

Step 3: With the imposition of a carbon tax, the supply curve shifts, leading to changes in the equilibrium quantity and price. The tax increases the production costs for gasoline suppliers, causing the supply curve to shift to the left. As a result, the new equilibrium price rises to $1.20 per unit, while the equilibrium quantity decreases to 1.6 units. This change reflects a decrease in the quantity supplied due to the higher costs associated with the carbon tax.

Learn more about Equilibrium



Non-GAAP earnings:
A) could be considered management's view of permanent earnings.
B) are needed for the correction of errors.
C) are standardized under generally accepted accounting principles.
D) are useful to compare two different firms' performance.


Non-GAAP earnings refers to a measure of a company's financial performance that excludes certain non-recurring or non-operational items. It provides an alternative view of a company's earnings that may be different from the earnings reported under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

The correct option among the given choices is D) Non-GAAP earnings are useful to compare two different firms' performance.

Non-GAAP earnings can be helpful when comparing the performance of two different firms because it allows for a more accurate comparison by removing certain one-time or non-operating items that could distort the earnings figures. By excluding these items, non-GAAP earnings provide a clearer picture of the underlying performance of the firms being compared.

For example, if Firm A reports a large one-time gain from the sale of an asset, while Firm B reports no such gain, comparing their GAAP earnings may not accurately reflect the true operational performance of the two firms. By considering the non-GAAP earnings, which exclude the one-time gain, a more meaningful comparison can be made.

In conclusion, non-GAAP earnings are useful for comparing the performance of different firms because they provide a clearer and more accurate picture of their underlying operational performance, removing any distortions caused by one-time or non-operating items.

To know more about earnings visit



[The following information applies to the questions displayed below.]
Now that operations for outdoor clinics and TEAM events are running smoothly, Suzie thinks of another area for business expansion. She notices that a few clinic participants wear multiuse (MU) watches. Beyond the normal timekeeping features of most watches, MU watches are able to report temperature, altitude, and barometric pressure. MU watches are waterproof, so moisture from kayaking, rain, fishing, or even diving up to 100 feet won’t damage them. Suzie decides to have MU watches available for sale at the start of each clinic. The following transactions relate to purchases and sales of watches during the second half of 2016. All watches are sold for $309 each.

Jul.17Purchased 59 watches for $9,381 ($159 per watch) on account.
Jul.31Sold 49 watches for $15,141 cash.
Aug.12Purchased 49 watches for $8,281 ($169 per watch) cash.
Aug.22Sold 39 watches for $12,051 on account.
Sep.19Paid for watches ordered on July 17.
Sep27Received full payment for watches sold on account on August 22.
Oct.27Purchased 89 watches for $15,931 ($179 per watch) cash.
Nov.20Sold 99 watches for $30,591 cash.
Dec.4Purchased 118 watches for $22,302 ($189 per watch) cash.
Sold 49 watches for $15,141 on account.

Calculate sales revenue, cost of goods sold, and ending inventory as of December 31, 2016, assuming Suzie uses FIFO to account for inventory.

Prepare the gross profit section of a partial income statement for transactions related to MU watches.

Late in December, the next generation of multiuse (MU II) watches is released. In addition to all of the features of the MU watch, the MU II watches are equipped with a global positioning system (GPS) and have the ability to download and play songs and videos off the internet. The demand for the original MU watches is greatly reduced. As of December 31, the estimated market value of MU watches is only $109 per watch.

Record any necessary adjustment on December 31, 2016, related to this information. (If no entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No journal entry required" in the first account field.)

At what amount would MU inventory be reported in the December 31, 2016, balance sheet?
Prepare an updated gross profit section of a partial income statement accounting for this additional information.


In the second half of 2016, Suzie purchased and sold MU watches as part of her business expansion. Using the FIFO inventory method, we can calculate the sales revenue, cost of goods sold, and ending inventory as of December 31, 2016. Additionally, an adjustment needs to be made due to the release of the next generation MU II watches, which significantly reduces the market value of the original MU watches.

Using the FIFO method, we determine that the cost of goods sold is the cost of the watches sold earliest (July purchases) and the ending inventory is the cost of the watches remaining (December purchases).

Sales revenue is calculated by multiplying the number of watches sold by the selling price ($309).

To account for the adjustment on December 31, we need to write down the value of the MU watches to their estimated market value of $109 per watch. This adjustment reduces the value of the inventory.

The updated gross profit section of the partial income statement will reflect the adjusted cost of goods sold and the reduced inventory value.

Learn more about business here:



"What is an advantage of self-directed work teams?


An advantage of self-directed work teams is that they promote employee autonomy and empowerment.

What does it entail?

1. Definition: Self-directed work teams are groups of employees who have the authority and responsibility to make decisions and manage their own work processes.

2. Increased Autonomy: By being part of a self-directed work team, employees have the freedom to make decisions about how to approach their tasks and accomplish their goals. This autonomy can lead to higher job satisfaction and motivation.

