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.epub, 🚀/upload, 1.1MB, 📗 Buch (unbekannt), upload/trantor/en/Blodgett, Tamara Rose/[Alpha Claim 01] • Shifter Alpha Claim 1-6 Omnibus.epub
[Alpha Claim 01] • Shifter Alpha Claim 1-6 Omnibus 🔍
Tamara Rose Blodgett
Blodgett, Tamara Rose,Eros, Marata 🔍
* Can a woman find two Alpha soul mates in one lifetime? *
From the * **New York Times** * bestselling author of *A Terrible Love.*
**The Complete BBW Ménage Dark Romance Serial 1-6**
**SAC 1**
Talyn Phisher is a counselor in a world that has been turned on its ear by an unthinkable discovery: vampires roam among humans.
If all this upheaval was not enough, Talyn's body is changing. Signs that something is seriously wrong plague her. Having been told she's barren and there's no hope—Talyn still longs for a family of her own, though the stories she hears from clients tell her happiness is a long shot.
Talyn wants that shot. She yearns for a man who will put her first—for who she is.
Until a stalker's pursuit threatens everything close to Talyn's heart.
When Talyn feels her life is in imminent danger, she reaches out in desperation to the Final Enforcement, an elite, fringe group of the police who do more than take the law into their own hands.
Only to discover Talyn isn't what she thinks she is.
And neither is the one who stalks her.
**SAC 2**
Who can Talyn trust? Certainly not those she thought.
As the evidence mounts that something is seriously wrong, Talyn gains strength from the sameness of her life. Only to have it shattered when a seemingly innocent come-on turns out to be the beginning of the end of the life she knows.
When the local police disregard the facts, Talyn receives unconventional assistance in the form of Enforcer Narah Adrienne.
Until she finds that there is no assisting what plagues her, and that she's more sought after than she could have ever imagined....
**SAC 3**
Talyn finds herself in a compromised position—literally.
Having escaped the supernatural battle raging inside her house, she falls into the wrong set of arms, and soon finds herself alone in a prison constructed of Mutables; a group of shifters that can change into virtually any animal. They too, have a limited female population.
Talyn doesn't care. She refuses to become the Lycan Merck and Arden insist she'll become, though her beast is clawing to escape.
But a revelation about her lineage makes becoming a Lycan a surety, rather than a choice. The question that haunts Talyn is: who will transition her? Friend, foe—or lover?
**SAC 4**
Talyn wakes to find that she's not with who she started with, and tragedy dogs her every step of the way.
Narah works to secure her safety while Mutables make a bid to have her.
Can Merck claim her before it's too late? Or will Drake find a way to insert his dominance above all.
**SAC 5**
Talyn's been accidentally poisoned with dragon's blood. Can she allow the cure?
While Drake and Merck fight over Talyn, Mutables move toward her like a magnet, seeking her for what she offers them.
Will Enforcer Adrienne be able to protect Talyn from a predator who is not what he seems?
**SAC 6**
Talyn escapes the Mutables to an enforcer safe house, and must decide between Merck and Drake—or does she?
Half a claim will not be enough to protect her from the Mutable who want to use her to strengthen their shifts. Can she allow a full claim and what it will mean for her future?
Or will her bid for freedom cost her more than she realizes?
*Shifter* is ****
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