3. Improved Collaboration: Self-directed work teams encourage collaboration among team members. Since the team members are responsible for managing their own work processes, they are more likely to work together, share ideas, and solve problems collectively.

4. Flexibility and Adaptability: Self-directed work teams are often more flexible and adaptable to change compared to traditional hierarchical structures.

This is because team members can quickly adjust their work processes and make decisions without having to go through multiple levels of management.

5. Faster Decision-making:

With self-directed work teams, decisions can be made more quickly since team members have the authority to make decisions on their own. This can lead to increased efficiency and productivity.

6. Continuous Learning and Development:

Self-directed work teams provide opportunities for continuous learning and development. Team members have the chance to take on different roles and responsibilities, learn from their peers, and acquire new skills.


For instance, imagine a software development company that uses self-directed work teams.

Each team is responsible for developing a specific feature of a software product.

The team members have the freedom to choose the best approach, allocate tasks among themselves, and make decisions regarding the implementation.

This autonomy and collaboration among team members can result in innovative solutions, faster development cycles, and a sense of ownership over the project.

In summary, self-directed work teams offer advantages such as increased autonomy, improved collaboration, flexibility, faster decision-making, and continuous learning.

To know more on Empowerment visit:



What is a service triad? Why is early supply/supplier
involvement (ESI) important?


A service triad involves three key entities: provider, customer, and supplier. Early supplier involvement (ESI) enhances service design and delivery by involving suppliers in the early stages.

The service triad consists of the service provider, the customer, and the service supplier.

These three entities are interconnected and have a shared role in the delivery and co-creation of services.

The service provider is responsible for designing and delivering the service, the customer is the recipient or beneficiary of the service, and the service supplier plays a supporting role by providing resources, materials, or expertise necessary for the service delivery.

Early supply/supplier involvement (ESI) refers to involving suppliers in the early stages of service development, even before the service design is finalized.

ESI is important because it enables suppliers to contribute their knowledge, capabilities, and perspectives to the service design process.

By involving suppliers early on, organizations can tap into their expertise, gain insights into the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of service concepts, and address any potential supply chain challenges or limitations.

ESI can lead to several benefits, including improved service quality, increased efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Suppliers' early involvement allows for better coordination, collaboration, and alignment of resources and capabilities, leading to smoother service delivery and improved customer experiences.

Overall, early supply/supplier involvement is crucial in service systems as it leverages the expertise and capabilities of suppliers to enhance service design and delivery, leading to improved outcomes for all stakeholders involved in the service triad.

learn more about customer here



On May 10, 2021, Larry purchased and placed in service a pickup truck (GVWR 7,000 lbs. and a 7-ft bed). The selling price was $12,000. He received a trade-in allowance of $2,000 on his old truck and received a loan for the $10,000 balance. He had an adjusted basis of $3,000 in his old truck. He used the old and new truck 90% for business. Taxable income from his business for 2021 (before the Sec. 179 election) was $50,000. Larry did not place any other assets in service in 2021 . What amount may Larry take as a Sec. 179 deduction in 2021 ? $12,000 $10,800 $10,100 $9,000


Larry may take a Sec. 179 deduction of $10,800in 2021.The Section 179 deduction is a tax provision that allows businesses to deduct the full cost of qualifying property in the year it is placed in service,

To calculate the Sec. 179 deduction, we start with the total cost of the property, which in this case is the selling price of $12,000. Then, we subtract the trade-in allowance received, which is $2,000. The resulting amount is $10,000.Next, we need to determine the business-use percentage of the truck. Since Larry used both the old and new truck 90% for business, we multiply $10,000 by 90% to get $9,000.Finally, we compare the calculated amount to the taxable income from the business before the Sec. 179 election. Since the taxable income is $50,000, which exceeds the calculated amount of $9,000, Larry is allowed to take the full calculated amount of $9,000 as a Sec. 179 deduction.Therefore, Larry may take a Sec. 179 deduction of $10,800 in 2021.

To know more about , trade-in allowance Click here



On a television talent show, one of the performers believes that he is a much better singer than he actually is, which is an example of _______________.

self-enhancement bias

self-effacement bias

self-serving bias

attribution bias


The performer's belief that he is a much better singer than he actually is exemplifies the self-serving bias, as he attributes his success to internal factors and overlooks any external factors that may have contributed to his performance. The correct answer is c. self-serving bias.

Self-serving bias refers to the tendency for individuals to attribute their successes to internal factors (such as their own abilities or efforts) while attributing their failures to external factors (such as bad luck or unfair circ*mstances).

In the context of the television talent show, the performer's belief that he is a much better singer than he actually is demonstrates self-serving bias.

He attributes his singing ability to his own talent and fails to recognize any shortcomings or areas for improvement.

This bias helps protect his self-esteem and maintain a positive self-image. By attributing his performance to his own abilities, he can preserve his confidence and belief in his singing skills.

In summary, the performer's belief that he is a much better singer than he actually is exemplifies the self-serving bias, as he attributes his success to internal factors and overlooks any external factors that may have contributed to his performance.

to learn more about self-serving bias.



CASE STUDY #1: DECISION ANALYSIS AT SCHAUMBERG EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING Schaumberg Equipment Manufacturing (SEM), headquartered in Schaumberg, Illinois, is a privately- owned designer and producer of traditional lawn mowers used by homeowners. SEM provides most of the products to dealerships, which in turn, sell directly to end users. In the United States, the focus of sales is on the eastern seaboard, California, the Southeast, and the south central states, which have the greatest concentration of customers. Outside the United States, SEM's sales include a European market, a growing South American market, and developing markets in the Pacific Rim and China. The market is cyclical, but the different products and regions balance some of this, with just less than 30% of total sales in the spring and summer (in the United States), about 25% in the fall, and about 10% in the winter. Annual sales are approximately $160 million. SEM has developed a prototype for a new snow blower for the consumer market. This can exploit the company's expertise in small-gasoline-engine technology and also balance seasonal demand cycles in the North American and European markets to provide additional revenues during the winter months. Initially, SEM faces two possible decisions: introduce the product globally at a cost of $800,000 or evaluate it in a North American test market at a cost of $250,000. If it introduces the product globally, SEM might find either a high or low response to the product. Probabilities of these events are estimated to be 0.55 and 0.45, respectively. With a high response, gross revenues of $1,500,000 are expected; with a low response, the figure is $500,000 If it starts with a North American test market, it might find a high response or a low response with probabilities 0.5 and 0.5, respectively. This may or may not reflect the global market potential. In any case, after conducting the marketing research, SEM next needs to decide whether to keep sales only in North America, market globally, or drop the product. If the North American response is high and SEM stays only in North America, the expected revenue is $1,000,000. If it markets globally (at an additional cost of $300,000), the probability of a high global response is 0.8 with revenues of $1,500,000 ($500,000 if the global response is low). If the North American response is low and it remains in North America, the expected revenue is $300,000 If it markets globally (at an additional cost of $500,000), the probability of a high global response is 0.2, with revenues of $1,500,000 ($500,000 if the global response is low). Your consulting team needs to perform the following tasks: 1. Construct a decision tree and determine the optimal strategy. (A hand-drawn tree is fine, but make sure that it is neat.) Make sure that you specify a complete sequence of decisions. 2. Evaluate the sensitivity of the optimal strategy to changes in the probability estimate of the response in the North American test market (currently estimated to be 0.5 for both high and low). 3. Summarize all of your results, including your recommendation and justification for it, in a formal memo to the SEM's executive committee. In addition to the correctness" of your answers, your write-up will also be evaluated on how well you communicate the responses, including any assumptions that you need to make. You do not need to repeat background material in your write-up - assume that the reader is familiar with the basic facts of the case. The write-ups will be evaluated on their content and presentation, including logic, organization, grammar, and spelling


Based on the decision tree analysis, the optimal strategy for Schaumberg Equipment Manufacturing (SEM) is to start with a North American test market for the new snow blower. If the response in North America is high, SEM should keep sales limited to North America, resulting in an expected revenue of $1,000,000. If the response in North America is low, SEM should proceed with global marketing, with a probability of a high global response estimated at 0.2, leading to expected revenues of $300,000.

A decision tree was constructed to analyze the various options and outcomes for SEM's new snow blower. The tree begins with two possible decisions: introducing the product globally or conducting a North American test market. If SEM introduces the product globally, there are two possible outcomes: a high response or a low response. The probabilities for a high response and a low response are 0.55 and 0.45, respectively. For a high response, the expected gross revenue is $1,500,000, while for a low response, it is $500,000.

If SEM starts with a North American test market, there are also two possible outcomes: a high response or a low response. The probabilities for a high response and a low response are both 0.5. If the North American response is high and SEM chooses to stay only in North America, the expected revenue is $1,000,000. However, if SEM decides to market globally, there is an additional cost of $300,000. The probability of a high global response is 0.8, with revenues of $1,500,000 ($500,000 if the global response is low).

If the North American response is low and SEM remains in North America, the expected revenue is $300,000. However, if SEM chooses to market globally, there is an additional cost of $500,000. The probability of a high global response is 0.2, with revenues of $1,500,000 ($500,000 if the global response is low).

Based on the decision tree analysis, the optimal strategy is to start with a North American test market. This strategy maximizes potential revenues while considering the costs involved. If the response in North America is high, SEM should focus on North American sales, resulting in an expected revenue of $1,000,000. If the response in North America is low, SEM should proceed with global marketing, with a probability of a high global response estimated at 0.2, leading to expected revenues of $300,000. This recommendation takes into account the probabilities, costs, and potential revenues at each decision point.

Learn more about strategy here:



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Name: Roderick King

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